2023年导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素12篇(通用)

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2023年导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素12篇(通用)
时间:2023-04-04 13:35:53     小编:zdfb


导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素篇一

time flies! over two months ago we happily gathered here in this hall to give mr and mrs smith a warm welcome.

it is with a special sense of cordiality and joy that we are now gathering here again with them after they have concluded a tour to many parts of our country. during their stay in china,

they have carefully studied our educational system as well as politics, economy and culture. they are leaving for home tomorrow.

here we ask them to convey our profound friendship to the people of the united states. we wish them a pleasant journey home and good health. lets now warmly welcome mr smith to address us.


导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素篇二

luoyang travel guide

located in the west of henan province in central china, luoyang occupies quite an important geographic location. it is in the middle reaches of the yellow river and is encircled by mountains and plains. to its east and west are the hu lao pass and han gu pass which were essential domestic transportation junctions in ancient times. to its north, mengjin county was an important ferry crossing of the yellow river. thus, luoyang was selected as the capital city by 13 dynasties starting from the xia dynasty (21st-16th century bc) in the 21st century bc. in the period following the han dynasty (206bc-220), and particularly during the sui (581-618) and tand (618-907) dynasties, the city experienced a period of growth and prosperity and ranked as one of the international metropolitans of the time.

its long history endows luoyang with a profound sense of culture. the city is the cradle of chinese civilization where many chinese legends happened, such as nvwa patching the sky, dayu controlling flood and the chinese ancestor huangdi establishing the nation. the city is also famed as the poets capital as poets and literates of ancient china often gathered there and left grand works, including book of wisdom (daode jing), han history (han shu) and administrative theory of admonishing official (zi zhi tong jian). religious culture once thrived here. taoism originated there and the first buddhist temple set up by the government was located there. luoyang is also the hometown of many of the scientific inventions of ancient china, such as the seismograph, armillary sphere, paper making, printing and the compass.

luoyang has rich historical and cultural sites. the longmen grottoes are one of chinas three most precious treasure houses of stone sculptures and inscriptions. the white horse temple is the first buddhist temple and is honored as the cradle of buddhism in china. mt. mangshan is where ancient tombs of emperors, nobles and literates in the past dynasties collected. the luoyang ancient tombs museum is the worlds first example of the kind and presents thousands of treasures discovered in the tombs. shaolin temple is the place of origin for chinese zen buddhism and the cradle of chinese martial art. landscapes in luoyang hold the same attraction as the cultural sites. white cloud mountain, funiu mountain, long yu wan national forest park, ji guan limestone cave and the yellow river xiaolangdi scenic area are all worth a visit. additionally, luoyang is particularly well known for its peonies. every year in april, the flowers blossom and attract tourists from all over the world. dining in luoyang is quite an enjoyable experience. various kinds of local dishes, including water feast, yan cai and others which use the famous yellow river carps as an ingredient, together with the uniquely flavored soups, will greatly satisfy your taste buds. luoyangs local specialties such as palace lanterns, bronze vessels and tri-colored glazed potteries will no doubt delight your eyes and offer you ideal souvenirs. being a modern city as well, luoyang has hotels of all standards which provide you quite a broad choice for your stay. most of the hotels have reasonable room prices and perfect services.

transportation is well developed in luoyang. beijiao airport has many domestic flights extending to many large cities in other provinces. its also very easy to get to luoyang by train because one of chinas most important railway lines long hai railway traverses the city and connects most cities in east, west and central china. the convenient city buses and taxies can carry you around the city. near the railway station, special tourist buses can take you to the tourist spots in the suburban areas of the city.

luoyang, a charming city filled with the fragrance of peonies and the primitive atmosphere of ancient civilization, is waiting and welcoming guests from all over the world. putting the city into the list of your exploration in china, you will get far more than what you expect.

the longmen grottos

the longmen grottos are on the yihe river bank, some 12 kilometers from ancient luoyang city, about 30 minutes drive. it is one of the three most important buddhist sculptures and carvings in china. the

longmen grottos enjoy a good location where two mountains confront each other between which flows the yihe river.

the grotto was first carved in north wei dynasty, over 1500 years ago and expanded through the succeeding east and west wei dynasties, north qi dynasty, north zhou dynasty, sui and tang dynasties and was finally completed in north song dynasty. over 500 years renovation and expansion have created the prestigious world cultural site. the most significant chiseling activities happened in the tang and north wei dynasties, which lasted over 150 years.

spanning a length of around 1 kilometer on the hillside along the yihe river, the niches resemble dozens of honeycombs dotting the area. there are about grottoes and niches, over 40 crematory urns, 3,600 inscribed stone tablets and over 100,000 buddhist images and statues. the largest one is 17 meters high while the smallest is a tiny as 2 cm. one third of the complex are works of the north wei dynasty. these masterpieces are the binyang cave, and lianhua( lotus cave). the impressive qianxi temple, fengxian temple, wanfo cave( ten thousand buddhist cave) are the highlights of the tang dynasts carvings. the longmen grottos are of great value in world sculpture history and it has been listed in the world cultural heritage site by the unesco. to protect such a valuable heritage site, the chinese government as well as some influential world cultural organizations are trying hard to share this site with the whole word. a large-scaled renovation was undertaken in xx to keep the grottos in good condition.

white horse temple

located at the 12 kilometers east of luoyang city, the white horse temple is one of the oldest buddhist temples in china and is renowned as the cradle of chinese buddhism. although it is not the largest nor the most beautiful buddhism monument in china, this temple with its large number of buddhism items housed there, is well worth a trip.

an interesting legend related to the temple goes that a white horse carried the first buddhist script from india here in ancient time hence the name white horse temple. history records that the site was original the place used by the second han emperor-liu zhuang as a summer resort and for study. in 68 ad, when buddhism reached its heyday in india, two indian monks brought buddhist scriptures to luoyang on the back of a white horse. the emperor, who was a devout buddhism believer, built the temple to house the scriptures and named it white horse temple. it was said that there were once thousands of monks living in the temple. it was even used as a refugee sanctuary during the social turmoil of wang mang in the eastern han dynasty.

the two monks who brought scriptures from india were buried here. many monks from outside china have visited the monk and many of them have spent the rest of their time in that temple. the famous tang dynasty monk-xuanzang started his 17 years long pilgrimage trip to indian from the temple. after returning, xuanzhang became the abbot of the white horse temple, where he disseminated the scriptures of buddhism for the rest of his life.

guanlin temple

at the end of guanlin nan lu, guanlin temple was built to commemorate the great general guanyu of the state of shu during the three kingdoms period. in the romance of three kingdoms, the shu general guanyu was defeated, captured and executed by sunquan, the ruler of the state of wu. fearing revenge from guanyu’s blood brother liubei who was the ruler of the state of shu, sunquan ordered to send guanyu’s head to caocao-ruler of wei in an attempt to deflect the responsibility for the death. caocao, however, was an admirer of guans loyalty and bravery. he ordered a wooden body be carved to accompany the head before guanyu was buried.

very little is known about when the temple was first built. the complex was developed during the ming dynasty and was underwent several renovation and expansion during the succeeding qing dynasty. its now comprised of halls, temples, pavilions and guans tomb. some valuable stone tablets with elegant calligraphies are also found here. the place is very popular among the locals who worship the valorous general by burning sticks of incense.

museum of ancient tombs

an interesting old saying goes that suzhou and hangzhou are good places to live, while luoyang is a good place to die. many of the ancient emperors, princes, generals and other public celebrities took this advice and left orders that they were to be buried in luoyang after their death. there are over 20 ancient tombs dating from the han dynasty to the north song dynasty. a museum was built at the site where many ancient tombs were excavated.

the museum is at the mang hill in the north suburb of the city, about 8 kilometers from the city center. covering an area of around 3 hectare, it has two parts: the underground and above ground parts. the above ground part contains a han-style gate, some halls. tomb models from the stone age to the han dynasty, restored funerary objects and funeral rituals are displayed in the eastern hall.

the underground section is a tomb groups site which is about 7 meters underground. there are north and south song dynasties hall, wei and jin dynasties hall, tang and song dynasties hall and a hall for refined items excavated from the tombs. many of the vividly painted murals, valuable relics and a number of pottery figures are on display here. visitors can also find the models of ancient tombs. 22 ancient tombs restored to their original styles are displayed here.

luoyang museum

luoyang served as the capitals for a long period of time. history has left the place a large number of historical rare relics. many of these rarely seem items can be found at the luoyang museum. the museum is located at the city center, very easy to find.

the museums exhibition center displays refined ancient items including bronze wares, ceramics, gold and silver artifacts and jade. these exhibitions offer a good illustration of the citys grand past.

luoyang peony

luoyang is renowned as: the city of peony. the city has long been famous for its beautiful peony flowers. peony, has been called the king of flowers for its gorgeous charm and unbelievably beauty. the flower has been a symbol of grace in china. ancient chinese poets once compared peony with the beautiful and elegant ladies and thought the two were equally pleasant to the eye.

luoyang has a long history of planting peony. peony growing began to prevail in the region in the ancient sui dynasty, over one thousand years ago. in the tang dynasty, many famous gardens for peony were built and peony was planted on a massive scale. luoyang became the countrys peony cultivation and trade center in the song dynasty. luoyang peony is international famous for the peony. luoyangs unique climate is well suited to its peony growing culture. luoyang is located in the temperate zone with favorable and humid climate all year around.

luoyang peony is well-known for its big flowers and many varieties. each year, in late spring when the peonies are in full blossom, thousands of visitors swarm to the city to enjoy the stunningly beautiful flowers. the international peony festival held here annually adds even more fame to luoyangs peony.

导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素篇三

ladies, gentlemen:

today we are going to tour the scenic spot is the yellow fruit treewaterfall. the yellow fruit tree waterfall is china first in thewaterfall, also is in the world one of in admiration of somebodysfame big waterfalls. in november, 1982, examined and appr oved afterthe peoples republic of china state council, the yellow fruit treewaterfall has been listed as the national key scenery scenic spotarea.

the yellow fruit tree waterfall is apart from the provincial capitalguiyang 137 kilometers, is located west guizhou province townninghsien and guanling county bordering on place hits the nation riverbranch the clear water river bank. rides in a carriage from guiyang tothe yellow fruit tree, approximately needs about for a half hour thetime.

the yellow fruit tree big waterfall already arrived, you looked, thiswas already the known far and wide chinese first big waterfall.

the yellow fruit tree waterfall height 68 meters, in the waterfall thewaterfall 6 meters, alwayshigh 74 meters, the width 81 meters, the summerfall flood rises suddenly in addition, waterfall like yellow river butactually leans, the cliff trembles, valley bangthunder, about ten miles,also can hear to its roaring; as a result of the fluent formidableimpulse, the mist which splashes may fill the air above severalhundred meters, causes to be situated the border and the downtownwhich the cliff goes against left side of the waterfall frequently themist which splashes is covered. the tourist says it "the silver rainto sprinkle the golden street". the winter the water is spring small,the waterfall then spanides into 35 to go against from the shorehangs down, looks by far, that pure white shui lianpiao however under,raises sprinkles, if silk fabrics dances in the breeze, if theimmortal flutters lifts, like virtuous young woman gauze…… . for several hundred years, the yellow fruit tree waterfall grandappearance continuously exclaimed in surprise for many writersscholars. the qing dynasty guizhou renowned calligrapher, "summerpalace" three characters topic volume yan yinliang in "looks theantithetical couplet which the pavilion on the water" the topicwrites: "the clear water like cotton and kapok, does not need the bowto bow cotton wool self-scattering. the sunset glow resembles thebrocade, he xusuo weaves the day production ", was the image butvividly summarized the yellow fruit tree waterfall grand scenery.

now, we arrived the waterfall dropping place —— rhinoceros deep water this deep pool because the fable bright rhinoceros hidesacquires fame. has the god rhinoceros, nobody has seen, but the deeppool water mystical is profound, until now still, any person settlesdown nearby the deep pool, can recollectionsassociationflies fast. the drizzle which whenthe cloudless day morning 10 now and then about 4 pm, as a result ofthe sunlight refraction, you also may penetrate waterfall impactsplash, saw raise the seven colors of the spectrum rainbow from thedeep deep pool, cause your fresh grand appearance to be unparalleled,feeling of the gorgeous illustrious day.

why does this waterfall give a name is called the yellow fruit treewaterfall, what waterfalls but isnt called other other? according tothe folklore, is because nearby the waterfall on has big huang jueshu,according to the local voice, and "the fruit" the pronunciationis same, therefore the people on the custom called it yellow fruittree, this is one view. also some one view, nearby the fable very longbefore waterfall farmers all liked planting the yellow fruit, nearbythe waterfall on have a big yellow orchard, therefore on called thiswaterfall it the yellow fruit tree waterfall.

other famous big waterfalls compare with the world in, the yellowfruit tree big waterfall although does not have the african victoriabig waterfall, a north america nepal asia carat big waterfall, thevenezuelan anheer big waterfall like that broad, profound and isgrand, but, the yellow fruit tree big waterfall is innate it unusuallyplace, it is in the world occupies the karst area in the waterfall,also is the magnificent waterfall. this big waterfall on the pictureis together the strange magnet, in its ground, underground, aquatic,in the water also is adsorbing a succession of abundant posturegraceful view. most mysterious, is hides in the big waterfall halfwaycliff porch cavern, because outside hole caneradish climbsattaches, shui guazhucurtain, therefore says "shui liandong". this is in the world otherbig waterfall no unusual landscapes.

ladies, gentlemen, "shui liandong" already arrived, this shui liandongthe span 134 meters, it by 6 holes windows, 3 stocks vauclusian springand 6 channels is composed. according to the chinese myth storyreorganization large-scale tv serial "monkey" center shui liandong aplay, is here photographs.

this is the first hole window, its position lowest, to rhinoceros deeppool water surface only 40 meters, but hole window then is mostspacious, some several meters widths, position when first, twowaterfalls, big water two waterfalls cheng shuilian, completely sealsup the hole window; the water hour then the grading pulls open, isdifferent, pities the picture to be allowed at will opensgathers the windowblind from several meters to several meters.

this is the second hole window, it leaves about the first hole windowonly 4 meters. this is a quiet world, is known as the crystal is shui liandong heart is partial, length 11 meters, height 9meters, width 3 meters. the roadside has a water seepage, limpid isbright, the water elder maintains at a water level. the hole goesagainst is being hanging many clockbreaststone, clockbreaststone on also has theprecious curl stone in mai ganzhuang. on the hole wall also is hanginginnumerable shi man, the stone curtain.

this is the threehole window, it to outsidesuddenly, likes the balcony very hole window has 1 meter high, 3 meter long, outside encircles hasthe guard rail, the tourist stands behind the guard rail may put out ahand to trace the waterfall, therefore the people here called it"traces waterfall".

ladies, gentlemen, now we must tour the landscape is the rhinocerosdeep pool canyon landscape. you looked that, from the rhinoceros waistdownward, is together connected falls together the water, is in turnrhinoceros deep pool, three beaches, horses hoof beach, oil fish welland so on. in this a succession of beach deep pool, is the headnaturally is the rhinoceros deep pool, its deep meters,frequently for splash the bead cover, the fog bead submerge. so longas has the sunlight, the waterfall splashes on the bead frequently tohang seven colors riotous rainbows, moves along with the person,unpredictable.

why can the yellow fruit tree waterfall like this? this is because theyellow fruit tree waterfall is situated at the karst area, is createsby the fluent corrosive nature. upstream when traces to the source thecorrosion crackspot arrives, the river water along the karst crevassewashes out, dissolveseclipse, flushes the eclipse, the abrasion, the pipelinegradually expands, forms does not fall the hole and the buried river;after the surface river pours into falls the water-dunnel the watervolume proportion gradually to increase, has formed the karst areaunique raidsseizes, pours into in the open jet falls the water-dunnelplace, forms falls the water-dunnel type waterfall. flushes theeclipse and the strategy avalanche function along with the current ofwater unceasingly intensifies, the underground river cavern is moreand more big, thereupon dryvalley grew along the surface has had thestring distribution the shaft and the roof louvre window, theyunceasingly expanded, the combination, broke down collapses, hascreated the nowadays grand magnificent sight yellow fruit tree bigwaterfall and the waterfall downriver sincere precipitous canyon.

i hoped you lift your photographic camera, pats down the yellow fruittree waterfall, keeps in your memory, propagandizes for more people,because, the yellow fruit tree waterfall is china, simultaneously alsobelongs to the world.

导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素篇四

london is a cosmopolitan mixture of the third and first worlds, of chauffeurs and beggars, of the establishment, the avowedly working class and the avant-garde. unlike comparable european cities, much of london looks unplanned and grubby, but that is part of its appeal. visiting london is like being let loose on a giant-sized monopoly board clogged with traffic. even though you probably won’t know where the hell you are, at least the names will look reassuringly familiar. the city is so enormous, visitors will need to make maximum use of the underground train system: unfortunately, this dislocates the city’s geography and makes it hard to get your bearings.

when to go

london is a year-round tourist center, with few of its attractions closing or significantly reducing their opening hours in winter. your best chance of good weather is, of course, at the height of summer in july and august, but there’s certainly no guarantee of sun even in those months and that is when you can expect the biggest crowds and highest prices.

great churches:

westminster abbey

a resting place of the royals, westminster abbey, is one of the most visited churches in the christian world. it’s a beautiful building, full of morose tombs and monuments, with an acoustic field that will send shivers down your spine when the choirboys clear their throats. the roll call of the dead and honored is guaranteed to humble the greatest egoist, despite the weighty and ornate memorabilia.

st paul’s cathedral

half the world saw the inside of st paul’s cathedral when charles tied the knot here in 1981. the venerable building was constructed by christopher wren between 1675 and 1710, but stands on the site of two previous cathedrals dating back to 604. its famous dome, the biggest in the world after st peter’s in rome, no longer dominates london as it did for centuries - a fact which irritates the bonnie prince’s sense of architectural harmony. visitors should talk low and sweetly near the whispering gallery, which reputedly carries words spoken close to its walls to the other side of the dome.

westminster cathedral is the headquarters of britain’s catholic church, and the only prime example of neo-byzantine architecture in the city. the interior is part splendid marble and part bare brick - the money ran out. the 14 stations of the cross sculptures by eric gill and the marvelously somber atmosphere make this a great escape from coach tourists and traffic alike.

kings & queens

the queen opened buckingham palace to the public for the first time in 1993 to raise money for repairs to windsor castle. the palace rates poorly compared to britain’s other stately homes. the interiors range from kitsch to tasteless opulence and reveal nothing of the domestic life of the royal family apart from a gammy eye when it comes to interior décor.

the tower of london, once a castle and palace, is now a beautifully preserved monument to cruelty. according to shakespeare, their wicked uncle, richard iii, slaughtered the young princes and heirs of edward iv here. the cells have played host to an illustrious crew which includes thomas more, anne boleyn, walter raleigh, rudolf hess and wham! bloodcurdling attractions include torture implements displayed in martin tower. don’t overdose on suits of armor, coats of arms or beefeaters and you’ll have a fun time. check out the ravens on the green: legend says that the day they desert the tower, london shall fall to its enemies.


the awesome neo-gothic brilliance of the houses of parliament has been restored thanks to a recent spring clean of the fa?ade. the building includes the house of commons and the house of lords, so the grandeur of the exterior is let down only by the level of debate in the interior. there’s restricted access to the chambers when they’re in session, but a visit around 6 pm will avoid the worst of the crowds. check the time on the most recognizable face in the houses of parliament, big ben.

downing street, the official residence of the prime minister and the chancellor of the exchequer, has been guarded by an imposing iron gate since the security forces realized that the lone iconic bobby outside maggie’s door was not sufficient to stop the ira mortar bomb attack in xxx.

museums & their booty

the british museum is the oldest, most august museum in the world. it is so big and so full of ’stuff’ collected by victorian travelers and explorers that visitors often make the mistake of overdosing on the antiquities. see as much as you want to see, not as much as you believe you should. highlights include the weird assyrian treasures and egyptian mummies; the exquisite pre-christian portland vase and the 2000-year-old corpse found in a cheshire bog.

导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素篇五

topic: define the mountain summer resort as “garden bright pearl, science open-air museum”.

part one: how this garden is special.

_question: (outside the resort, to sitimulate the tourist’s interests)

our garden experts said that, the summer vacation mountain village is the miniature of our beautiful motherland. why can the experts say like this?


chengde summer resort is in the northern part of chengde city, heibei province. chengde imperial palace also known as the rehe place, where qing emperors spent their summer days and work in, so it was not an imperial summer palace in its usual meaning, but became a important centre next to beijing.

_knowledge about the layout:

there are two parts of the resort——the palaces and a scenic area.

the palaces were for emperors to handled political affairs and lived in. the scenic area includes lakes, hills and grassland. there are eight artificial lakes. emperor kangxi commented the resort as “having the mountains as the bone and water as the heart ”. emperor qianlong’s remark, “though it is named as mountain resort, its beauty is in water” highlighted the feature of the resort. because kangxi and qianlong have toured in south china many times and appreciated a lot of beauties there, so that beauties were like been moved by the emperors into the resort. so this garden has the north and south style in a body.

_answer of the question:

the natural mountains and rivers built it was copied the landscape from southern jiangsu and outside shanhaiguan, there has forests, lakes, grassland and mountains; almost include all kinds of the landscapes of china.

outside the palaces is the eight outer temples, this temples surrounding the palaces like the star surrounding the moon, symbolized the national various nationalities closely around the qing dynasty’s rule center.

part two: great values of the resort.

in our country history:

the mountain summer resort has witnessed the qing dynasty’s consolidation and development. said from its rich history connotation, it is really a national and religious history museum.

_question: why mountain summer resort is considered as “intangible great wall”?

when the qing government made beijing its capital, it paid attention to the relationship with the national minorities in mongolia, xinjiang and tibet, and keep a marriage relation with them. it can be seen like this way: the temples around the mountain summer resort were the outcome of the policy of national solidarity and consolidation of the multi-national country.

we know the ming dynasty has built great wall, but the policy of building the mountain summer resort is more effectual .

from the cultural value:

in the resort, han nationality culture and some national minority cultures, both display respective characteristics and absorb from each other. now chengde already towards to the world, the culture is not belongs to china also the universe.

导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素篇六

tianjin is a good choice as a travel destination. with its cool sea breeze and fresh sea air you will definitely feel refreshed. historical relics, natural scenery, temples, churches, assembly halls and commemorative sites of the chinese revolution will illuminate tianjins past, present and future. tianjin is honored as building museum as it was occupied by nine imperial powers before the founding of the new china, leaving behind many buildings with extraordinary and exotic architectural styles, a real feast for the eye! in the following text let me give you a brief introduction to the jinmen shijing (top ten scenic attractions in tianjin).

located in the mountainous area of tianjins northern ji county, the huangyaguan great wall was first built during the northern qi dynasty (550 - 557) and repaired in large scale with bricks during the ming dynasty (1368 - 1644). when appointed as the chief commanding officer in the ji garrison (one of the eleven garrisons of the ming dynasty), qi jiguang added watch towers and other defensive works.

the huangyaguan great wall comes out first in the ten most-visited sites in tianjin. it is considered to be a miniature of the great wall. the entire section is built on an abrupt mountain ridge. being endowed with both natural beauty and cultural interest, it has become famous as a natural beauty spot and a summer resort. the major scenic area is composed of huangyaguan pass and taiping mountain

six miles southeast of huangyaguan pass is the taipingzhai great wall, another important mountain

covering an area of 106 square kilometers (about 26193 acres), mt. panshan scenic area is located in jixian county, 110 kilometers ( miles) away from tianjin, 88 kilometers ( miles) away from beijing. as the name suggests, the scenic area is mainly mt panshan–oriented. endowed with natural beauty and a historical heritage, mt panshan is known as the first mountain east of beijing and is listed as one of the top fifteen mountains in china.

the mountain acquired its present name, early in the eastern han (25-220). taizong , the second emperor of the tang dynasty (618-907), was prodigal of his praise of its scenery on his chance visit when he led the army in a campaign. seventy-two temples, thirteen pagodas and numerous xanadus and towers were built on the mountain in the ming dynasty (1368-1644) and the qing dynasty (1644-1911). qianlong, a brilliant and wise qing dynasty emperor was so impressed that he made thirty or so visits and wrote 1366 poems to express his admiration of the area. in the first half of the twentieth century, the whole resort all fell to ruin due to hostilities and neglect. it has undergone a process of restoration since the 1990s and is now regaining its fame.

it is famous for jade pine trees, strange and astonishing peaks, clear waters, grotesquely shaped rocks and clusters of ancient temples. on the mountaintop, numerous pines hide the sky from view and block out the sunshine. rugged rocks in a variety of shapes, some of which resemble a toad, a general or a boa, will greet you in the middle of the mountain. at its foot, clear water splashes on the rocks. the mountain consists of five peaks, with the main one, guayue (moon hanging) peak. although guayue peak is only 857 meters ( feet) above sea level, to the north it is possible to see a section of the great wall while to the west mt taihang can be seen.

from the wei state during the three kingdoms period (220-280) onwards, emperors enthusiastically commissioned the building of temples, towers and xanadus resulting in over 160 such sites. there are four main temples: tiancheng temple (god proposing temple), yunzhao temple (cloud-hiding temple), wanfo temple (ten thousand-buddha temple) and wansong temple (ten thousand-pine temple). tiancheng temple built in the tang dynasty, was enlarged and repaired in the ming and the qing dynasties. to the east of this temple stands the ancient dagoba. as the biggest tower in this mountain, it has thirteen floors. the roof of the yunzhao temple was a golden yellow, a color that normally was only allowed to be used on imperial buildings. by granting permission for this, emperor qianlong demonstrated his approval and admiration of the mountain. wanfo temple (ten thousand-buddha temple) has 10,960 small buddhas statues.

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导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素篇九

dear visitors and friends:

hello, everyone, i am a tour guide of the international travel agency, liu x, first of all, i welcome you to our travel agency.

all of this trip to the united kingdom will be accompanied by me, you can call me xiao liu according to age or call my name, we will provide you with the greatest enthusiasm for the service.

now i will introduce the situation in the uk.

united kingdom of great britain and northern ireland, also known as britain, the british empire, is made up of england, scotland, welsh and northern ireland, the united kingdom, the main body is england, so the habit of saying the united kingdom.

located in western europe, it is a developed capitalist country.

the british empire refers to the empire by the british and the reign of the dominions, colonies, territory, trust and protection in together, is the history of the territorys largest countries and largest global colonial empire.

the empire reached its peak in early nineteenth century, about 4 to 500 million people, accounting for 1/4 of the worlds population at the time, about 33 million 670 thousand square kilometers of land, accounting for 1/4 of the total land area of the world.

following the sixteenth century kingdom of spain empire, known as the "empire of the sun".

the formation of the british empire was the result of trade, immigration and the conquest of force over the past 300 years.

there were also peaceful commercial and diplomatic activities during the period.

the united kingdom is a country with spanerse cultures and open mind.

art, music, culture, and food in the uk have been influenced by people and nations from all over the world, and have a long and close relationship with many countries.

the main tourist areas are: london, edinburgh, cardiff, brighton, greenwich, oxford and cambridge, stratford.

the main tourist attractions are: opera house, museum, art museum, ancient buildings, theme parks and shops, etc..

so the next few days, let us in the fog of the street, and the red bus passing, to feel the old aristocratic atmosphere and creativity of all the avant-garde.

导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素篇十




















导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素篇十一














导游欢送词200字 导游欢送词五要素篇十二

greeting words: good morning ladies and gentlemen, it’s so nice to meet you here. my name is jo, come from china international travel agency, and i’ll be your guide for these 3 days in henan. on behalf of cita, welcome to seated our driver mr lee, who has good skills and rich experience in driving. during your stay in henan, we two would do our utmost to make your stay pleasant!and your cooperation would be appreciated! if any requirement is needed,please just feel free to let us know. we would be pleased to help you a wonderful stay in henan! thank you! now our car is drivingon the xxx expressway, it takes about three hours to our destination—xxx scenic area. during this period of time, i’d like to give you a brief introduction about henan and the place we’re going to visit. henan, one of the largest provinces with richest tourism resources in china, has numerous tourist attractions of both naturalness and humanity, and it is hard to name them them, the xxx is one of the tourist attractions with widest popularity in the world. now, let’s focus on it and talk it over in detail and try to keep some of the main points in mind since we’re going to pay a visit to it .now, we have arrived at the xxx scenic spot, please close the window tightly, carry on your belongings and get off the bus. our car number yu a12345, and my phone number is13837892950please bear them in mind. at12:00pm, we’re supposed to assemble here, please hold the time.

the shaolin temple the shaolin temple was first completed in 495, during the reign of northern wei dynasty. in 527, bodhidharma, the disciple of sakyamuni of the 28th generation came here to practice zen creed. as it was concealed in the thick woods of the shaoshi hill, it was given the name shaolin temple meaning “temple in the woods of shaoshi hill”. as you know, the shaolin temple is widely known not only for its ancient and mysterious buddhist culture, but also for its martial arts, that is kungfu in chinese, which enjoys a tradition of some 2000 years. so that’s the saying “chinese kungfu taking the first place under the heaven” and “the best kungfu originating from shaolin temple.” in the year 2000, the temple sightseeing zone was designated to be one of the aaaaa—grade tourist attractions of china by the national tourism administration

now we’re standing in front of the front gate hall. please look up at the plaque hanging above the lintel, and you’ll find the plaque bears three chinese characters, shaolin si, the name of the temple. this is said to be handwritten by emperor kangxi of the qing dynasty. this work is very precious because the emperor rhttp: wrote. ok please follow me. just now, we have visited the front gate hall, steles, ginkgos, and the hall of the heavenly kings, and now, we are just in the principal hall in the temple, the hall of mahavira. this hall is enshrined with three main buddhas in the central part. they are sakyamuni buddha sitting in the middle and pharmacist buddha of the eastern glazed world and amitabha buddha from the western paradise sitting on both sides. along the gable walls, sit 18 buddhist arhats, who were enlightened buddhist monks. on both sides in front of the hall of mahavira, stand the bell tower and the drum tower symmetrically. they were rebuilt in 1994 used to report hours for the temple. normally the bell is used in the morning, while the drum, in the afternoon, hence the saying “morning bell and afternoon drum”.

in front of the bell tower is the stele called “the stele of li shimin” telling the story about how the monks from the shaolin temple rescued prince li shimin from being pursued and attacked by wang shichong during the late sui dynasty. li shimin, who later became the emperor of the tang dynasty wrote the inscriptions on the stele personally,and left with a signature of shi min on the stele. ok please come with me, we are going to the next hall. so now, the pavilion in front of us, not like the zangjingge and the abbot’s rooms we visited just now, enjoys a moving story. it’s named dharma’s pavilion or lixue pavilion, that is “standing in the snow” in english. it says: after boddhi dharma came to china, many chinese buddhist believers wanted to be his followers, and shengguang was the most prominent of all of them. healways followed him whenever and wherever he went and served dharma with heart and soul. but dharma didn’t agree to accept shengguang as a disciple. shengguang didn’t lose heart and became even more steadfast. on a snowy night, he begged as usual with budhidharma outside, standing in the knee—high snow. the master set forward a prerequisite: he would not meet his demand unless it would snow in red flakes. suddenly shengguang drew out the sword and cut off his left arm and stained the snowy ground. bodhidharma was so moved that he passed his mantle, alms bowl and musical instruments on to shengguang and gave him a buddhist name of huike. he was regarded as the second founder of the zen sect. emperor qianlong wrote a phrase on a plaque in commemoration alright everyone, now we are in the last hall, pilu hall, also called a thousand buddha hall. it’s also the largest structure of the shaolin temple. this is just the highlight of the sightseeing zone. so until now, the visit in the shaolin temple is almost over. i think you may have some questions about the temple, or you want to take some photos. so, please do remember, you have half an hour. after half an hour we will gather in our bus, and make sure you’ll be there on time. and then we are going to the pagoda forest. thank you for your attention!

the longmen grottoes around 13 km south of luoyang, there are two picturesque hills confronting each other with the yi river flowing northward between them, connected by an arched stone bridge resembling a natural gate tower. this is the right place named longmen, where the well—known longmen grottoes is located. the grottoes, which earns the fame of one of the three treasure houses of stone sculpture in china, was created over 1500 years age. it was first known in the year 493 ad, when emperor xiaowen moved his capital to luoyang from datong, shannxi province, which marked the initiation of development and expanse of buddhism in central china. it prolongs for 1000 meters from north to south. according to the statistics conducted in recent years, there are 2300 caves and niches with over 100000 buddhist figures. in addition, more than 2800 tablet inscriptions and some 40 buddhist pagodas were preserved in or out of the caves.

now, we’ve got to the grottoes. in front of you, here is the qianxi temple. it was built in the early tang dynasty around 640 ad. it has altogether 7 buddhist statues inside, of which, amitabhabuddha is sitting in the central part with 2 of his favorite disciples, 2 bodhisattvas, and 2 heavenly kings. please come with me. now we are in front of the bin yang caves. the bin yang caves consist of 3 large caves, the north, the middle and the south caves. the mid and the south caves were built under emperor xuanwu for practicing the merits and virtues for his diseased parents, late emperor xiaowen and late empress dowagerwenzhao. while the north bin yang cave was added for the late emperor xuanwu by a eunuch in the palace. in the western hill of longmen, there are several “the most” caves to feast your eyes. just now, we visited the ten—thousand buddha cave with 15000 buddhist images, which has the most buddha images, and the lotus cave with 2cm—high buddha images, which are the tiniest buddha images. and now, we’ve come to another “most”, the fengxian temple. fengxian temple was built in the tang dynasty and it is the largest grotto in longmen temple with a width of 36 meters and a length of 41 meters. the most impressive figure is the statue of vairocana buddha sitting cross—legged on the eight—square lotus throne. it is meters in total height with the head 4meters in height and the ears meters in length. at the sides of vairocana there are two statues of vairocana buddhas disciples, kasyapa and ananda, wearing prudent and devout expressions,next are 2 bodhisattvas, heavenly kings, andgreat men of strength. vairocana means illuminating all things in the sutra. the buddha has a well—filled figure, a sacred and kindly expression and an elegant smile. the chief buddha gives you an impression of dignified manner, magnificent looking, wise, farsighted and kind nature. the various appearances and delicate designs are the representations of empire tangs powerful material and spiritual strength as well as the high crystallization of peoples wisdoms. looking around the overall arrangement, we would rather say that the fengxian temple is a scene of a grand imperial court than a spot of buddhism. generally speaking, the fengxian temple is the most magnificent and artistic among all the shrines of the tang dynasty as well as an example of success in integrating politics with buddhism in ancient china. ok everyone, now you can take photos here. or you can ask questions that you don’t understand. after 15 minutes we will gather right here. see you then.

yuntai mountain situated in xiuwu county, hennan province, yuntai mountain has edged onto the china national natural heritage candidate list due to its unique geological landforms, rich natural resources and cultural relics. it is characterized by its structural cuesta, flying waterfalls on faulted cliffs, quiet valleys and clear as a world geopark, it was one of the first world geoparks to be approved by the united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization in 2004. the park is known for its massive gardening areas, overhanging high cliffs, flying waterfalls, secluded valleys and spring water, with a spring in every 3 steps, a waterfall in every 5 steps, a pond in every 10 steps .covering an area of 190sqm, the scenic spot is composed of many sightseeing places, such as tan pu gorge, quanpu gorge, red stone gorge, zifang lake, macaque valley etc.

the red stone canyon, which is a rare canyon sight in north china with waterfalls, lakes, pools and gullies, is highly acclaimed by gardening experts as a “natural gallery for mountain and river collections” because of its grand and exclusive landscapes. the most splendid waterfall in the canyon is the bailong waterfall, spanided into three falls, measuring 30 meters in height. it looks as shiny as a huge silver dragon. a good place for waterfall watching is the heilong (black dragon) cave, which is as long as 30 meters with absolute darkness inside. standing in the cave, youhttp: can not only see the marvelous falls dashing down into the deep pools but also the perilous high stiffs, narrowly separated from each other by fast—flowing gullies so that the sky is scarcely visible. the spring water flowing down the cliffs splashes into water drops that dazzle in the sunlight like colorful diamonds, looking like a unique picture hanging on the wall. yuntai mountain is famous for its grotesque hill, which extends as far as eyes can see. the main peak, cornel peak, is 1308m above the sea is said to be famous for a poem by a famous poet in the tang dynasty called wang wei, who worked out a popular poem when he climbed up the mountain. the poem thinking of my brothers in mountain climbing day fully conveys his emotion of missing friends. mounting to the mountain top and looking far into the distance, you can see the yellow river winding like a silver belt. having a bird view of the foot of the mountain, you can see chains of peaks like sea waves. the weather on the top is oftenhttp: unpredictable. all at once clouds gather and wind blows,with mist rising among the mountains. the mountains looming in the mist and clouds look so vague that you feel as if you were in a fairy world.

also, it had been the secluded place of seven bamboo forest sages of the wei and the jin period. medicine king, sun simiao, once collected chinese medicine here. many historical stories are spreading in the area related to some fames once visited here. yuntai mountain is famous for its numerous rivers, lakes, pools and springs. here we can see the highest waterfall in the country———— yuntai skyscraper waterfall, which is 314 meters high like a huge pillar, reminds us of a famous peom of libai“ the waters puring down from thousands above of the mountain, like the silver river dropping down from top of the heaven”. it looks especially magnificent, forming a unique spectacle along with other waterfalls, such as the tianmen waterfall, bailong waterfall, huanglong waterfall and y—shaped waterfall, dashing abruptly downward. well,next spot for us is the qinglong canyon here, renowned as “first canyon in central china”, attracts many people for ecological touring for its mild climate, rich water resources and various vegetations.

the garden of market in qingming festival now we’re leading our way to the city of kaifeng. kaifengis one of the 8 major ancient capitals of china. the city of kaifeng was already in existence before 700 . during the period of warring states more than 2,000 years ago, king hui of the state of wei moved his capital to kaifeng, rebuilt the city and called it daliang. since then, kaifeng was the capital of several dynasties. as an ancient capital, kaifeng has a lot of historical relics and scenic spots. some of them have been preserved, such as the iron pagoda, po pagoda, xiangguo monastery, dragon pavilion. they are precious heritages of the chinese culture. the famous painting qingming scroll is believed by some to portray daily life in kaifeng. the painting, of which several versions are extant, is attributed to the song dynasty artist zhang zeduan. have you ever dreamed of going back to northern song dynasty in china and enjoy the prosperity and culture of those years? if so, come to the garden of market in qingming festivallocated in the old city of kaifeng in henan province. find yourself in the spectacular scenery there and you are sure to realize that dream. the garden of market in qingming festival located on the western bank of longting lake is a grand cultural garden. it covers an area of 600 mu, and the construction area is more than 30,000 square meters .the built area consists of several architectural complexes which are re—creations based on the famous twelfth century painting by zhang zeduan of the qingming festival by the riverside.

when you enter the garden of market in qingming festival, a statue which is 16 meters tall comes into view. this figure is none other than the artist zhang zeduan, who holds his famous drawing of the qingming festival by the riverside. this picture is a painted scroll which is 525 cm in length and cm in width depicting life along bian river during the qingming festival. the scenes in this painting are highly detailed and the spectacle is magnificent. there are large numbers of people and buildings. the people are shown in a variety of contemporary clothes that indicate their social standing and occupations. the lively throng includes many animals and it is not difficult to imagine the sounds in the street scenes where the people are crowded and noisy. we can almost hear someone’s bargaining with a shop owner while others are cheering entertainers. the picture is like a live symphony of life during the song dynasty.

now we can find these scenic spots such as city gate tower, rainbow bridge, distinctive shops and others which are re—created in the park according to the scenes in the painting. the garden of market in qingming festival not only reappears the vast vigor of the millennium picture, but also makes the history living by flexible creative idea, makes tourists the sense of backward flowing time by entering the park, just like passing through the space tunnel. another scenic spot called rainbow bridge is a well—known feature in the park. it is a replica of one of the ten ancient timber bridges. the bridge is 5 meters high. the first bridge was built in 1050, and reconstructed in 1998. four 9 meters high columns, two at either end of the bridge, replicate the poles that were weather vanes at the time of the song dynasty. a white crane sits on a disk at the top of each column and they turn to face into the wind, indicating its direction. as a scenic spot for folk—custom tours, chinese authorities have done a lot to preserve folk handcrafts and folk customs. you can see the process of making handicrafts, such as bian embroidery, paintings for new years, enamel wares, tea ceremony, spinning and weaving, figures made from flour and sugar and folk—custom performances, such as acrobatics, folk arts and performances of birds, fighting cocks and dogs. here, you are not only a visitor, but an actor. for example, you can act as mr. right in the competition for marrying mr. wang’s beautiful daughter and have the opportunity to enjoy the traditional wedding festivities. and you can be the scholar in the imperial examination to bring honor to your ancestors. there is a large amusement hall built in the song style, where many amusement activities are held, including swings, balance beams and many other amusements. as an ecological scenic spot, this garden was built and forested according to the market day during the qingming festival. the whole garden combines natural beauty with historical flavor, thus forming a favorable place to have a true rest and evoke your full energy both physically and spiritually.

yin ruins yin ruins is at xiaotun village of anyang city. in ancient times, xiaotun was called yin and it was the capital of the shang dynasty. so the period was also called yin shang. after the yin had been overthrown, the city declined and the remains of it was later called the yin ruins. since the founding of new china, the yin ruins had been listed as the first group of cultural relics under national protection. in order to preserve its culture, the government built “garden of the yin ruins” on the site. today the garden is spanided into several sections with ancient objects on display. because of its great value in not only the historical relics of chinese culture but also the human civilization of the whole world, yin xu topped the 100 greatest archeological discoveries of china in the last century and it was listed in the world cultural and natural heritage list of united nations educational, scientific and cultural organization (unesco). yin xu is revealing its beauty to the world.

ok, everybody. soon we’ll get to the museum on yin ruins, the best museum for the study of the yin shang culture. the yin ruins is famous for three things, oracle inscriptions, the bronze wares and the ancient capital of the shang dynasty. as you know, china is one of the earliest countries to discover characters. as early as 4,000 years ago, people used bones or tortoise shells to record events of their social life. it is the earliest written form of language in the world. today we call them the oracle bone inscriptions, which were first discovered in the yin ruins. well,let’s come to the main hall where the oracle inscriptions are exhibited. the oracle bone inscriptions were first discovered during the years of emperor guangxu, in the qing dynasty. in 1899, in xiao tun village of anyang city, henan province, villagers found many tortoise shells and bones carved with letters and symbols, which unveiled to the world from yin xu, an ancient city with a long history and splendid more than 16,000 pieces of bones and shells were found. but in the shang dynasty, they were used as spaninations, when people were very superstitious. the inscriptions cover a wide range of fields, such as sacrifice, wars, state affairs, weather, hunting, etc. today, they provide important information for the study of the shang dynasty. and the study of the oracle bone inscriptions has become a new subject and is getting more popular among people. since

then this place has become of great interest to worldwide archeologists, because those inscriptions have proved to be the earliest written characters of human beings, the oracles. apart from the oracle bone inscriptions, bronze wares are another important part of the cultural relics discovered from the ruins, which show that the technology of bronze casting reached its peak in the shang dynasty. the bronze wares include vessels, weapons,chariots and so on. among all the unearthed wares, simuwuquadripod unearthed in the mausoleum area of the yin ruins, the largest and the most famous bronze sacrificial vessel in the world, is 875 kg in weight, 133 cm in height. standing on the open plaza in front of the great hall is an enlarged copy of the original one for the convenience of touring and appreciation, with the original one cherished in the museum of chinese history. with its unusual air of majesty, together with its elegance in appearance and intricately carved in patterns, it is considered a treasure in the bronze culture of china as well as a glorious pearl shining on the peak of the world art. to cast such a significant vessel carrying such a great weight, advanced techniques and experiences in organization of laborers are necessary. as many scholars have pointed out, this huge bronze quadripod reflects the advanced slavery system of the shang dynasty and the unusual power of creation of the people. finally we come to the side of the imperial palaces and tombs. lying on the southwest of the foundation ruins c, fuhao tomb is one of the most important archeology discoveries in the temple. it is also the only discovered and well—reserved tomb of shang royal members since the science excavation of yin ruins. now, let’s know something about the first woman general in chinese was emperor wu ding’s wife,both intelligent and courageous. she had bravely led the yin army fighting in many wars and made great contributions to the protecting of the country. after her death, wu ding built a large tomb near the palace to honor her merits. buried together with her were many slaves and war prisoners as well assacrificial objects. the large numbers of sacrificial objects are valuable cultural relics in the treasure house of chinese art.

chaya mountain

chaya mountain scenic area is located in suiping county zhumadian, 25 kilometers away from downtown, a total of 150 square kilometers, average altitude of 600 meters. it is the first scenic area published in henan, presently that wins national geological parks, national forest park and national 4a scenic spots. because of its exquisite scenery that builds a strange beautiful scenery scroll, chayamountain is honored “huaxia basin” and “jiangbei forest of stone”. the poor landform, so that is the military commander battleground. as the valuable and non—renewable geological heritage, the chaya mountain includes the steepness of huashan mountain, splendor of taishan mountain, peculiarity of huangshan mountain, elegance of emei mountain and tranquility of yandang mountain. as the only granite landform ruins in china, also rarely seen worldwide, chaya mountain has great scientific values.

and now, we have got into the chayamountainscenic, the whole scenic is spanided into four parts, namely beeswax hill, southhill, northhill, six peaks hill. the essence of scenic spots is mainly concentrated in the southhill parts,just the part were going to visit today. the mountain is bestowed with an agreeable climate and abundant resources. in each season, there is a splendor of beauty. in spring, birds sing and flowers give forth fragrance; in summer, the umbrageous woodlands can be seen and clinking sounds of flowing spring water can be heard; in autumn, the mountain is fiery with maple leaves and in winter, clothed in white snow and ice. ok, please attention to look forward;we saw the highest peak of the rock firstly that is the landscape of “monkey look upon moon”, the protruding part in the center is “the sleeping tang monk”,turn right 45 degree, we will see the “drinking bajie”. you will see his opening mouth and vertical tongue and pretty belly poured drunk in hillside, his childlike scene is so lifelike that reluctant to then, we can see a peak that is “beewax peak”, why entitled this name? it is side that there are full of wild flowers on the whole hill, so many bees are collecting pollen come here. and the honey is too much and nobody collect it, so these honey were curdled in the stone. every summer, the hill wasshined by the strong sunlight irradiation; honey will be flowedout the stone, and the whole mountain looks like besmear covered with a thick layer of beeswax, so peopleput the mountain.

named "beeswax mountain".and the lake under the mountain also got a beautiful name xiumi lake. chayamountain, compared with other mountains has its unique, the upper mount roll over one another, everywhere is strange stone, and mountain peaks, buton the bottom have thousands of holes. the millionman hole is one of to natural form of millionman hole is the underground cave, so there are many holes in it, like a big the space of the hole can accommodate tens of thousands of people, therefore the name "million man hole".enter the second door of the scenic area; we canpause to look upon the left, a big tree hanging on the steep cliff. its leaf is thick and cold, and its dry resistance is strong. according to the provincial forestry bureau experts identified, it has been growing 600 years at here. why it can survive in this environment? experts said that the root of the tree have a special function that its root can secrete a kind of liquid that can dissolve microelement in the rock, the tree will rely on absorption this rarely microelement to keep its also responds the saying:” the survival of the fittest”. let’s keep moving, now we came to the center of the scenic spot stone monkey park. enter monkey park like into a monkeys warm home, three monkeys feel happy, pictured a harmonious family , there was a deep gorge in the north of the stone monkey park that is the boundary between chaya mountain’s north hill and south hill. the stone monkey before our eyes that are the largest lifelike stone monkey in the world. looking at stone monkey at penglai three holes, seem to see a pair of embraced young lovers. but atxiumi lake area, then you can see the peculiar landscape that elder monkey back younger monkey, it is real that a stone three scenes. it is the time that ended the explain of chaya mountain, then you can look around freely, after half an hour, we will gather at the mountain’s door and have a lunch, please take full use of the time. thank for your cooperation!

the native place of emperor huangdi

the native place of emperor huangdi is located in the north of xinzheng city. as a scenic spot of 4a— class assessed by the national tour bureau, it is a holly land for chinese people all over the world to worship their ancestors, with memorial temples, andmausoleums of emperor huangdi situated here. every year on march 3 of the lunar calendar, the day when the first emperor in china established the first nation in chinese history, people of chinese origin from home and abroad gather in xinzheng, the birthplace of xuanyuanhuangdi, or the yellow emperor, to offer sacrifices and worship this legendary ancestor of the chinese nation. to respect this great emperor, his descendants have held large ceremonies of worship, which have been attracting descendants of yanhuang from america, japan, korea, canada and other nations and areas each year. they come back to worship, seeking their roots here in china.

now, here we are, the native place of square was built in the end of covers an area of 15,000 square meters,of which 7,900 square meters are covered with trees and flowers. it has become a very important place for the domestic and overseas chinese descendants to hold large—scaled activities to worship their ancestors. in the center of the square here is a three—legged tripod caldron, whichwas cast in the shape of bears, reminding of the emperor huangdi’s rising from the youxiong tribe. the three—sided body of the tripod caldron has the embossment of three dragons with a fireball, implying the glorious sun and praying for favorable weather for crops and a harvest. standing at the center of the altar, it is laurelled as “the tripod caldron of the world” for its unparalleled size and its special origin. it is meters in height, 24 tons in weight, which has been registered in the guinness world records. the height number of made up of figure 6 and 9 implies the majesty of grandness in traditional chinese culture. through the xuanyuan bridge above the jishuiriver , here we can see the main hall. please look at the pair of the guarding animalssitting on both sides of the are stone bears. do you know why chose bears to guard the gate? because 5,000 years ago,there used to be many bears in xinzheng. bear was a kind of animal,very powerful and fierce then. in order to show people’s worship, the youxiong tribe regarded bear as the totem of their own tribe. well, let’s enter the hall, there’re 8 mural paintings on the wall,which vividly depict the.

great achievements of the yellow emperor during his ’rethe birth of the yellow emperor,making boat and chariot,setting up an alliance by emperorhuangdi and emperor yandi, crusading againstchiyou,making youxiong the capital, holding high the dragon flag, developing agriculture and stock raising, creation of chinese civilization. it’s a long story behind these paintings: it is recorded that, in the prehistoric times, there lived many clans and tribes around the yellow river and the yangtze river, yet huangdi was the most renowned tribal leader at that time. when the tribe lead by yandi began to decline, huangdis tribe was flourishing. during this period, chiyou,another tribal leader, often lead his stronger tribe to invade other tribes, and invaded yandis tribe. with the help of huangdi, they defeated 52 battleshuangdi united china. all chinese, despite nationalities, regardedhuangdi as our ancestor. huangdi, the initiator of chinese civilization, was hence worshipped by his descendants. after the capital was built,emperorhuangdi raised his flag of dragon, symbolizing the unification of all tribes. the dragon was integrated with different parts of various animals: horse’s head, deer’s horn, tiger’s mouth, snake’s body, fish’s scales, and eagle’s claw. since then, dragon has been the symbol of chinese nation. on the both sides of the main hall, there’re eastern wing hall and western wing the east side hall,there is the statue of luozu, the first wife of emperorhuangdi. she was the first person to raise silkworm and weave silk in ancient china and alsoan outstanding representative of ancient chinese women. every feudal dynasty set up temple for her and worshipped her as “the first ancestor in silkworm raising”. while in the west side hall, here is the statue mother mo, the fourth wife of emperor huangdi, who had invented the earliest “loom”for weaving. later generations called her “mother mo———the ancestor of weavers”.

yamen in neixiang county

the construction of the yamen here started in 1303 in yuan dynasty, and the present buildings were built in qing dynasty. it was the most well preserved government office of country level in feudal china. since our opening up to the outside world in 1984, it has attracted a number of our government officials and visitors form both at home and abroad because of its special history, science, attractive value and its own charm. we have the famous saying : beijing is the dragonhead while the dragon’s tail is in neixiang. it is also one of the important cultural relics of state level.

the front part building of the yamen was called a screen wall, which was built with blue brick relief sculpture. in the middle of the screen, there is a strange beast, which is called “tan”. it was said to be a greedy beast that could swallow gold and silver treasures in the legend. here in the picture we can see that around it there are treasures everywhere. but he is not satisfied. his mouth opens widely intending to swallow the sun in the sky, but as a result, he falls off the steep cliff, having his body smashed into pieces. the picture on the screen was first created by zhu yuanzhang, the founder of the ming dynasty. the purpose of the drawing is to warn the government officials not to take bribes and break the law. here is the main entrance, halfway there is another gate right in the middle, called yimen, the second main official entrance. it used to be open only on the day when new governor took his place or when higher official came to visit. on both sides of the second gate, there’re two small doors, the one on the east was called life door, while the one on the west was called death door, or ghost door, which was used only by the criminals when they were sentenced to death and were going to be killed. passing through yimen, you can see a grand building here in front of you . that is the great hall. the great hall was the place where the governor of the county announced the government orders, and also some important ceremonies were held here and some important and serious criminal cases were tried here. in the middle of it, a trial desk was placed, and on the desk, the four treasures of the study and the red and green bamboo pieces used for trial could be found. on the front side of the screen, there’s a picture of seawater, tide and the sun, meaning that an official should be as clear as the sun and the moon and as clean as seawater. in other words, an official should be honest and upright. when the prosecutor and the defendant were taken to the hall for trial, they must kneel down on the stones. the square stone on the east was for the prosecutor, and the rectangle stone on the west was for the accused. since most cases.

involved more defendants, the stone for them was longer then. the house behind the great hall was called doorman house. the man who guarded the house was called doorman, who was the county governor’s relative or people who were close to him. now we have come to the second hall. it was the place where the county magistrate dealt with small cases. please look at these famous couplets, which means that before law everyone is equal. so the judges should pass the fairest judgment on people. this is called fuzi yard, an ancient form of address to a confucian scholar or to a master by his disciples. fuzi was usually the official’s assistant who was usually their close friend of knowledgeable and artistic talent. everyone, including the county governor respectfully addressed him as lao fuzi, so the place where fuzi worked was called fuzi yard. finally, let’s go to the third hall. it was the place where county governor did his daily work. if the cases he dealt with were of great importance, he would do it here. there was also a garden behind. it was here that county governor enjoyed his free life and got away from his government affairs. as we can see now, there’re many succinct couplets with rich intension here. but this one before the third hall was the most famous. it was written by gaoyigong , a county governor in neixiang county. it means that being the local officials, we rearded the common people as our parents. we worked for them voluntarily and , many of our party leaders like chairman jiang zemin read it with deep feelings, and premier zhu rongji sings high praise of it. the words can be no doubt regarded as famous saying and epigram, and the only one of its kind. so now the ymen in neixiang, together with the museum palace in beijing, and the other two in hebei and shanxi, has formed a special international tore route of the four great ancient chinese yamens. neixiang is now going out of henan and into the world. we warmly welcome all the reiends from all over the world to visit neixiang, and enjoy the elegant demeanor of the ancient yamen.


