最新外贸函电支付方式翻译 外贸函电支付方式名词解释(四篇)

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最新外贸函电支付方式翻译 外贸函电支付方式名词解释(四篇)
时间:2023-01-11 22:14:04     小编:zdfb


外贸函电支付方式翻译 外贸函电支付方式名词解释篇一

sales manager


via o, 24/a

castellon spain tel:(964)560001 fax(964)560002 a.第一时间回复——对优先级高的买家要在第一时间回复,领先一步,胜人一筹。

b.回复体现专业性——越来越多的买家关注供应商的专业度。专业度体现在产品和 国际贸易 两方面.您要把您的专业性,渗透在每一次的回复中,不断地提醒买家,您是非常专业的供应商。


e.尽可能多的掌握买家情况.信息的交流是双向的,在您提供信息给买家时,您也可以根据实际情况适时地提一些开放式的问题来了解买家情况,如贵司主要采购哪些产品等?您一年的采购量大约多少? 以下跟您分享一份高质量的报盘: dear graumann,thanks for your e-mail dated are pleased to offer you as below。开篇:

1、称呼:如果您知道客户的名字,在回复时要称呼他的名字,不要再称呼dear sir,dear madam,这样会给买家陌生感。

2、致谢:最好写明客户 询盘 的日期,以方便买家回忆和查询。product: xxxxxx photo:

spe cif ications : appearance:white powder purity(gc):99.0% min melting point:31℃min packing : 50kg iron drums(37cm×37cm×57cm)12mt/1×20’fcl price:1,000kgs usd10.10/kg cfr rotterdam by sea on lcl basis shipment date:within 10 days after receipt of payment or original l/c 报价部分:






for your information,we are the biggest manufacturer in china for this product with output 200mt per quality has been approved by many usa clients and we export around 100mt to american market every we do hope that we can enter into

european market through your ex commercial lots is available upon receipt of your you have any question,please feel free to let us know。辅助部分:

公司优势和产品优势介绍:该产品中国最大的生产商产量200吨/年,其中100吨销往美国,即突出了公司和产品的实力,又表达了希望与买家共同发展欧洲市场的良好愿望。looking forward to hearing from you soon。结束语:表达期待回复的愿望 best regards irene,managing director xxx corp。

add: qingchun road,hangzhou,china tel: xxxxxx fax: xxxxxx e-mail: xxxxxx website: xxxxxx 签名:


(一)dear sirs:

this time last year you placed an order for type bs362 12-volt sealed is adiscontinued line which we had on offer at the now have a similar product on offer, type occurs to us that you might be interested.a descriptive leaflet is have a stockof 590 of type cn233 which we are selling off at gb£30 can offer a quantity discount of upto 15%, but we are prepared to give 20% discount for an offer to buy the complete are giving you this opportunity in view of your previous would appreciate a prompt reply, since we will put the offer out in the event of your not being faithfully,tony smithchiefseller









(二)dear sirs,we have received your address from…a business acquaintance of ours in…who also informed us that you require a large amount of the items we …are very well known in more thaneuropean and other foreign the past…years, we have been able to constantly expand our export are interested in gaining foothold in your country and offering ourentire line of…on the order to give you an idea of the capacity of our organization, we are enclosing our comprehensive illustrated would be very pleased to receive an answer ely yours.(signature)







一、寄样 英语 :询求样品


will you please send us samples of the best printing papers you can offer of the following kinds.2.贵公司的纸张如能符合我方要求,而且价格合理,可否提供样品?

can you send us samples of paper that you can guarantee in this respect, and that will also be reasonable in price?


you might also send me patterns of any new linings in stock or on the looms, for the spring.二、寄样 英语 :寄送样品


we have received your favour of yesterday's date, and have pleasure in enclosing you our samples as follows.2.现送上我公司最近发行的目录一份和几件样品,贵公司对此可能感兴趣,我们静候回音。

we are enclosing a copy of our recent catalogue with a few samples which may possibly interest you, and shall be glad to hear from you at any time.三、寄样 英语 :收到样品


we have received your samples, with a price-list, also your scale of rebate and terms of settlement, all of which we find satisfactory.2.贵公司7月12日寄来的样品和价目表均已收到。

your esteemed favour of the 12th jul with samples and price-list, is duly to hand.四、寄样英语:目录、价目表

we have pleasure in sending herewith a copy of our illustrated catalogue of the machines suitable for your business.2.随信寄去目录表一份,并附有批量订购现货的报价。

we are sending you by this post a catalogue, containing quotations for large orders taken from our existing stock.五、寄样英语:按样品询价

we have a large demand for the supply of 50,000 meters brown serge, whose sample is enclosed to show you the shade and quality we send your samples corresponding to our samples with the most reasonable price ore if you can supply within three months from now.本公司需要5万公尺棕色斜纹布的大量供货。现随函附送我方所需货物的样品,以示其色调及品质。若贵公司能在3个月内供货,请送供货样品,并提供新加坡港c.i.f.最合理的报价。

客户对待样品运费的态度往往反映了客户合作意愿的大小。因此写好一封要求客户付样品运费的函电是必要的。函电例文 dear sir,thanks a lot for your continued interests in our have sincerity in doing business with you your request of samples, glad to tell you they are available order to promote our business in future, they shall be free of charge for as our company principle, you need to pay the freight samples shall be posted to you as soon as you supply us your express account: dhl , fedex, or ups account, or we receive your transmit about usd , to our account: *****in ***** this little discommodiousness will not stand in the way of our forward to your early reply and cooperating with you in near regards!

yours faithfully

dear sirs,we have pleasure in advising you that your order of march 6 has been shipped today by m/y ‘applol’ from find enclosed our invoice for @ 6182 and note that we have drawn on you for this amount at sight attaching the shipping documents to our arranged,we have instructed our bankers to send the documents against payment of our draft which we recommend to your protection。

yours faithfully,中文对照

敬启者: 阁下3月6日订货已交由阿波罗轮承运,今天已从东京港启航,特此奉告。现随函附上美金6182元汇票,开给贵方的汇票是见票即付期票,同时附上装船文件,敬请查收。依照安排,现已指示我方银行发出我方汇票付款文件,对贵方是有利的。


i have arranged production of this order according to your , our accounting department do not allow to execute this order if you do not pay full in advance due to its small quantiy and great i kindly asvise you to pay full in adcance,if so you can avoid double sevice g forward to your favorable regards!

order have already been placed to production the financial department require deposite because our quantity is small with many kindly make full payment and save bank you think so?

waiting for your kind a nice day.

外贸函电支付方式翻译 外贸函电支付方式名词解释篇二



thnk yu f yu lee f obe 1 f business pies we e n sending yu u pie-lis nd lg f he nees ypes h e unde pduin nd e n supplyne f sk

we nnie yu h pies f pie ps nd pnens hve gne up sedily sine he send hlf f he ye thugh e hve ied hdkeep u quins dn, e e fid he gin f keeping n ging like his ill n lng theefe, e sugges h yu ill le us hve yu de befe fuhe ises in ss, hih ill ledise in pies vey sn unvidbly




we undesnd h yu e he gen f he whie tige ies we enlse u de f 1 dzens f he whie tige ies plese ne h e need hese gds he ugenly s chiss is ding ne if yu uld supply gds iely f sesns, e uld ke epeed des, pvided pies e esnble pyen f he enlsed de ill be de ndfsigh unde u lee f edi pened in yu fv n eeip f yu nfiin h he gds e sen u, nd n be deliveed befe 1, deebe,获悉贵公司为“白虎牌领带”的代理商。兹附上1打白虎牌领带订单一份。




refeingyu lee f 5 june, e vey uh ege h e e unbleke yu n ffe f he gds yu dend the esn is h he pdu yu need hs been u f sk wh’s e u nufues hve delined des beuse f shge feils

we shll, heve, file yu inquiy nd ble yu u ffes s sn s e hve g supplies




in eplyyu inquiy e sen yu n my 5py f illused lg f u elei pdus as e hve n hed f yu sine, e

uld likesk hehe yu hve hd eeived u eply nd h pinin yu hve n u pdus we e lys edyseve yu nd shuld be geful f yu eply



f yesedy’s mning ppe e hve lened h yu e n king ppliins f exhibis f hecnn fi we hpe yu uld send uspy f deiled ndiins f ppliin, suh s size f eh bh, fees f en, nd ie shedule f ving in, e, s ell s he ie lii f ppliin



we ge yu ne nd ddess f yu ll chbe f ceewe e n ipe f plsi pdus nd e uld ppeie i if yu uld send us yu lgue in he ne ye




we hvelge dend f he supply f 5, ees bn sege, hse sple is enlsedsh yu he shde nd quliy e equie plese send yu sples espndingu sples ih he s esnble pie cif singpe if yu n supply ihin hee nhs f n



外贸函电支付方式翻译 外贸函电支付方式名词解释篇三










dear sirs;

the bbank of cchina shanghai branch has informed us that your company is a large importer of textiles have the pleasure of introducing ourselves to you ,our company is as a local

the largest textile manufactures in our ed please find varies pictures of a variety of our quality textiles picture s, we are desirous of the details of your requirement, so as to provide better specialized in market/categories of your specialized products

we are looking forward to establishing long-term business regards


march 7,2014

dear sirs,we have your name from company is a large leading cooperation specializing in textiles have been engaged in this line for 20 years, and have business relations with many countries in southeast are writing you to enter into direct business relations with hope you can send us the latest product catalog and are looking forward to your sincerely,jone smith

manager of import department


dear sirs,thank for your letter of march 7th, informing us of your interest in our look forward to establishing positive business relationship with your are mainly dealing in the export of chinese light industrial are convinced that our joint business efforts will be to our mutual requested, a booklet including a general introduction of our latest product catalog together with our you require any further information, please do not hesitate to let us faithfully,

外贸函电支付方式翻译 外贸函电支付方式名词解释篇四


外贸函电是一种商务信件,英文foreign correspondence。写外贸函电是外贸业务员的日常工作之一,然而,能写好外贸函电的外贸业务员却不多,为了有助于大家写好外贸函电,本文总结了几个经典外贸函电范文,可供参考。外贸函电就是有着国际贸易关系的双方由于彼此的业务往来而产生的信件,但在信息化高度发达的今天,该信件并不局限于纸质信件,也可以是电子邮件、传真或msn。







thank you for your letter of october 10 for business are now sending you our price-list and catalog of the newest types that are under production and we can supply at once from want to notice you that prices of copier parts and components have gone up steadily since the second half of the we have tried hard to keep our quotations down, we are afraid the margin for keeping on going like this will not ore, we suggest that you will let us have your order before further rises in costs, which will lead to a raise in prices very soon unavoidably.感谢贵方10月10日关于商用复印机的询函。现随函奉送本公司正在生产的、并有现货供应的最新型号的产品清单和价目表。



we understand that you are the agent for the white tiger enclose our order for 1000 dozens of the white tiger note that we need these goods rather urgently as christmas is drawing you could supply goods timely for seasons, we would make repeated orders, provided prices are t for the enclosed order will be made on a draft at sight under our letter of credit opened in your favor on receipt of your confirmation that the goods are sent out, and can be delivered before 1, december, 2000.获悉贵公司为“白虎牌领带”的代理商。兹附上1000打白虎牌领带订单一份。




referring to your letter of 5 june, we very much regret that we are unable to make you an offer for the goods you reason is that the product you need has been out of 's more our manufacturers have declined orders because of shortage of raw shall, however, file your inquiry and cable you our offers as soon as we have got supplies.我方收到贵公司6月5日来函,但非常遗憾,我方无法对贵方所需产品报盘。其原因是,此货品在我处已经脱销。而且,由于原料短缺,生产厂家已经拒绝了我方订单。



in reply to your inquiry we sent you on may 25 a copy of illustrated catalog of our electric we have not heard from you since, we would like to ask whether you have had received our reply and what opinion you have on our are always ready to serve you and should be grateful for your reply.在5月25日我方对贵方询函的回函中,已寄去本公司电器产品的附图目录。因迄今尚未接到贵方的消息,特致函询问,贵方是否已收到我方回函,并征求贵方对本公司产品的意见。我方随时愿意效劳,若承蒙贵方惠赐回函,当不胜感激。


from yesterday's morning paper we have learned that you are now taking applications from exhibitors for the 2000 canton hope you would send us a copy of detailed conditions for application, such as size of each booth, fees for rent, and time schedule for moving in, etc., as well as the time limit for application.从昨天《晨报》上获悉,贵单位正在征集“2000年广交会”的参展申请。希望贵方能将展位大孝租用展位价格、进场时间、最迟申请日期等详细情况通知我方。


we get your name and address from your local chamber of are an importer of plastic products and we would appreciate it if you would send us your catalogue in the new year.我方从贵公司的商会获知你们的名称与地址。



we have a large demand for the supply of 50,000 meters brown serge, whose * enclosed to show you the shade and quality we send your * corresponding to our * with the most reasonable price ore if you can supply within three months from now.本公司需要5万公尺棕色斜纹布的大量供货。现随函附送我方所需货物的样品,以示其色调及品质。



