
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-04-01 14:02:32
时间:2023-04-01 14:02:32 小编:admin



welcome to jinan, the spring city. during your stay in jinan, i willreceive you and provide you with services. i hope my explanation can make youhave a good time in jinan. today we are going to baotu spring, one of the threefamous places in jinan. baotu spring park is located in the center of jinan,south of qianfo mountain, east of quancheng square, north of daming lake,covering an area of about 158 mu. baotu spring park is a natural landscape parkwith spring as the main water. it is the top of 72 famous springs in jinan andis known as "the first spring in the world". baotu spring, also known as thethreshold spring, is the source of luoshui. it has a history of 2700 years. thespring water is about 18 ℃ throughout the year. baotu spring park is famous forits spring view, fish appreciation, tea tasting, rocks and culture; it is alsofamous for its small size, different scenery, clean and quiet, simple andelegant.

now we can see that the gate of this national style building with whitewalls and grey tiles, rolling mountain and rolling shed is the east gate ofbaotu spring park. "baotu spring" on the plaque in the middle of the gate waswritten by comrade guo moruo in 1959. when you enter the gate, the first thingthat catches your eyes is the yingmen rockery. do you know why you want to builda rockery facing the gate? this is an ancient method of gardening, which iscalled "blocking scenery". that is to say, the main part of the garden ismountains, and the yingmen rockery is not transparent. it becomes a naturalbarrier at the gate of the park, and it is separated from other scenery in thegarden. the rocks of this rockery are all collected from the southern mountainarea of jinan. their quality, color and texture are comparable to those of taihustone in wuxi, jiangsu province. there is a cave under the rockery. large stonesare used at the top and entrance of the cave to form a vivid and spectacularview of the hanging boulders. appropriate space is left on the wall of thetunnel to facilitate the smooth lighting and air. this is a masterpiece of jinanrockery, highly praised by horticulturists.

after qingyu bridge, you can see this beautiful stone with natural texture,four meters high and eight tons. it was originally collected by zhang yanghao, afamous sanqu artist in yuan dynasty. zhang yanghao loved natural mountains andrivers very much. after he abandoned his official position and returned tojinan, he made friends with mountain apes, wild cranes and rocks. this turtlestone has the characteristics of "wrinkle, thin, transparent and beautiful".take a picture with it here, which means longevity and longevity. ok, let's takea group photo for a few minutes.

please go along with me. now we come to ma paoquan. why is it called ma paoquan? it is said that it was planed by the horses of guan sheng, the anti jingeneral in beining period, so it got this name. according to legend, guan shengwas the general of the peasant uprising in liangshan and the general of liu yu,the general of jinan general. he was brave and good at fighting. when the jinpeople invaded the south, he vowed to fight against the jin. in a fierce battle,he lost mai cheng. he was thirsty and waterless. his horse raised his head tothe sky and hissed. his front hooves ploughed hard to dig the ground. the springcame out of the ground. to commemorate this spring, later generations called itthe horse running spring.

further on, we come to shuyuquan scenic spot. "shuyuquan" is thehandwriting of guan yousheng, a late jinan calligrapher and painter. there areseveral versions of the origin of the word "shuyuquan". one is that women'steeth were often called "jade" in ancient times, and li qingzhao, a poetess,used to dress up and wash her teeth here. the other is because of li qingzhao'scollection "collection of washing jade". the other is derived from the idiom"washing stone and pillow flow", saying that the rushing spring brushes we see now is li qingzhao memorial hall, which was built in 1979. on bothsides of the memorial hall are couplets written by guo moruo. the first coupletis "by daming lake, by baotu spring, the former residence is deep in chuiyang",which describes the former residence of li qingzhao; the second couplet is "injinshilu, shuyu is concentrated, and the literary talent has the legacy of thelater leader", which praises her achievements in ci, her "shuyu collection" andher preface for her husband's jinshilu. the plaque hanging in the hall is alsowritten by guo moruo.

li qingzhao is an outstanding poetess in the southern song dynasty. hisfather, li gefei, was a civil servant who was born as a jinshi. he was a famoushistorian, knowledgeable and talented. his mother was also a granddaughter ofzhuangyuan. influenced, inspired and induced by his parents, li qingzhao was anoutstanding litterateur at that time. at the age of 18, li qingzhao married zhaomingcheng, the son of zhao tingzhi, the prime minister. after marriage, thecouple support each other, love each other, write poems and fill in ci, studyjinshi calligraphy and painting, purchase ancient books and paintings. after thedisaster of jingkang, the northern song dynasty perished, the jin soldiersinvaded the south, the song dynasty and the five dynasties crossed the south,and the couple were forced to go south. on the way, mingcheng died. in her lateryears, li qingzhao had been living a helpless and wandering life, and spent therest of her life in the cold and desolate. li qingzhao's ci is spanided by thedifficulty of jingkang. in the early stage, most of his ci are about singingnature, praising life, loving and missing husband and wife. such as "oftenremember the sunset in the pavilion, intoxicated do not know the way back.". iwent back to the boat in the evening and mistakenly entered the lotus for crossing, fight for crossing, startle a pool of european herons. (rumeng ling); "on the swing, get up and stretch your hands.". thick dew, thinflowers, thin sweat, light clothes. see guest come in, sock row gold hairpinslip. and shame to go, leaning on the door looking back, but smell the plum "thered lotus roots are frayed with each other, the jade mat is in autumn, the lightclothes are removed, and the blue boat is on its own. who in the clouds sendsbrocade books? when the wild goose returns, the moon will fill the west s drift, water flow, a kind of acacia, two idle sorrow (a pruning plum);"this situation can not be eliminated, only under the brow, but on the heart";"mo road does not soul, curtain volume west wind, people thinner than the yellowflower.". most of the later ci poems express the hatred of family and countryand lament their own miserable fate. such as "searching, cold and clear,miserable" (slow voice), "life as a hero, death as a ghost hero. up to now, ihave thought of xiang yu and refused to cross jiangdong. " (summer quatrains).li qingzhao's literary creation has a distinctive and unique artistic style,ranking first among the graceful school, known as "yi'an style". there are twoeditions of li qingzhao and shuyu ci.

further west, you'll get to the golden spring. jinxianquan, together withbaotu spring, heihu spring and zhenzhu spring, is known as the four famoussprings in jinan. the formation of the "golden line" is due to the relativegushing of spring water on both sides of the strait and the balanced flow. whenthe sun shines on the bottom of the pool and on the calm water surface, it willshow a gathering water line. the golden light is shining, like a gossamer,flickering, rippling and winding. the "golden thread" of the old golden threadspring is hard to see, and the "golden thread" of the new golden thread springcan only be seen when the water potential is strong and the sunlight angle isappropriate. zeng gong, a famous writer in song dynasty, was lucky to see thegolden thread in the moonlight. however, yuan haowen, a poet of yuan dynasty,visited the golden thread spring many times, but he couldn't get it. furtherwest, we come to shangzhitang. shangzhitang, also known as "jinxian academy", isnamed after jinxian spring. in old times, it refers to the place where officialor private books and lectures are collected. magnolia and magnolia are plantedin shangzhitang courtyard. in early spring, magnolia flowers are blooming andfragrant, so shangzhitang courtyard is also called magnolia courtyard. have younoticed this taihu stone in the courtyard? it's called "dairi peak". it wasoriginally collected by zhang yanghao. on the 1.5-meter-high stone body, thereare several full moon shaped or curved moon shaped through holes. when thebright moon is hanging on the night, the stone shape and through holes arereflected in the water in front of the stone pool under the moonlight, whichmakes it more exquisite and beautiful.

shangzhi hall out of the west, then to the luoyuan hall. luoyuan hall, infront of the baoxia, protruding from the water, the pillars are colorful, yellowtiles and red columns, magnificent in shape. please look at the poem engraved onthe baozhu: "the clouds and mist are moist and steamy, but the sound of thewaves shakes daming lake." this sentence is the best portrayal of baotu springby zhao meng, a famous writer in yuan dynasty.

the building to the north of luoyuan hall is e-ying hall, which is built tocommemorate yu shun's two concubines, e-huang and nu ying. to the north of eyingtemple is the three main hall scenic area. more than 30 square stone carvingsare inlaid on the lattice through wall in the three main halls, which is amasterpiece of celebrities in the past dynasties. it is particularly worthmentioning that this rare "double imperial stele" in the courtyard recorded theinscriptions and poems of baotu spring on the third visit of kangxi and thesecond visit of qianlong, indicating the status of baotu spring.

now we have come to baotu spring scenic area, standing on laihe bridge was originally a wooden bridge built by zhang heming, themagistrate of licheng county in the wanli period of ming dynasty. the stonebridge was built when baotu spring park was opened in 1956. please look up atthe word "pengshan old relics" on this red lacquer wood archway, and on theother side, "dongtianfudi". according to legend, people used to compare thethree water columns of baotu spring to the fairy mountains of penglai, namely,the three sacred mountains in myth: penglai, abbot and yingzhou. when they cameto baotu spring, they saw three streams of water, which were like mountains andcould not be climbed. they suddenly realized that the fairyland was here, sothey set up the "old pengshan trail" square. if you go to wangheting tea houseon the east side of the spring and enjoy the spring while tasting tea, you willhave the poetic flavor of "moistening spring tea is more true".

baotu spring pool is rectangular, 30 meters long from east to west and 20meters wide from north to south, surrounded by stone railings. overlooking thepool, there is a clear water, clear as a mirror; the three springs are surging,with snow and jade splashing; the potential is like boiling, and the sound islike thunder; the water and grass are curling, and the fish are flying at thebottom; the green leaves and red scales are shining among them. scholars of allages have left many praises for baotu spring. for example, zhang yanghao, asanqu artist of the yuan dynasty, "three feet of snow does not disappear on theground, and four hours of thunder roars in the air." it is pu songling's baotuspring fu that can reproduce the whole picture of baotu spring. how does jinan'sunique scenery of "every spring is not, every household is chuiyang" come intobeing? jinan's springs come from the vast areas south of jinan city and north ofjinxiuchuan. the rocks in these areas are a thick layer of relatively purelimestone formed about 400 million years ago. in this limestone area, there arekarst ditches and troughs on the surface, funnel, karst cave, underground riverand stalactite under the ground, which is convenient for a large amount ofrainwater and surface water to infiltrate into the underground. the limestonestrata in the mountain area are inclined from south to north with a slope ofabout 30 degrees, and a large number of underground currents are moving towardsjinan. just then, to the north of daming lake, the underground rocks becomesolid igneous rocks. a large amount of underground water flows here and isblocked by igneous rocks. it accumulates more and more, and the water can not bedischarged. we must find a way out. in the old city of jinan, the terrain islow-lying. in some places, it is even lower than the water storage level ofdishui. the underground water passes through the surface and rushes out, formingmany springs. baotu spring water is sweet. it is used to make tea. its color islike amber, and its fragrance is very refreshing. it is said that when qianlongwent down to the south of the yangtze river, he brought yuquan water frombeijing and baotu spring water from jinan for drinking.

standing on the guanlan pavilion, you can see the stone tablet in the waterin front of the pavilion, engraved with "baotu spring", which was written by huzuanzong in the ming dynasty. if you are careful, you may find that the word"tu" is missing the point above. the stone inscriptions at the back of thepavilion are written by wang zhonglin in the qing dynasty, and the stoneinscriptions of guanlan are written by zhang qin in the ming dynasty. thewaterside pavilion and leaky windows in the south of the spring pool, the banbicorridor and the luoyuan hall on the north bank set off each other to form alandscape.

now we have come to cangyuan and baixuelou scenic spots. cangyuan, formerlyknown as "shaocangyuan", means "a scoop of the sea". it used to be the readingplace of li panlong, one of the famous poets of the ming dynasty. the name"shaocang" expresses people's wish to learn from li panlong. during the wanliperiod of the ming dynasty, ye mengxiong, a military envoy, built a "white snowbuilding" on the west side of cangyuan to commemorate li panlong. the white snowbuilding and cangyuan garden have been repaired several times. now cangyuangarden has three halls, one corridor, two yards, flowing streams with thegarden, exquisite pavilions, carved beams and painted buildings, colorful famous species, flowers, exotic trees and bonsai cultivated in the courtyardhave formed a unique courtyard style. this "taishan pine", vigorous, majestic,vigorous, more than 150 years old, is a rare pile bonsai with qilu style. thelarge-scale stone bonsai built in the garden is natural in shape, decorated withstump plants such as podocarpus, red leaf, black pine, etc., giving people theenjoyment of beauty.

now we have passed through fengxi district and returned to the east gate ofbaotu spring park. that's all for today's explanation. please forgive me for theimproper explanation and leave your valuable opinions.


on august 27, dad finally finished his work and fulfilled his promise totake me to daming lake in jinan. the long-awaited wish also accelerated with thehigh-speed railway. his excited mood was like the tree shadow beating outsidethe car window, more like a string of active notes.

the first stop to jinan is daming lake. the first thing you can see is theglazed tiles, vermilion painted pillars, and a row of antique gate h the gate buildings, you can see the magnificent daming lake and the lushlotus leaves blooming on the shoal, just like a green paper umbrella on thelake. if you look carefully, there is another one a lotus pod, and a fewbeautiful lotus, is really "connected to the sky lotus leaves infinite blue,reflecting the sun lotus another red", echoing with the classical pavilions,feel like watching tv in the south of the yangtze river.

what's more amazing is the stone museum in daming lake scenic area. thereare various kinds of stones in different shapes, such as jade, taishan stone andso on,

at noon, my father and i went boating on the lake, feeling the quiet andpeaceful atmosphere. sitting on the boat, we watched the water waves onally, a few red fish came to the surface, and occasionally a few waterbirds flew out of the island in the center of the lake.

in the afternoon, we went to visit baotu spring, which is known as "thebest spring in the world". as soon as we entered the gate, i saw the plump koiunder the small bridge and flowing water. some of them were glittering with goldand some of them were charmingly naive. along the qingshiban road and the flowdirection of the spring, we came to the memorial hall of master li kuchan had heard of them for a long time this is the most attractiveplace for those who are interested in calligraphy and painting. it is majesticand lifelike. let me look at it with new eyes.

after turning around the kuchan master memorial hall, and passing thememorial hall of poetess li qingzhao, we come to baotu spring. there are a lotof people watching it. from a distance, there are three spring eyes, and thespring water is surging, like three blooming flowers,

spring clear bottom, fish in groups in the water swimming, carefree is veryhappy.

perhaps in this beautiful environment, time will pass quickly, thetwinkling of an eye is dusk, my father and i with a reluctant mood, set foot onthe return train.


jinan has been a scenic spot since ancient times, once known as "everyspring, every weeping willow". baotu spring is full of vigor and vitality. themagnificent qianfo mountain and the clear daming lake are like two bright pearlshidden in this land. it's very vivid to describe her with "lotus flowers allaround, willows on three sides, mountains in one city and half lakes in thecity"

my hometown is called "spring city" by people. in her "treasure chest",there are 72 pearls, which always shine and illuminate the whole "treasurechest". the brightest pearl in her is "baotu spring". she has three springs, oneof which is the largest. the spring comes out wave after wave, just like a bigwheel, so it is named "baotu spring" ”。 li qingzhao, an ancient poet, once livedhere. the place she used to wash was later called "shuyuquan". what a beautifulname! there are many small springs around baotu spring, such as "woniu spring","pearl spring", "baishi spring" and "heihu spring". with their decoration, jinanhas become more and more splendid.

lao she has written many articles about jinan, such as spring in jinan,autumn in jinan, winter in jinan, jinan in three months, baotu spring and daminglake. lao she's grandfather's "second home" is jinan. he vividly wrote abeautiful jinan into his prose.

there are many snacks in jinan. for example, the famous ones are quanchengdabao, caobao baozi, mengjia's braised hooves, famous people's roast wholesheep, youxuan and so on. if you come to jinan, you must try the flavor snacksof jinan.

according to my mother, jinan used to be quite different from "springcity". take nanxinzhuang, where we live, as an example. when my mother was inhigh school, it was still a low bungalow. the road here was very narrow. atmost, it could only accommodate a small car. there were a lot of trafficaccidents every year.

now it's different. our nanxinzhuang has been transformed into a nanxincommunity. lots of buildings have sprung up. the front and back of the buildingsare as generous as a flower garden. there are magnificent lawns, fountains, andhealth equipment for people's leisure and entertainment. the straight road isnot only widened, traffic lights and monitors are installed at markets on both sides of the road are gone. now tall and straight pine treesare planted, and there is no garbage in the middle of the road. now it has beenchanged into a traffic safety indicator line. the traffic accidents are fallingyear by year. the road is in order, and there is no noise any more. highwayshave been built in the city, and high-end cars have entered our families.

jinan, an antique city, a magnificent spring city, this is my hometown, itsname is jinan.


i live in a beautiful city, that is jinan in shandong province. jinan is aspring city, where there are many springs. there are mazhong spring, baotuspring, jinxian spring, etc., which are scenic spots formed by springs. inaddition to the three springs, there are 69 famous springs. jinan has manysprings and each has its own characteristics. today i'll talk about baotuspring, the eldest of springs.

baotu spring is located in jingqi road, jinan, which is spanided into southgate and north gate. as soon as you enter the gate, you will see colorful"flowers". you can't wait to walk to the spring. you can see three springsgushing up, cheering and jumping. it's very spectacular. it's always so livelyand bright, as if it's indefatigable. the surrounding koizumi's eyes are moreinteresting. some suddenly come up with a bunch of small bubbles, crystal clear;some. they don't come up with a small bubble, but they come back shyly; somesuddenly come up with a bunch of small bubbles, like a bunch of grapes; someshake up with a bunch of small bubbles, like a drunken man, and disappear in themiddle of the way, some

jinan has not only water, but also mountains. that is qianfo mountain is located in the southwest corner of baotu spring. it wascalled lishan in ancient times. there are hundreds of buddhas, large and small,on the mountain. let's say that guanyin garden is vividly portrayed, even thewhite sand clothes on the body are clearly visible. the most interesting thingis the five children around guanyin. sitting on the lotus, the two little boyson the left each rode a little elephant, and they were very proud. the two boysbeside them, with their feet on the wheel of wind and fire and spears in theirhands, looked very energetic. a child on the right holds a rosary bead in hisleft hand and a ring of fire in his right. he looks forward as if he will fightwith anyone he sees. he looks very powerful. the lake is clear and the fish andalgae in the water are clearly visible. guanyin and fairy children are reflectedin the clear water of the lake, which is more realistic. it embodies thecrystallization of the wisdom of the working people. every september 9, a grandtemple fair is held here, integrating economy and culture.

besides water and mountains, jinan also has a botanical garden. there areexotic flowers and plants, gorgeous peonies, strange trees and drought resistantcactus. through the hands of the workers, it becomes more interesting. if youwalk on the quiet and elegant path, it's like coming to a fairyland.

jinan also has many famous foods, baked sweet potato is a major specialty,it is sweet and soft, but also exudes a fragrance, make people salivate, andthen cold days to eat a baked sweet potato, it will not be cold.

i love the mountains, water and trees in jinan, and i love my hometownjinan even more.


hello everyone! welcome to dongjiang lake scenic spot in chenzhou,hunan!

(singing) "the clear dongjiang river flows southward day and night. overthe mountains, over the fields... "

this song must be very familiar to everyone. it is composed by wang yougui,a famous chenzhou composer, and sung by zhang ye, a famous hunan singer. thissong has beautiful melody, fresh content and sweet singing. it's been a longtime since i heard it!

dongjiang lake is located in zixing city in the east of chenzhou city,hunan province, about 40 kilometers away from chenzhou city. it is a scenic spotwith mountains, water, islands, caves, rafting and water entertainment. in 1991,dongjiang lake was identified as the key scenic spot and tourist resort in hunanprovince. in 1996, it was rated as the best tourist resort in hunan province. in1998, it was listed as the national key scenic spot of "qingshan xiushui tour"by the national tourism administration. confucius, a great thinker in ancientchina, once said: "benevolent people enjoy mountains, wise people enjoy water."dongjiang lake is a place with mountains and water, which complement each addition, a large number of water amusement projects developed andconstructed in recent years can fully meet the needs of different tourists. ibelieve that today's friends will be able to "come and go with pleasure"!

the whole dongjiang lake scenic spot covers an area of 200 squarekilometers and consists of eight scenic spots, including xiaodongjiang,longjing, douri island, yongcui gorge, huangcao, dongjingzhai, bailong andpingshi water sports area.

dongjiang river belongs to the upper reaches of leishui river. dongjiangriver is formed by the construction of dongjiang hydropower station. due to thecascade development of leishui, a small hydropower station has been built here up to the dongjiang dam, it is the 12 km long xiaodongjiang river. ifyou come to see xiaodongjiang in the early morning or dusk between april andnovember, you can see that the river is covered with clouds, like a white jadebelt lingering gently between the green mountains and green waters, which makesyou feel like you are in a fairyland. this is the most famous landscape ofxiaodongjiang - "misty little dongjiang". when the sun rises in the east or themoon rises in the middle of the sky, the light of ten thousand zhang pours down,the small dongjiang river is sparkling, and it looks like a fair lady who hasbeen lifted her veil. she looks forward to life and has all kinds of a beautiful scenery has attracted countless photographers, some of whichhave won awards in national competitions.

speaking of this, some friends may ask: why does the xiaodongjiang riverform such a beautiful scenery? in fact, the cause of the "misty little dongjiangriver" is similar to the famous "jilin rime" in china, which is caused by thetemperature difference of the river water. the water of xiaodongjiang riverflows out from the bottom of the lake more than 100 meters deep in the upstreamdongjiang dam. the water temperature is maintained at 8-10 ℃ all the year round,while the water temperature in the downstream is about 20 ℃. as a result, thewater of the xiaodongjiang lake is hot in the morning and hot in the evening,forming a layer of water mist on the surface of the lake. in addition, thevegetation on both sides of the lake is luxuriant and the air is humid, soclouds often form on the water surface.

please pay attention to the rocks. there is a waterfall falling from thesky. this is hougu mountain waterfall. hougushan waterfall is 39 meters high andkeeps running all year round. in summer and autumn, the water is turbulent, thewaterfall falls on the rocks, turns into thousands of jade beads and falls intothe lake. in addition, the wall of the nearby mine is covered with waterfallcurtains, which is like silver rolling, which is very pleasing to the eye. inwinter and spring, when the water flow decreases, the waterfall falls slowlyfrom the top of the mountain, which is particularly enchanting. no wondersomeone wrote a poem praising: "the ancient monkey mountain cliff scenery isquiet, and the blue water hangs on the shore forever. suspected dragon poolspray snow, like the sky hang fly flow

well, now we have reached the viewing platform of dongjiang dam. pleasesee, standing in front of you is dongjiang dam, the first double curvature andthin shell arch dam designed and built in china. the dongjiang dam is 157 metershigh, 35 meters thick at the bottom, 7 meters thick at the top and 438 meterslong at the center of the dam crest. with novel structure, beautiful appearanceand magnificent momentum, the dam ranks the second among similar dams in theworld and the first in asia. dongjiang dam is a key project during the seventhfive year plan period, with a total investment of 1.08 billion yuan. it took 11years to break the ground in 1978, close the sluice in 1986, generateelectricity by the first unit in 1987 and put all four units into operation in1990. dongjiang hydropower station has a total installed capacity of 500thousand kilowatts and an annual power generation capacity of 1 billion 320million kilowatts. it is the most ideal peak load compensation power plant incentral china power grid and the best hydropower station in the country. itsfirst generating unit is only 250 days old, and its economic benefit isequivalent to the total investment of the power station.

"cut off dongjiang river, high gorge out of pinghu." dongjiang dam also hasan amazing landscape. when the gate is opened for flood discharge, the upstreamreservoir water runs out of the two ski spillways under high pressure in aninstant, and then flies into the sky, turns into rain and fog, and bursts outfive colors of rays under the sunlight, just like a jade dragon spitting beads,which is magnificent and magnificent. anyone standing at the bottom of thevalley and looking up, can't help reciting the two famous lines of li bai:"flying down 3000 feet, it's suspected that the milky way is falling ninedays."

now, please go to dongjiang wharf. dongjiang wharf is the main watertransportation outlet of dongjiang lake. it is also the first-class touristwharf in hunan province. dongjiang is the main drinking water source of chenzhoucity and zixing city

it's dongjiang lake that is shown to you. seeing the wide water surface,the green mountains and the blue sky, do you have a feeling of yearning andwandering? the beautiful dongjiang lake has intoxicated countless tourists visiting, professor li yining, a famous economist, happily wrote a poem ofseven rhythms: "the reflection in the lake looks at the mountains, and thedrizzle makes the water cold. small island boat welcome guests, old branches andnew leaves primrose. in front of the dam, i still remember the beautiful lijiangriver. when the peak turns, i know that the world is wide. fairyland is not adream. it falls on earth with the wind. "

song zuying, a famous hunan singer, once used her sweet voice to sing thesong of dongjiang all over china. after seeing the scenery of dongjiang lake, xupeidong, a famous composer, created "come on, friend!" which is well-known bychenzhou people: "the wind here is gentle, the clouds here are long; themountains here are steep, the water here is shy; the wine here is continuous,the people here are romantic. come on! come on! to chenzhou... "

dongjiang lake is a large man-made lake in central and southern china, witha coastline of 738 kilometers, a total area of 160 square kilometers, a maximumwidth of 4 kilometers, a maximum depth of 130 meters, and a water storagecapacity of 8.12 billion cubic meters. it is commonly known as "dongting" insouthern hunan. with the construction of dongjiang hydropower station, the lakeinundated 72000 mu of cultivated land and 137000 mu of mountain forest in 11towns and 67 villages, with a total of 57000 immigrants. zixing people have madegreat contributions to national construction!

wei dongming, a writer who worked in zixing, once wrote a poem describingchenzhou's forest sea: "the winding water overlaps mountains; there are endlesstrees, neither cold nor hot; trees are money making trees, and mountains aretreasure pots." in fact, this poem is also a true portrayal of dongjiang ang lake is surrounded by lush vegetation and green mountains and is a good place for health care, recuperation and self-cultivation. no wondertens of thousands of tourists come to dongjiang lake every year!

dongjiang lake has many functions, such as power generation, flood control,shipping, water supply, breeding, tourism and so on. from the perspective oftourism, the scenery here can be summarized as "xiong, qixiu, you and kuang".although the lake is man-made, the scenery is heaven. around the lake, there aremountains, forests, dams, waterfalls, islands, temples, caves, stones and so on,forming a beautiful scene of crisscross mountains and rivers. to roam theeastern rivers and lakes is really "a boat in the lake, a man in the painting.".in addition, dongjiang lake is also a place of cultural scenery. as early as inancient times, emperor yan visited dongjiang during his southern tour, andfamous generals such as ma yuan, the fubo general of the han dynasty, also leftimmortal legends here. during the agrarian revolution, mao zedong, zhu de, chenyi and other proletarian revolutionaries of the older generation also foughtguerrillas here.

you can see that on the vast lake, there are also some green islands dottedall over the place. there are more than 30 islands in dongjiang lake, thelargest of which is douri island.

located in the center of the lake, with an area of 5.7 square kilometers,douri island is the largest island in hunan and the largest inland island injiangnan. "doulu" is a taoist term, which means "contentment, wonderfulcontentment". it's the so-called "contented people are always happy". afterseeing the wonderful scenery on the island, i believe everyone will be happyforever!

it is said that a long time ago, there was a dragon in dongjiang river. itoften made waves, which made the people miserable. taishanglaojun, who lives indouli palace in the sky, found out that it was a dragon's crutch he lost whenmonkey king made havoc in the palace. so he summoned the stone lion in front ofthe alchemy furnace, threw it into the earth, and pressed it on the evil then on, it became the island of douli.

legend belongs to legend, but douri island does have aura. you can see thatthere are three lakes in the east, the south and the west converging to form thewidest section of dongjiang lake, which is in line with the old saying that thethree rivers are one. because of this, as early as 1000 years ago, some peoplevisited the cave. in 1786, the 51st year of qianlong in the qing dynasty, somepeople built a temple on it, but it was later destroyed. before the constructionof the reservoir in the past, it was called "doulilingyan", which was the firstof the "eight sceneries of zixing" in ancient times. it was also praised by xieyan of the song dynasty as "tianxia cave is similar, but this cave isdifferent." after the dongjiang reservoir impoundment, doubilingyan has becomean island in the lake, integrating mountains, water, caves, islands and e the cave, there is clear water and blue sky, and inside the cave, thereare grotesque rocks. the scenery is really different!

now we come to the entrance hall of douri island. why is there a big holeon the island? it turns out that like wanhua rock, another famous landscape inchenzhou city, it is also formed by the long-term erosion of limestone byrunning water. the total length of the cave is 6 kilometers, with a total areaof 34000 square meters. there are caves in the cave, which are connected witheach other. the hall at the entrance of the cave is about 35 meters high and canaccommodate hundreds of people at the same time. there is a very striking placehere, which is this beautiful stalagmite. it is said that this is the ruyigolden cudgel left by the monkey king at that time, that is, the dinghaishenneedle.

walk forward through the hall and come to the second scenic spot - yingbinhall. here, a peacock is spreading its beautiful tail feathers to welcome look back. an old lady carrying her grandson is on her way in a hurry. itturns out that they are in a hurry to see the carp jumping across the gate!

now you are in the garden of flowers, but the flowers here are not ordinaryflowers, but coral flowers in the underwater world. through the flowers, you canalso see that taishang laojun and zhang guolao in the eight immortals aredrinking and enjoying the flowers.

this is the narrowest place in the doubilingyan. it's only 30-40 li can only wriggle past it. so people give it an interesting name: "ys, ms. wriggles.".

this is taishanglaojun's bedroom. please see if these two sides are likecurtains made of pearls. this kind of hanging stone curtain is called "stonecurtain" in geology. according to the evaluation of american cave experts, theyhave seen many stone curtains in the world, but this is the most beautiful andspectacular one. it's not a mortal to be able to use such a curtain. look, thedrunken emperor is sleeping in it!

now i come to a place with a sad name - lihen hall. look, there's a womanover there with a baby in her arms and looking up. what is she looking at? herhusband went fishing in dongjiang lake and drowned. the poor wife is stillwaiting, and finally turned into a watchman's stone. alas! there are lovers inthe world!

after the sad parting, i'd like to see something that makes people is a circus performing here. there are cute giant pandas, smart seals,scary cobras, and lively and lovely pugs it is said that there are 72 kinds ofanimals performing in this circus.

now you are going to the largest hall in the cave. this hall is more than40 meters high and 70 meters wide, which is very rare in the world. there is atall stone pillar against the light in front. it is said that there is a 29meter high stone pillar in huanglong cave in zhangjiajie, hunan province, whichis known as the highest in the world. our 36 meter high stone pillar is thehighest in the world!

the next place to enter is huixian hall. as the name suggests, this is theplace to meet the immortal. first of all, you can see the immortal. the immortalis 112000 years old. according to scientific calculation, every 100 years ofwater on the top, the stalagmite on the bottom grows by 1 cm. according to thisprinciple, the age of the old man can be calculated.

please look on the left. there used to be a village called xiuliu village,which was named after xiuliu, the name of dongjiang river before it wasimpounded. the village is not big, but it is well-known. in 1930s, bai wei, oneof the four most famous modern female writers in china, was born here. on theright is an island called pearl island, where chenzhou branch of chinesepainting and calligraphy correspondence university is located. the reason whythe site is selected here may also be to absorb more dongjiang's aura, so as tocreate better calligraphy and painting works!

now the water area we are marching in is called yongcui gorge. with a totallength of 20 kilometers, yongcui gorge is the most representative naturallandscape of dongjiang lake. the whole gorge is full of water, and the waterruns through the mountains. along the way, there are many floating waterfallsand strange peaks and rocks. especially, the lake is like a mirror, and themountains are reflected in the water. during the reign of emperor kangxi of theqing dynasty, a zixing county magistrate wrote an impromptu poem "chukou roadzhongkouzhan", which vividly depicts the scenery here: "the fresh green newyings cut and shout, and the high peak long stream flows into the cloud arc. idon't know how many posthouse routes i have, but i mistakenly believe that i amdrawing all over. " in front of you is the famous jinniu island on dongjianglake. the whole island has a horn, like a taurus. since ancient times, zixingpeople have been industrious and intelligent, just like this taurus, and finallyushered in today's rich day!


dear teachers and students

hello, i'm glad to introduce my hometown chenzhou to you. since ancienttimes, there has been a saying in chenzhou: when a ship arrives in chenzhou, ahorse dies in chenzhou, and a man plays around in chenzhou. many people havemisunderstood the word "play around". the first two sentences say that chenzhouis far away from the central plains, while the last one says that chenzhou isprosperous. why do you say that? i'll know when i lead you to chenzhou.

chenzhou city is located in the southeast of hunan province, where nanlingmountains and luoxiao mountains crisscross and the yangtze river and pearl riversystems spanerge. the landform in the territory is complex and spanerse,characterized by hills, flat hills and less water. the area of mountains andhills accounts for nearly three fourths of the total area. it is a good placefor you to visit the mountains. it is also located in the subtropical area, withabundant precipitation, many rivers and hot springs. it is a good place forrafting exploration, hot spring fitness and water fun. the superior geographicalconditions here attracted the ancestors to live here, making chenzhou have astrong historical and cultural heritage.

now, let's first experience the humanistic history of chenzhou andappreciate its humanistic charm.

there are yan emperor mausoleum and shun emperor mausoleum in hunan, and yiemperor mausoleum in chenzhou. yidi mausoleum is the mausoleum of yidi in thelate qin dynasty, which has a history of more than 2200 years. it is theearliest witness of chenzhou's history, has experienced the ups and downs ofchenzhou's historical evolution, and has become an important symbol ofchenzhou's historical and cultural city. yidi mingxin is the grandson of xionghuai, king of chu huai in the warring states period. according to historicalrecords, chen sheng and wu guang uprising at the end of qin dynasty. in order tofind a "horse's head is to look forward", all the uprising forces formed aleague in xue county and supported xiong xin, the grandson of king chuhuai, whowas a shepherd among the people, as king chuhuai. qin mie, xiang yu enfeoffmentof kings, and pretended to respect xiong xin as emperor. in the following year,under the name of "the ancient emperor, who lives thousands of miles away, mustlive in the upper reaches", he moved to chen county, changsha, and sent kingyingbu of jiujiang to kill the yi emperor beside the poor spring of chen people pitied him, so he was buried in the back mountain of the southwestof the city, which is the mausoleum of the yi emperor. liu bang, the king of thehan dynasty, once sent wang ling, zhou bo, and fan kuai to chen to mourn. in thename of xiang yu's "treason, regicide, and not minister", he organized the threearmies to ally with the princes and attack xiang yu, which triggered the "battlebetween chu and han". since the qin dynasty, chenzhou has been famous for itsworks. han yu, liu zongyuan, qin shaoyou, zhou dunyi and other famous artists intang and song dynasties all left their footprints here. similarly, chenzhou wasalso one of the birthplaces of the chinese revolution, and huang kecheng, one ofthe top ten generals in china, came from chenzhou.

now, let's take a look at banliang ancient village, the first ancientvillage in southern hunan. the ancient village was built in the late songdynasty and the early yuan dynasty. it flourished in the ming and qingdynasties. it has a history of more than 600 years. the village is a typicalclan settlement in southern hunan. it is a descendant of liu family, emperor wuof han dynasty. more than 360 intact historical buildings of ming and qingdynasties have been preserved in the ancient village so far. these ancientdwellings, which have survived thousands of disasters, are decorated with carvedbeams and painted buildings, with cornices and angles. whether it'swater-polished green bricks, or it's a good match, or its brick carving, stonecarving and wood carving, their craftsmanship is extremely exquisite, which isamazing. in a word, banliang ancient village contains ancient chinesepatriarchal rites, confucian tradition, fengshui concept, philosophicalconsciousness, architectural skills, ecological principles, etc. known as thelargest, best preserved, fengshui best, the most profound cultural heritage ofthe "first village in southern hunan.". the main scenic spots of the ancientvillage are: jielong bridge, zhenlong pagoda, jinling ancient post road,longquan ancient temple and banliang private school.

after tasting the culture of chenzhou, i'm going to visit the mountains andlet my mood fly in the nature. the mountains in chenzhou include mang mountain,feitian mountain, suxian mountain, etc. now we are going to suxianling, the mostfamous mountain in chenzhou. the main peak is 526 meters above sea level. it hasenjoyed the reputation of "the 18th blessed place in the world" and "a resort insouthern hunan" since ancient times. suxianling is famous both at home andabroad for its magical and beautiful legend of suxian. it is famous for its"immortal" traces such as bailu cave, shengxian stone, wangmu pine and naturallandscape. after crossing yuxian bridge, you can see chenzhou hostel. chenzhouhostel was originally an ordinary inn. it was famous for the fact that qin guan,one of su dongpo's disciples and one of su men's four bachelors, once lived hereand wrote lyrics on this topic. his poem is "stepping on shakespeare to travelto chenzhou hostel": the fog lost the tower, the moon lost in the ferry, thepeach garden lost in sight. can be lonely closed, cold spring, cuckoo sound inthe sunset. post plum, fish pass ruler, build this hate no multiple number. thechenjiang river is lucky to be around chenshan. for whom does it flow down toxiaoxiang?

the poem is carved on the natural stone wall 40 meters northeast ofbailudong, 52 cm high and 46 cm wide, with 11 lines of eight characters andrunning script. its artistic value is very high. there are ten famous "threeunique steles" in china, and suxianling stele in chenzhou ranks first among theten famous "three unique steles". these three great things are: qin guan's "tasha xing · chenzhou hostel", su shi's postscript, and the famous calligrapher mifu's postscript.

at that time, xu xiake's last visit to suxianling was suxianguan. su xiantemple is a taoist temple dedicated to su dan. it was first built in the westernhan dynasty and later burned by fire. in 731 ad, emperor xuanzong of the tangdynasty issued an edict to repair it. later, it was repaired in the capitals ofsong, yuan, ming and qing dynasties. it is 82.2 meters long from north to southand 41.5 meters wide from east to west. the main hall is higher than the wingroom, and the two chambers are two-story buildings. the main hall is in thearchitectural style of big roof, four corner cornice, rhinoceros head powderwall, small green tile and huiwen window. the location, scale and structure ofthe building have been carefully studied.

behind the suxian temple is qu jiangshi's room. there is a couplet in frontof the door: please fight for meritorious service. lintong had been admonishedby troops in that year, but he was not patriotic and innocent. today, nanguan isa prisoner of chu. horizontal couplet: qu jiang room. the couplets are green onink. zhang xueliang, a famous patriotic general, was imprisoned here during theanti japanese war. this is the sixth of his 12 places. here, general zhangxueliang's ambition is hard to pay, his family is hard to return, and hiscountry is hard to report. he wrote on the wall the words "i hate the sky, butmirs have wings, and i'm worried about the exhibition". between the lines arefull of the young commander full of patriotic feelings, but difficult to showgreat depression. on the osmanthus tree in front of the window of the wing roomwhere he once lived, there are many bullet marks formed by the general'sanger.

well, it's time to play in the water. "beihu water moon", one of the eightsceneries in chenzhou, is in the beihu park in chenzhou. according to the annalsof chenzhou in wanli, the water source of beihu lake comes from the dragon cavein the lake, which is profound and unpredictable. there are more than 100springs at the bottom of the lake. the springs are not dry all the year round,and they are deposited into a huge water surface, which was initially called"baihu". at night in the north lake, the bright moon is hanging in the sky, thebreeze is blowing, the ripples in the lake are undulating, the stars are shakingall over the lake, and the lights are flashing in the silent mountains andvillages. the stars and lights are reflected in the lake, and the light ischarming. therefore, it is called "north lake water moon". han yu, a famous poetof the tang dynasty, once passed chenzhou eight times and left his famous poem"cha yu zhao zhang gong cao" here. in order to commemorate han yu, latergenerations built an island pavilion in the middle of the lake, named "fork fishpavilion". a bronze statue of han yu was cast in front of the pavilion, and afork fish poem was carved on a stone tablet to commemorate him.

dongjiang lake is the most important place to go to chenzhou to play in thewater. dongjiang lake scenic area is a lake island type tourist area with atotal area of 200 square kilometers. it is featured by dongjiang rapids,doubilingyan, longjing gorge and island community landscape. it integrates thebeauty of mountains and the charm of water, with the beauty of the south and thehistorical civilization, it is known as "a lake in the sky, in which thousandsof scenes". the beauty of dongjiang lake is nothing more than the breathtakingmorning fog. this fog, like a milky white thin man, is full of color, like adream. it can't be pulled apart and cut off continuously. it's natural. thisfog, like a tender woman, gently brings dongjiang lake, the son of zixing, intoher arms for fear of the world's disturbance. the new village beside the lake isa mirage. after that, the outline of a boat gradually emerged. walking throughthe fog is like wandering in a mysterious fairyland. the fog, thick concentratedon the surface of the lake, moved and solidified from time to time, twined, andgradually thinned and disappeared with the increase of altitude. the mountainson both sides of the strait are emerald, the images are clear and concrete, thelevels are clear, and the places are well arranged. as the sun rises, the mistthins. sunlight, from the ridge will be soft shot over, the lake with countlesspieces of gold, surrounded by a red halo. it's romantic and pleasant. the sunreflected in the lake, gathered into a dazzling spot, fog dispersed, leaving theclear water, blue, thorough and simple.

when you go to dongjiang river, you have to experience dongjiang riverdrifting. dongjiang river rafting has four distinctive features: first, theecology of dongjiang river rafting is primitive, the green mountains on bothsides are emerald, the primary secondary forests are embracing and confrontingeach other, there are many strange rocks, and the water quality is clear. thewhole rafting gives people the pleasure of adventure, exploration, noveltyhunting, and fun picking. therefore, it is unanimously praised as "china's firstecotourism drift" and "asia pacific first drift" by the tourism and presscircles. second, there are 108 large and small dangerous shoals in dongjiangriver, with the largest drop of 5 meters. third, dongjiang river rafting has along season. generally, it starts at the end of april and ends at the beginningof october every year, lasting for half a year. because of the regulation of thepower station, the rafting time is prolonged. the fourth feature is that thereis a unique artificial drift chute in the world, with a length of 336 meters andan average slope of 5 degrees. with such beautiful scenery, dongjiang riverrafting is highly praised by people. so you can't miss it.

dongjiang also has one of chenzhou's four specialties - dongjiang is no need to say more about delicious food. it has a reputation. now thatwe're talking about food, let's talk about chenzhou people's favorite fish meal."walking thousands of miles, thousands of miles, reluctant to qifengdu!" thisancient saying spread for thousands of years not only says that qifengdu is agood place, but also praises her unique traditional snack - qifengdu fish it comes to qifengdu fishmeal, as long as you are from chenzhou, you shouldsubconsciously smack your mouth and swallow your saliva. as a result, a strongsmell of fish and spicy taste will linger in your mouth.

well, this is the perfect end of chenzhou tour. thank you!


dear friends: hello everyone! i'm liu x, your guide today. you can call mexiao liu. today, we are going to visit yangma island, which is known as hawaiiin the east. it is located in the sea 30 kilometers east of yantai city and 9kilometers north of muping city. surrounded by the sea, it looks like island is 7.5 kilometers long from east to west and 1.5 kilometers wide fromnorth to south. there are more than 7000 residents on the island. the island islush with beautiful scenery. the whole island is northeast southwest, high inthe west and low in the east, gentle in the south and upward in the north. infront of the island, the sea is wide and calm; in the back of the island, thereefs are rugged and the waves beat on the shore; in the east, there is clearwater and jinsha, an excellent bathing place. the west end is a good place fortourism and holiday.

yangma island not only has beautiful scenery and charming scenery, but alsohas many moving legends. it is said that 220 b.c___ in the autumn of 1911, thefirst emperor of qin dynasty was on a tour to the east. when a large group ofpeople came to the north of muping city, it was already a scorching sun in thesky and people were tired. the first emperor of qin ordered to have a rest climbed the high slope and looked north. in the distance, the sea wascovered with trees, the sky was covered with auspicious clouds, and a group ofbmw foals were jumping happily. qin shihuang could not help but be overjoyed andexclaimed: "what a treasure island for horse breeding! he also ordered that thisisland be used as a royal horse breeding base for royal horse breeding andcavalry training. since then, the reputation of yangma island has been handeddown.

dear friends, we are going to yangma island soon. from a distance, we cansee the sea crossing bridge like a flying swallow. yangma island used to be anisolated island in the sea. a land connecting dam was built in the late 1970s,making it an artificial land connecting island___ the magnificent sea crossingbridge in front of us was built in, 20 years ago___ it was opened to traffic inseptember, with a total length of 1870 meters. at present, it is the longest seacrossing bridge in shandong province. since then, access to yangma island hasbeen more convenient, and the ecological environment of yangma island waters hasbeen greatly improved. if you take a video camera with you, you will neverforget the island landscape of "sunset and lone ducks flying together, autumnwater growing in the sky"

now we are standing at the top of the bridge. looking north, we can seetianma square, the landmark scenic spot of yangma island. tianma square is alarge square with horse culture and qin culture as the theme, with a totalinvestment of 77 million yuan, covering an area of 145000 yuan square square mainly includes tianma garden, qinhuang garden, red column array,horse culture corridor, music fountain, waterscape wall, sun square, starplatform, sea water music fountain, leisure land greening and other major scenicspots. as we all know, the horse has always been the symbol and symbol of thehorse island. now we see this magnificent white horse. the main sculpture is 30meters high, 9 meters long, 5.2 meters high and 1.8 meters thick. it is made ofstainless steel, which means "heavenly horse flying in the sky". now let's takea field tour to experience the ancient and traditional culture of qin and handynasties!

along the road around the island to the east, most of the tall buildings wesee are sanatoriums and hotels, and the two-story villas are the folk houseshere. most of the people on the island live by fishing and breeding. houhai,which is located in ma island, mainly breeds sea cucumber, abalone, scallop,prawn and other marine treasures. due to the rapid development of aquaculture,the residents of the island are getting rich rapidly.

yangma island is named after horse. when planning yangma island touristarea, experts took the idea of emperor qin and horse and built a sea paradiseand a race course for emperor qin on the island. we drove eastward, and theplace you saw with a grandstand was the qinhuang racecourse. built in 1985, itcovers an area of 150000 square meters and can accommodate more than 10000visitors. modern audio, telecommunications, telex facilities, as well ascatering, living, sightseeing and other facilities are equipped with jackiechan. at present, horse riding, archery, horse drawn chariot and otherentertainment projects are added, and horse racing events are often held onsaturdays and sundays.

we can see that the antique pavilions and pavilions are the paradise on thesea. you can get out of the car and sit around the stone benches to chat andlaugh, or take the elegant boat to ripple on the surface of the lake. thefeeling of leisure can not be expressed by words. in order to further meet thepsychological needs of the vast number of tourists, combined with thecharacteristics of the island, yangma island tourism resort also launched theisland "fishermen's pleasure" folk tourism activities with the theme of "eatingat the fishermen's home, living at the fishermen's home, and enjoying thefishermen's life". here, the vast number of tourists can completely forget thehustle and bustle of the city and enjoy the broad mind of the sea and the fun offishermen's life.

200 meters north of the qinhuang racecourse, easton winery, a wineryintegrating tourism, sightseeing, entertainment and leisure, is built. she ishidden between the mountains and the sea. the overall style of the winery ismodern european manor style. the winery integrates high-grade wine production,wine culture tourism, leisure and entertainment, catering and h the display of the whole production process of high-grade wine, finewine tasting, and the collocation of chinese and western meals, the winerypromotes wine culture, and guides consumers to understand and enjoy thehappiness brought by wine.

there is also a good place for leisure on yangma island: yangma islandbathing beach. the bathing beach is located at the east end of yangma island,with a total length of 1100 meters. the beach here is wide and the sand is fineand soft. the bottom slope is long and gentle. the waves are small and the wateris stable. the water is clear and the sand is clean. the natural conditions arevery superior. if people who have been to yangma island don't go to the bathingbeach and enjoy the tenderness of the sea, it's really a pity.

looking south along the bathing beach, we can see a small island calledlitiao island. it is about 0.5km from the land, 400m from the north to thesouth, and 250m from the east to the west. it is said that the goddess of thesea often conveys her will here, so it is called xiaoyingzhou. because there aremany clams around the island, it is called lipiao island by the word "clam".over the years, the forest has been cultivated and protected, and now the forestis luxuriant. it is a good place for many birds to live. it has become an oasison the sea and a paradise for hundreds of birds.

our car is around the island. now we come to the yubiyuan scenic spot onthe back road around the island. relying on the unique natural conditions of theisland, the scenic spot integrates reefs, rocks and beaches. there are threemagnificent characters "yangma island" in the scenic spot when comrade huyaobang visited the island. down the steps, you come to the reef beach, whereyou can stop to watch or play, and make zero distance contact with the sea.

standing at the place where you stop and looking into the sea, you can seethat there is a huge red stone in the sea. it is wide in the east and narrow inthe west. it is like a giant elephant lying in the water and taking a is xiaoxiang island. xiangdao is 115 meters long from east to west, 28meters long from north to south, and 19 meters above sea level. the whole islandis made of rocks, with a small amount of silt on the surface, sparse weeds andno water source.


hello, everyone. it's been a hard journey. welcome to guniujiang scenicspot.

guniujiang is the first national nature reserve in anhui province approvedby the state council in may 1988. it is called "green nature museum" and "genebank of wild animal population" by ecologists. it is located at the junction ofshitai and qimen counties. it is the main part of huangshan mountains extendingwestward. it was called "xihuangshan" in ancient times. green, nature, primitiveand low carbon are the four themes here.

guniujiang is not only a national nature reserve. in september 20__, it wasofficially approved as an aaaa scenic spot by the national tourismadministration. at the same time, it is also recognized as "china's originalecological preferred tourism destination" by 32 envoys in china.

guniujiang has four major scenic spots with different characteristics. themain peak, qifeng and shuanghekou are under construction. longmen scenic spotwas developed in 20__, which is suitable for ecological leisure and ruralsightseeing. today we are going to see longmen scenic spot. please follow me tothe landscape avenue and listen to my introduction!

first of all, let me introduce the origin of guniujiang

guniujiang nature reserve covers a total area of 6700 hectares, with thehighest peak at 1727.6 meters above sea level, which is the third peak in thesouth of anhui province. local people say that it is because the main peak ofthe mountain is like a strong bull falling from the sky, so it gets its r, according to the association of investigation and exploration of thechinese academy of sciences, guniujiang is the western extension of huangshan,yangzhanling and fangling, which together become the watershed of the yangtzeriver system and xin'anjiang river system. local people often call the ridgemountain "luo", so this huge huagangyan mountain with a radius of 6720 hectaresis called "guniuluo", which is homonymous with "luo", and becomes"guniujiang".

guniujiang nature reserve is one of the important typical areas of themiddle subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest belt in eastern china, withancient strata, superior climate, high mountains, dense forests and few ing to the survey, guniujiang has a wide range of wild animals, including271 species of vertebrates, including 6 species of leopard, clouded leopard,sika deer, black muntjac (ji), white necked pheasant (zhi), black stork (guan)and 22 species of second-class national protection. there are more than 1210species of vascular plants and 539 species of woody plants, among which 18species are rare and endangered, 138 species of bryophytes, 300 species ofmedicinal plants and 69 species of fungi. guniujiang is the last well preservednatural botanical garden and gene bank in east china.

unconsciously, we have come to the main scenic area. this river is called"shanxi river", which is a tributary of qiupu river. "shan" means sharp,reflecting the mind of the namers. it was named after wu ciwei, the leader ofthe restoration society in the late ming dynasty, a writer, a national hero, andone of the leading roles in the historical drama peach blossom fan.

look at the lush evergreen broad-leaved mixed forest on the oppositemountain. looking at the row of tall and vigorous pinus massoniana across theriver, at first glance, it seems to violate the natural law of "suitable placeand suitable tree", because "pine trees are thirsty and can't be laid off,willows drown and can't go up the mountain". pine trees like sunshine, butwillows like shade. how can pine trees be laid off to drink water? if you lookcarefully, these pine trees may have been rooted in the hills for a long time,because the river is silted up and the riverbed is raised, which makes the riverclose to the pine trees, or because when the mountain slides down, it pushes thewhole mountain towards the river, which creates the illusion of "pine laidoff".

look at the beach on the side of the mountain. it turns out that there aretwo streams of water converging here to form shanxi, which is also calledheshui. one of these two tributaries flows from longmen lake, and the other oneflows from sidie waterfall. it originates from the side of the main peak.

let's talk about today's tour of longmen scenic area and longmen gorge. thewhole journey is spanided into two routes. let's first take a look at the line ofcultural landscape, then go through the circular mountain road, and then visitthe line of natural landscape.

in front of a row of tall and luxuriant trees, that is the ancient 's have a look! there are many old camphor trees with hundreds of years ofhistory, and the highest one is more than 30 meters. its leaves, especially whenit blooms in spring, give off a refreshing fragrance. this is because the leavescontain aromatic oil. dried leaves can also be made into mosquito repellentincense, camphor root can be distilled camphor naphtha, camphor is atreasure.

those tall and slender trees are liquidambar. it is a broad-leaveddeciduous tree. maple leaves have the function of ventilating, activating bloodcirculation, expelling wind and dehumidification. this tree is called apricottree, also known as white fruit tree, gongsun tree, is also a broad-leaveddeciduous tree forest. it is a quaternary glacial plant, known as living fossilplants. its leaves are fan-shaped, which is a natural art, and its medical andhealth care function can not be ignored. during world war ii, the united statesdropped the first atomic bomb on hiroshima, which destroyed most of thecreatures in hiroshima. however, a ginkgo biloba tree growing in the center ofthe explosion survived, which may have strong radiation resistance.

the three opposite mountains are called candle peak, which is the productof fengshui theory in the past. this ancient village is called yanjia are eight people in their ancestors who were officials and ministers ofall dynasties. why did the yanjia family enjoy their official fortune? it isthese three big candles that light up their bright future. that dense forest isevergreen broad-leaved forest, evergreen all the year round, ecologicalbeauty!

this wall is written with slogans of various historical periods, so it iscalled "slogan wall". it reflects the political situation of china for half acentury. please see: "eliminate the baojia system and overthrow the nationalbandit party" is written by the "advance team of the red army going north toresist japan". the slogan was written in the spring of 1933. because in august1932, the kuomintang government implemented the "baojia system" in henan, hubeiand other places. look again at "the red army's political propaganda: onlyrevolution can break the new year's difficulties.". according to theinformation, these slogans belong to the red army led by fang zhimin, who wentnorth to resist japan. look at this again: "all party run industries and allprivate industries will catch up with or surpass the british in terms ofindustrial output in 10 or 20 years.". this is the slogan of the "great leapforward" period in 1958: "in class society, everyone lives in a certain classstatus, and all kinds of ideas are branded with class." this is a great man'squotation, which is the slogan of "class struggle is the steel" in the reading these slogans, looking back on the past, i really feel a lot ofemotion!

in this small village, many key members of the peasant league were killedby the kuomintang, and seven of them were awarded the title of martyrs by theministry of civil affairs. it can be seen that yanjia ancient village is alsothe cradle of chinese revolution.

here are a few trees with luxuriant branches and leaves. they arebroad-leaved deciduous trees. they are called eucommia ulmoides oliv. theybelong to eucommiaceae. they are precious chinese herbal medicines. their mainmedical functions are to tonify the liver and kidney, strengthen muscles andbones, and stabilize the fetus. it mainly uses its dry skin to break the skinand pull out long white silk, so it is also called silk floss.

don't look down upon the green vine on the roadside. it is also a rarechinese herbal medicine. it is called polygonum multiflorum, also known asnocturnal caulis. it belongs to the polygonaceae family. its main medical andhealth care functions are: to protect the liver and kidney, to replenish qi andblood, to nourish blood and calm the nerves, to prevent senility, and to use itsdry roots.

in front are "farm tools house" and "water wheel house", which belong to"nostalgic" tourism. let's go and have a look at the couplet on this door. doyou know whose famous saying it is? it is the general plan of governing thecountry put forward by wu bilie, the emperor of the yuan dynasty. there arewater pestles and stone mills in the water pestle house, which are used foragricultural products processing. please take a look at the working principle ofthe water hammer. you can also push the stone mill yourself to see who can pushit. after seeing the farm tool house and water wheel house, we know how to usehuman power, water power and wind power to engage in men's farming and women'sweaving and agricultural products processing in the past when there was nomodern energy such as electricity, diesel, gasoline and machinery in ruralareas.

it's called lover's valley. as the name suggests, there's a secret. i'lltalk about it later. let's talk about the plants growing on the cliff first!

this is an oak tree. its root is deeply rooted in the crevice of the is dependent on the stone wall. it absorbs water and nutrition from thecrevice of the stone and lives tenaciously. a man should have the courage tolive this kind of life.

this climbing vine is called thunderbolt vine, commonly known as geckoclimbing. it is a climbing plant. it rooting, climbing ability is very strong,in the crevice to absorb water and nutrients. its fruit is like a weight, whichcan produce high-quality cold powder. it is a good product for cooling in hotsummer.

this steep cliff is called martyrdom cliff, where a love tragedy has beenperformed. as i said before, the yan family is a scholar's younger brother andan official family. the tang family has been farming for a living. because ofthe improper family and the wrong family, they made a family rule to prohibitthe two families from intermarriage. otherwise, the family law will punish themseverely. one couple, who were born in two families, fell in love with eachother and ended up in private. the yan family blocked them in many ways. onecouple had no choice but to hide in the lover's valley, send people to searcharound to catch them and punish them severely in the ancestral hall. but aftercrying, they jumped off the cliff one after another and died for their love! thelong stone is the lover's bed, and the red water is the lover's tears.

this is yuanyang lake. it is said that in the past, when no one came in,there were mandarin ducks playing in the water. a couple who died for their loveoften came here to talk to each other, so it was named yuanyangtan.

this is the sidie waterfall. its water comes from the main peak and thestrange peak. the water flows all the year round, especially after the rain. thesplashing water is vast and magnificent. when we come to the waterfall, there isalways a sense of shade, freshness, freshness and spiritual pleasure. this isbecause the water in the waterfall throws water molecules out of the watersurface and turns into water mist in the process of impacting and beating therocks. a large number of negative oxygen ions, also known as negative ions, areproduced in the physicochemical process of water. anion, known as "air vitamin",also known as "longevity element", is very powerful for human health andlongevity. the concentration of negative oxygen ions near the waterfall is about20000 per cubic centimeter, and the highest instantaneous concentration is310000, which is ten times higher than the highest level 7 of the negativeoxygen ion meteorological index and 147 times higher than the standard valuepublished by the world health organization. therefore, this is an extremely rare"natural oxygen bar". we can take oxygen here free of charge. from here, thereis a hundred step ladder. the mountain is steep and the steps are dense. pleasehold the chain and climb slowly. pay attention to your safety. after climbing onthe hundred step ladder, you can reach the rest platform and formally set footon the longmen loop. the road above is 1.8 meters wide after "hero slope","mountain fruit forest", "xifeng temple" and "shuan niushi", it extends tolongmen lake. at each point, i will explain it to you in detail. please followme! if you want to be a hero, go to hero slope to compete! but do ityourself.

everyone's physical fitness is really good. we are all heroes. now we cometo the mountain fruit forest, which is rich in four seasons fruits. take a lookat this large forest, including peaches, plums, apricots, pears, oranges, aswell as large organic tea gardens. most of the chestnut trees are in thevillage, and walnuts, cherries and milk strawberries are pure wild varietieshere, which are very delicious.

further on, we heard the roaring sound of water. unconsciously, we arrivedat the longmen grand canyon, which is a spectacular stone valley. the bouldersin the valley are yellow and black. they are granite and limestone, both ofwhich are hundreds of millions of years old. these hard and fine black gray andgray limestone constitute the karst landform of our county. the yellowish brownstones are due to orogeny, strata folding, even dislocation, movement, fracture,magma from deep earth gushing to the surface of the crust, forming manymountains. huangshan, jiuhuashan and guniujiang were all formed in thisperiod.

looking at this huge stone hanging high in the air, it seems to be a brokenstone bridge. the stone on the opposite side is like a boat. the bow of the boatis up, obviously going against the water. unfortunately, the stone bridge wasbroken, the bow of the boat is up, and the stern of the boat has sunk, so it iscalled "breaking the bridge against the boat". the huge stone on the oppositeside, flat and flat, seems to be a stone drum. on this side, the huge stonefacing the river is garden, and it is small at the top and big at the bottom. itseems to be a stone bell. we call it "bell drum stone". in front of it is a poolof clear water, green as jade. we call it "jasper pool". this scenic spot iscalled "bell drum shaking jasper pool"!

go on, and get on this iron cable bridge across both sides of shigu. it'scalled "shigu feidu" because it's across longmen shigu. standing on the bridge,you can see "a part of the great wall of nanguo from a short distance. it's veryspectacular; the steep cliff on the opposite side is called baizhang was a tragic history here. it was in the qing dynasty for a long time. iwon't say much about it here. the gorge between the two mountains is calledlongmen gorge. the boulders in the valley roll and meander for kilometers. wecall it rolling stone beach. looking carefully, these huge stones also havetheir own unique shape and characteristics.

go ahead, let's have a long view. the dragon is the one that confronts thetwo mountains. there is also a moving legend here. i won't say it. under thedragon's gate is the dragon's gate pool. the water in longmen lake is crystalclear. wang taihua, former secretary of anhui provincial party committee, oncesaid, "this is the best water in anhui.". really, this is the water flowing outof the virgin forest. guniujiang is the last virgin forest in east ore, this is also the best water in east china. of course, it belongs tograde i water. the color of the water is as green as jade. we all know why thewater here is so green. there are four conditions: first, the water must beclear to the bottom, and the sediment content is very low. in fact, the sedimentcontent here is zero; second, the water must have a certain depth, and thedeeper the water is, the greener it is; third, the surrounding ecologicalvegetation is good, and the vegetation coverage rate is high. people say, "greenmountains and green water". how can green water come without green mountains?fourth, there should be sunlight. now, we can explain why the water is so greenin one sentence, that is, the sunlight refracts the green of the surroundingplants into the clear deep water.

here, i'd like to leave some time for you. please leave the most beautifulscenery of guniujiang in your camera. take photos on longmen dam and stones. youmust pay attention to safety.

now we come to the first scenic spot "hippo playing crocodile beach". fromthis point of view, you can see the long and thin lines on the two stones. theylook like two crocodiles. one of them has climbed up the bank, the other isstill in the water. what comes after them is the fierce looking hippo. this ishippo playing crocodile beach. of course, different people have differentopinions.

well, our whole journey is over today!


changsha city, referred to as "long, nickname" star city ", "chu city", isalso the provincial capital of hunan province, my hometown. by mountain city isthe most valuable gift of nature to changsha. the beautiful land of write toomuch better on historical spanning, i left "jiangnan landscape, thefallen petal season and every gentleman" song of eternal; zhang shi songdynasty, zhu xi in yuelu academy teaching twice; more generation great man maozedong crowd j head, high-spirited, encouraging words...

when it comes to changsha, people naturally think of j head, the xiangjiangriver sight. orange continent, some people say that it is a painting, plum forspring, zhu qing elizabeth barbara ohm, orange, yellow, orange, green, continent, someone says it is a poem, between heaven and earth day flow,the ancient and modern in character. the emotion recalling ancientry, master theups and downs. orange continent, is the green pearl inlaid in the xiangjiangriver, changsha is the pride of the people. xiangjiang river sight all sightfully reflects the natural scenery in hunan province, a beautiful environment,is a good place for tourists sightseeing trip, and citizen exercise night tourof the state. xiangjiang river is the mother river of the changsha, it surgingsouth, bubbling to the north, zhao mountain in changsha city, the three han alumturned to the northwest, to joe for wangcheng, in yueyang dongting, through thechangsha city about 25 kilometers. the xiangjiang river on both sides of the redcliff, such as chardonnay, white as snow, sand willows, such as silk, qiangsails as a cloud, make a beautiful sight along the river in changsha.

when it comes to changsha, nature is little not food. hunan cuisine is oneof the eight great cuisines of china. today changsha delicacies already known:squid spicy small lobster, iron plate, stinky tofu, hot and sour powder...eating in changsha, oneself of breath, "food" is interesting, such as "eat" suchas drunk. in star city streets, how many traditional snacks waiting for, and howmany trendy snack make people hope.

with the expansion of the city, the changes of flickering skyscrapers. atthe same time, the street is lined with trees on both sides, we like to live inthe garden. straight, clean, clean, spacious avenue of traffic of the citychanges with each passing day, make the camp of the new road tunnel urbanizationconstruction on a new stage; wuhan-guangzhou high-speed accelerated economicexchanges and coastal cities in central china, greatly improved the livingstandards of people; the city subway and light rail would be built and alsogreatly facilitates people's travel.

changsha, zhuzhou and xiangtan urban agglomeration in 20__ formallyapproved by the national construction of a resource-conserving andenvironment-friendly comprehensive reform pilot area, become the rise of centralchina "engine", drive the economic development of china. was to pressevaluation, "changzhutan economic integration both experience and lessons,whether success or setbacks, will be to the yangtze river delta, the pearl riverdelta, bohai sea region these newcomers profound enlightenment." believe inchangsha will be more beautiful tomorrow.

i love my hometown, my beautiful star city - changsha.


kaifeng's ancient cities, bianliang, bianjing and tokyo, or bian for short,are one of the seven ancient capitals in china. there are wei in the warringstates period, houliang, later jin, later han, later zhou in the five dynasties,northern song and jinding in kaifeng. therefore, kaifeng has always been thecapital of seven dynasties. let me introduce kaifeng with seven ones

the end result of a famous official: bao qingtian in kaifeng is selflessand honest. i think many people have heard this song. when you travel tokaifeng, you will naturally think of bao zheng, the famous prime minister of thenorthern song dynasty. he once served as the magistrate of kaifeng. in people'shearts, he is the symbol of the upright officials in ancient china. we willvisit baogong temple after visiting shangheyuan during the qingmingfestival.

the glory of a dynasty, in the history of kaifeng, the capital of the sevendynasties, the northern song dynasty was the longest, from 960 to 1127, as longas 168 years, also the most prosperous. in the han and tang dynasties, therewere no more than four or five hundred thousand people in chang'an, no more thanone million in luoyang, and 1.5 million in kaifeng. at that time, there weremore than 100000 people in london and paris, and only 500000 in damascus, whichis called the world's largest city by europeans. with the prosperity of economy,the increase of population, and the development of commodity economy, merchants,envoys, and religious personages from all over the world could not stop on theirway. all kinds of chinese civilization, including gunpowder, printing, andpapermaking, spread to all over the world. the prosperity of economy alsopromoted the great development of culture. su shi, ou yangxiu, wang anshi, simaguang, liu yong, li qingzhao and zhang zeduan all led the way in theirrespective fields.

the history of a big river, the development of kaifeng is closely relatedto the yellow river, the history of kaifeng development can be said to be thehistory of the yellow river flooding, the yellow river stability is kaifengprosperous, the yellow river flooding is kaifeng decline. at present, there arefive ruins of dadu city stacked together under our feet, and then we kaifengpeople build on the ruins again, that is, once the yellow river floods, kaifengwill be submerged once. the five ancient capital sites are distributed on 20square kilometers of land, only the five cities in kaifeng and the five capitalsin luoyang. now there is another world wonder between kaifeng and the yellowriver, that is, the suspended wonder of the yellow river. the riverbed of theyellow river is seven meters higher than the surface of kaifeng.

the fragrance of a flower. this flower is naturally kaifeng city flowerchrysanthemum, as early as the northern song dynasty, kaifeng chrysanthemum hasbeen well-known throughout the country. in 1983, chrysanthemum was designated asthe city flower of kaifeng. since then, every year from october 18 to november18, kaifeng will hold a chrysanthemum flower fair. when you enter any scenicspot in kaifeng, you seem to enter a sea of chrysanthemums. now kaifengchrysanthemum and luoyang peony have become provincial flower fair. people inkaifeng love chrysanthemum not only because of its beauty, but also because ofits strong character, cold resistance and noble temperament. at the same time,chrysanthemum is also a symbol of kaifeng people's indomitable will. lookingback on the history, kaifeng has experienced many wars. however, kaifeng peopleare constantly striving for self-reliance and rebuilding their homes. this isnot the unique quality of chrysanthemum!

the aura of a lake. as we all know, yang jialing of the northern songdynasty was a representative of loyal officials and good generals. so there aretwo lakes in kaifeng, one is yangjiahu, the other is panjiahu. there is such astory among the people. yanghuqing, panhuzhuo, treacherous minister, loyalminister, qingzhuo. it is said that a heroic yang family in the northern songdynasty made great contributions to the country, but the emperor did notdistinguish between good and evil. after yang ye was killed, she went to thegolden palace to sue the emperor, but the emperor shielded the treacherousofficials and only removed pan renmei's three empty duties. in a rage, she ledher family to retire and move away. the day after tomorrow, heavy rain floodedpan yang's house. the lake where the pan family is located is turbid and stinky,while the lake of the yang family is clear. people think that this is aportrayal of the loyalty and treachery of the pan and yang families. so the auraof a lake,

a difficult revival. since the yellow river inundated kaifeng in the latenorthern song dynasty, kaifeng has not been prosperous in the past. kaifeng,which was the provincial capital in the period of the republic of china, hasbeen left far behind by zhengzhou and luoyang. kaifeng now governs five countiesand five districts with a population of 4.6 million and an urban population of780000. now, after the national strategy of the rise of central china is putforward, the provincial government proposes to develop the central plains urbanagglomeration and realize the integration of zhengzhou and kaifeng. the openingof zhengbian avenue last year marks that kaifeng, driven by zhengzhou, has setfoot on the express train that attaches importance to the past glory.

a great historical painting is zhang zeduan's picture of qingming we have arrived at qingming shanghe garden. please take your belongings withyou and get out of the car with me to enjoy this historical painting.


nan'ao island is the only island county in guangdong province. it iscomposed of 37 large and small islands, with a land area of 130.90 squarekilometers (including the main island area of 128.35 square kilometers), a seaarea of 4600 square kilometers, and a permanent population of more than70000.

nan'ao island is located in the sea of eastern guangdong, the center of thethree major ports of kaohsiung, xiamen and hong kong, and is close to the maininternational route of the western pacific ocean. the coastline of nan'ao islandis 77 km, and there are 66 harbors, including yandun bay, changshan bay andzhuqidu. it has the advantages of building deep-water ports and 10000 tonwharves to develop ocean transportation. qingao bay on nan'ao island is a softsandy beach with gentle slope, clear water and moderate salinity. it is one ofthe two grade a bathing beaches in guangdong province. there are more than 50cultural relics and more than 30 temples on nan'ao island.

nan'ao island is located in the subtropical zone, which is crossed bytropic of cancer. warm in winter and cool in summer, the marine climate is verypleasant. the annual average temperature is only 21.5 ℃, and the air is freshwithout all kinds of polluting industries. the air contains 4000 negative ionsper cubic centimeter, which is 10 to 20 times higher than that of ordinarycities. midsummer season, the sea breeze, cool climate, is a good place tosummer. every summer, tourists from home and abroad come here one after anotherfor summer, rest, sightseeing and summer.

nan'ao island is known as the "pearl of the sea in east guangdong". it isrich in tourism resources and has the characteristics of "sea, mountain, historyand temple".

blue sky, blue sea, green island, jinsha and white waves are the maincolors of nan'ao's eco-tourism. landing on the island, living on the seashore,bathing in the sea breeze, bathing in the sea and tasting seafood are the happychoices for friends from all walks of life to travel on the island. there areqingaowan provincial tourist resort known as "oriental hawaii", huanghuashannational forest park known as "south china sea natural botanical garden", wuyunature reserve known as "migratory bird paradise", the largest island wind farmin asia, the headquarters with a long history of 158 years, and legendary gujingand taizi of southern song dynasty as well as many influential cultural andhistorical sites, historic sites, temples and so on, all of which are likeclusters of exotic flowers competing for water, constitute a beautiful islandlandscape.

through the efforts in recent years, nan'ao county has gradually improvedits infrastructure, built a number of tourist attractions and service supportingfacilities, and initially formed a county wide tourism network centered onqing'ao bay. there are 50 hotels, hotels and other reception places, and morethan 3000 reception beds. it has a comprehensive reception capacity of "eating,living, traveling, playing, shopping and entertainment". nan'ao is establishingthe development idea of "big tourism concept, big planning and big developmentidea", and is committed to creating a national "4a" tourist area. it is strivingto do a good job in the implementation of the creation work in the past twoyears, so as to build the whole nan'ao into a national "4a" tourist area.


