
2016/09/30 02:32:23文/网编3

开云平台登陆 给各位考生整理了2017年高考英语语法必考知识点:并列句的并列连词,希望对大家有所帮助。更多的资讯请持续关注开云平台登陆 。(http://www.pourbars.com/)



I turned on the TV and we sat down and watched it. 我开了电视机后,我们就坐下来看电视节目。

You may go with us, or you may stay at home. 你既可以跟我们一起去也可以呆在家里。

It was getting late; we had to go back. 不早了,我们只得回去。


表示转折关系的并列连词有:but(但是), yet(然而,可是), nevertheless(然而,既然如此,依然)。例如:

He tried hard but he was unsuccessful.他尽了力,但是没有成功。

We have studied English for only a year, yet we can act English plays already. 我们虽然只学了将近一年的英语,但是我们已能表演英语短剧了。

I’m very busy today but I will be free tomorrow. 我今天很忙,但明天有空。

The car was old, yet/nevertheless it was in excellent condition. 车子虽然旧了但车况很好。

She had failed many times, nevertheless she was confident she would succeed in the end. 她尽管失败了好几次,然而她对最后的成功充满信心。


表示因果关系的并列连词:for(解释性补充原因), so(因果承接关系), therefore(比更so文气), hence(较正式,多用于说理的文章中)。例如:

You had better put off your jacket, for it is too hot outside. 你最好把夹克脱掉,外面太热了。

It must be snowing, for it’s so bright outside. 肯定下雪了。外面这么亮。

It was already rather late, so we decided to go home. 天已经很晚了,所以我们决定回家。

My father is coming, so I must stay here and wait for him. 我父亲就要到了,所以我必须呆在这儿等他。

You are a good student, therefore we should believe in you.你是个好学生,因此,我们应当相信你。

You are in the right, therefore we should support you. 你是对的,所以我们应当支持你。

This word is an uncountable noun and it is used in a general sense, hence/therefore it takes no article.


并列连词and(表示并列附加关系), not only…but also (连接两个并列分句时,前一个句子倒装,但侧重点在后一个并列句上)。例如:

Promote physical culture and build up the people’s health.发展体育运动,增强人们体质。

This article is well-written and you’d better read it. 这篇文章写得很好,你最好看看。

Not only is he himself interested in computer but also his son is beginning to show an interest in it.不仅他对电脑感兴趣,而且他的儿子也开始对电脑感兴趣。

Not only everything he had had taken away from him, but also his German citizenship was taken away from him. 不仅他所有的一切被剥夺,而且就连他的德国国籍也被剥夺了。


并列连词or /either…or(表示选择关系), not…neither/nor ( “也不”连接两个并列分句时,后一个句子要用倒装), (“也”后句要倒装)

Either you are mad or I am (mad). 不是你疯了,那就是我疯了。

Either you must improve your work or we shall dismiss you. 要么你好好干,要么我就辞退你。

You have never seen him since 1993, nor have I. 你从1993年就没见到他,我也是

Mr. Black does not smoke, neither/nor does his son. 布莱克先生不吸烟,他儿子也不吸烟。

She can drive a plane, so can he. 她会开飞机,他也会开飞机。

I don’t want to do it, nor/neither do I want you to do it.我不想做,我也不想要你做。


并列连词when(表示等立关系), while (表示对比和转折意义),可以连接并列的句子。如:

I was making a phone call when (and just at that time) the door was blown open. 我正在打电话突然门被风吹开了。

We were about to go out when it started to rain. 我们就要出去,突然老天开始下雨了。

Tom is thin while his wife is fat.汤姆很瘦,而他爱人很胖。

Our math teacher is strict while our English teacher is outgoing. 我们的数学老师很严格,而英语老师很随和。



Stand up; it is your turn to speak now. 站起来,该轮到你了。

I don’t go, ---you must go. 我不去,你必须去。

Why me ---Jack is sitting there doing nothing. 怎么又是我呀杰克坐在那儿什么都没做。

It’s a question of which road to take.----that’s not a small matter.这是走什么道路的问题,而不是小事。

Not only was the coat soft; it was also warm. 这件大衣不仅柔软,而且暖和。


祈使句加and, or引导的并列句表示条件。例如:

Give him an inch and he will take a yard. 他得寸进尺,很贪婪。

Get out of the house or I will beat you. 出去,要不然我就揍你。

Stand up and you’ll see farther. 如果站起来,你就会看得更远。






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