
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-15 06:30:09
时间:2023-05-15 06:30:09     小编:cyyllee



re:counter-offer for bicycles

thank you for your letter concerning the offer for the captioned1bicycles. although we appreciate the

quality of your bicycles, their price is too high for us to2accept. (提及上一封信,并直接表明自己的看法) referring to3the sales , you will find that we ordered 1000 bicycles of the same brand5at the terms and that sales confirmation, but the price was 10% lower than your present price. (解释还盘的原因。)

since we placed the last order, price for raw materials8has been decreased considerably9. retailing10price for your bicycles here has also been reduced11by 5%. accepting your present price will mean great loss12to us, let alone13make profits14. (进一步说明理由。)

we would like to place repeat orders15with you if you could reduce your price at least16by . otherwise17, we have to shift18to the other suppliers19for our similar request. (表明自己的立场。) we hope you take our suggestion into serious consideration20and give us your reply as soon as possible.(希望对方考虑还盘并早日回复。)

yours truly,


good, maam. this is a nice tie. yes, its beautiful.

but my friend wants a silk tie with chinese pattern. well. come this way, maam.

this is a silk tie embroidered with dragon whiskers or goldfish. they are beautiful. ill take these two.

how much is each one. do you have anything? youre welcome. this is money.

oh, can you tell me where the womens department is? its upstairs. in womens clothing department b, can you show me some silk shirts? please show me the size. a theres a big yellow one.

b ok. can i have a try? the fitting room is over there..









dear mr. or ms., i learned from the local news that you need a copy that i think i can meet / meet your requirements. i enclose my resume and look forward to your reply.

i will thank you very much for your reply. i am very interested in your reply. i would like to thank you for your reply before july 1.

dear mr. or ms. charlies office, i would like to apply for your position i will graduate from cambridge university this summer with a bachelors degree in british and american literature.

i think i meet the requirements of your advertisement. i am a top student in our school. as a part-time secretary of a large company, i have participated in several meetings and exhibitions on behalf of the company to introduce products to potential customers.

i hope to meet you at your earliest convenience and discuss the possibility of cooperation with your company (if necessary), or you can contact me through the following ways. thank you for considering my application. i look forward to your reply, your sincerity, mike townsend.




dear mr. regent street, uk: thank you for your letter in january that the price of our flame lighters is too high for your company to implement. we are very disappointed that your quotation for japanese products is lower than ours.

we accept what you said, but we think that although we would like to do business with you, we dont think the quality of other brands cant meet the quality of our products. we regret that we cant accept your counter-offer or even give up halfway. the best way we can do is to reduce our previous quotation, which will be approved by you.

we look forward to your faithful, tony smith principal seller:.


january kee&co ltd.英国亲爱的丽晶街道先生:谢谢贵公司xx月来函得知,我方火焰打火机的太高,贵公司无法实施。贵公司提到日本产品的报价比我方报价低,我方对此深表失望。我方接受贵方所说的,但我们认为,尽管我们很想与你方做生意,但我们认为其他牌子的质量达不到我们产品的质量,很遗憾,我们不能接受你方还盘,甚至不能与你方半途而废。



dear sirs,

we are pleased to receive your letter of . but to our regret, we cannot accept your counter offer.

as you know, the prices of steel as well as other materials and labor forces have risen considerably in recent days, it is difficult for us to supply our products at your prices. besides, we believe our prices are quite realistic;it is impossible that any other suppliers can under-quote us if their products are as good as ours in quality.

however, in order to develop our market in your place, we have decided to accept your counter offer as an exceptional case as follows:

this offer will remain valid for only 3 days。

other terms will remain unchanged.

as we receive orders day to day and our present stocks are nearly exhausted, we

advise you to order as quickly as possible.

we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

yours faithfully,

golden sea trading corp.



dear sir, we are pleased to receive your letter of 5 april in reply to our advertisement for typewriter advertisement and enclose as requested our latest illustrated catalogue and current price list. we think xxxportablexxx is a very suitable machine for your use. it weighs kg, slightly heavier than the usual portable one, but it is suitable for heavy duty and easy to carry.

we have a machine of this kind, and we will be glad to arrange for you to try it out. although the cost has been rising since march, we have not raised the price. however, when the current stock is exhausted, we suggest that you place an order with us immediately.

dear sir, thank you for your letter in may. we are disappointed to hear that the price of our flame lighters is too high for you to finish your work. you mentioned that the price of japanese goods is about lower than our quotation.

we accept what you said, but we think the quality of other products is not in conformity with the quality of our products. although we would like to do business with you, we regret that we cant accept your counter-offer or even give up halfway. the best way we can do is to believe that you can reduce our previous offer, which will be approved by you.

we are looking forward to your faithful reply.





dear sirs,

we write to thank you for your letter and for the booklets you very kindly sent us

we appreciate the good quality of the captioned goods ,but unfortunately your prices appear to be on the high side and out of line with the prevailing market level . to accept the process you quote would leave us with only a small profit on our sales since this is a area in which the principal demand is for articles in the medium price range .

we like the quality of your goods and also the way in which you have handle our enquiry and would welcome the opportunity to do business with you . may we suggest that you allow us a discount of 3% on your quote prices that would help you to introduce your goods to our customers ?

much as we would like to cooperate with you , we just can not see our way to entertain your offer, as the price quote is too much high to be workable . in view of our long-standing business relations , we counter-offer , subject to your reply here within two days ,

as the market is declining,we hope you will consider our counter-offer most favorably and fax us your acceptance as soon as possible .

we are anticipating your reply.

yours faithfully


