
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-15 10:20:12
时间:2023-05-15 10:20:12     小编:cyyllee



maoming forest park gates, bypass path, came to the desert botanical garden. an enter a door, is watermelon big plants, with numerous white spines. look to the right, you can see long cactus. is the front, a kind of unknown plant green, very smooth.

watching the desert botanical garden, stepping a brisk pace, we came to the zoo. every animal is kept in an iron house, probably because not bitten by animals. there is a crocodile, goats, loris... the most lovely to loris, it is long and bushy tail was shaking, at this time, a classmate in to eat it, it also follow the students do the action, fun; the most beautiful is the peacock, it take two steps, then open the colorful feathers, and its body to match, can calculate a role beauty; is the most fierce lion, it has a golden hair, dark eyes, leisurely walk inside the iron cage, open your mouth sometimes it yelling...

read all kinds of animals, the classmates excited to go to the museum. museum has two layers, the first layer is the materials about animals, the second layer is animal specimens, they can let us see the world, open field of vision. on the left side of the room there are monkeys, lions, birds... on the right side of the room have a squirrel, a goat, mouse... the most terrible is the eagle, it is standing on a tree branch to volley soar, ready to embrace the sun. is the most interesting of the two specimens of squirrel synthesis, it is synthesized from two squirrel, tail like a broom, triangle.

visiting the museum, we have to go for a plant maze with the feelings of joy. one into the plant maze, you can see many plants, leave a bit, give you a path beside the walls railing, let you cant tell, north and south, east and west. you go in, immediately seized by curiosity, total want to string, result she lost her way.

maoming forest park is filled with beautiful scenery and fun, i hope you have the chance to enjoy, visit.


sunny today, the weather is warm. we have a plan to go to the forest park.

we talked and laughed all the way by bus that soon came to the forest park is located in the outskirts of maoming west is extremely.

just out of the car is heard loud and clear voice. gate into the forest park, saw many visitors could, flocking to hand in hand just like us. our leisurely stroll in the park on the right path through the forest, small roadside is lush maple. hits the maples like handfuls of sword stab into the sky, and that willo mighty soldiers guarded day and night beautiful forest park. then i took a deep breath, a kind of quiet feeling arises spontaneously.

go forward along the path, that soon came to the childrens park, childrens paradise childrens amusement programs, rich and colorful, climbing wall, quincuncial piles, endeavour, i linger.

then, i visited the famous gallery, crocodile pool, the world of birds, the green corridor... various attractions decorated, everywhere decorated, presents a beaming joy atmosphere.

villa is the most interesting tour sites of animals. the villa is an animal shelter, so called animal villa. you see, the hypertrophy of dragged the body of the hedgehog, is with relish eating sweet potatoes! stretched out the other side of the five claws jin longzheng long tongue, ready to devour the chicken. on the other side is good, a few a boa constrictor is open jaws, showing their own to tourists.


