
2017/06/09 10:28:20文/网编2












第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)


第一节 (共5小题,每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


例:How much is the shirt

A. 19.15B.9.18C.9.15


1.What will the woman do this afternoon

A.Do some exercise. B.Go shopping. C. Wash her clothes.

2.Why does the woman call the man

A .To cancel a flight. B. To make an apology. C. To put off a meeting.

3.How much more does David need for the car

A.$ 5,000. B.$20,000. C.$25,000.

4.What is Jane doing

A.Planning a tour. B.Calling her father. C.Asking for leave.

5 .How does the man feel

A.Tied. B.Dizzy. C.Thirsty.




6. What does Jack want to do

A. Watch TV. B. Play outside. C. Go to the zoo.

7. Where does the conversation probably take place

A. At home. B. In a cinema. C. In a supermarket.


8. What does Richard do

A. He’s a newsman. B. He’s a manager. C. He’s a researcher.

9. Where is Richard going next week

A. Birmingham. B. Mexico City. C. Shanghai.

10. What will the speakers do tomorrow

A. Eat out together. B. Visit a university. C. See Professor Hayes.


11. What is the probable relationship between the speakers

A. School friends.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Librarian and library user.

12. Why does Jim suggest Mary buy the book

A. It’s sold at a discount price.

B. It’s important for her study.

C. It’s written by Professor Lee.

13. What will Jim do for Mary

A. Share his book with her.

B. Lend her some money.

C. Ask Henry for help.

第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)




In the coming months, we are bringing together artists form all over the globe, to enjoy speaking Shakespeare’s plays in their own language, in our Globe, within the architecture Shakespeare wrote for. Please come and join us.

National Theatre of China Beijing|Chinese

This great occasion(盛会) will be the National Theatre of China’s first visit to the UK. The company’s productions show the new face of 21st century Chinese theatre. This production of


Shakespeare’s Richard III will be directed by the National’s Associate Director,Wang Xiaoying.

Date & Time : Saturday 28 April,2.30pm & Sunday 29 April,1.30pm & 6.30pm

Marjanishvili Theatre Tbilisi | Georgian

One of the most famous theatres in Georgia,the Marjanishvili,founded in 1928,appears regularly at theatre festivals all over the world. This new production of It is helmed(指导)by the company’s Artistic Director Levan Tsuladze.

Date & Time :Friday 18May,2.30pm & Saturday 19May,7.30pm

Deafinitely Theatre London | British Sign Language (BSL)

By translating the rich and humourous text of Love’s Labour’s Lost into the physical language of BSL,Deafinitely Theatre creates a new interpretation of Shakespeare’s comedy and aims to build a bridge between deaf and hearing worlds by performing to both groups as one audience.

Date & Time : Tuesday 22 May,2.30pm & Wednesday 23 May,7.30pm

Habima National Theatre Tel Aviv | Hebrew

The Habima is the centre of Hebrew-language theatre worldwide ,Founded in Moscow after the 1905 revolution, the company eventually settled in Tel Aviv in the late 1920s,Since 1958, z&xxk they have been recognised as the national theatre of Israel .This production of Shakespeare’s The Merchant of Venice marks their first visit to the UK.

Date & Time :Monday 28May,7.30 & Tuesday 29 May,7.30pm

21.which play will be performed by the National Theatre of China

A.Richard Ⅲ. B.Lover’s Labour’s Lost

C.As You Like It D.The Merchant of Venice

22.What is special about Deafinitely Theatre

A.It has two groups of actors B.It is the leading theatre in London

C.It performs plays in BSL D.It is good at producing comedies

23.When can you see a play in Hebrew

A.On Saturday 28 April. B.On Sunday 29 April

C.On Tuesday 22 May. D. On Tuesday 29 May

第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分45分)



In 1973, I was teaching elementary school.Each day, 27 kids 41 “The Thinking Laboratory.”That was the 42 students voted for after deciding that “Room 104” was too 43 .

Freddy was an average 44 ,but not an average person. He had the rare balance of fun and compassion(同情).He would 45 the loudest over fun and be the saddest over anyone’s 46 .

Before the school year 47 ,I gave the kids a special 48 , T-shirts with the words “Verbs Are Your 49 ” on them. I had advised the kids that while verbs(动词)may seem dull ,most of the 50 things they do throughout their lives will be verbs.

Through the years, I’d run into former students who would provide 51 on old classmates. I learned that Freddy did several jobs after his 52 from high school and remained the same 53 person I met forty years before .Once, while working overnight at a store, he let a homeless man 54 in his truck . Another time , he 55 a friend money to buy a house .

Just last year, I was 56 a workshop when someone knocked at the classroom door. A woman 57 the interruption and handed me an envelope. I stopped teaching and 58 it up. Inside were the “Verbs” shirt and a 59 from Freddy’s mother. “Freddy passed away on Thanksgiving. He wanted you to have this.”

I told the story to the class. As sad as it was, I couldn’t help smiling . Although Freddy was taken from us,we all 60 something from Freddy.

41. A. built B. entered C. decorated D. ran

42. A. name B. rule C. brand D. plan

43. A. small B. dark C. strange D. dull

44. A. scholar B. student C. citizen D. worker

45. A. speak B. sing C. question D. laugh

46. A. misfortune B. disbelief C. dishonesty D. mistake

47. A. changed B. approached C. returned D. ended

48.A.lesson B.gift C.report D.message

49. A.friends B.Awards C.Masters D.Tasks

50. A.simple B.unique C. fun D.clever

51. A.assessments B. comments C.instructions D.updates

52. A.graduation B. retirement C.separation D.resignation

53. A.daring B.modest C.caring D.smart

54. A.wait B.sleep C.study D.live

55. A.paid B.charged C.lent D.owed

56. A.observing B.preparing C. designing D.conducting

57. A.regretted B.avoided C.excused D.ignored

58. A.opened B.packed C.gave D.held

59. A.picture B.bill C.note D.diary

60. A.chose B.took C.expected D.borrowed

第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处;学.科网 每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






Mr. and Mrs.Zhang all work in our school.They live far from the school, and it takes them about a hour and a half to go to work every day. In their spare time, they are interesting in planting vegetables in their garden, that is on the rooftop of their house. They often get up earlier and water the vegetables together. They have also bought for some gardening tools. Beside, they often get some useful informations from the internet. When summer came, they will invite their students pick the vegetables!

第二节 书面表达(满分25分)










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