幼儿园英语儿歌教案 幼儿园英语儿歌教学通用(5篇)

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幼儿园英语儿歌教案 幼儿园英语儿歌教学通用(5篇)
时间:2023-05-17 19:29:11 小编:cyyllee


幼儿园英语儿歌教案 幼儿园英语儿歌教学篇一

1、初步学习儿歌:“i can ”。








1、通过情景表演,让幼儿初步感受句型“i can”。

——和幼儿打招呼。引入情景表演。复习句型“who is it?”“it’s me。” t:hello,boys and girls。

c:hello,mi xue。

t:i love you!

c:i love you too!

t:today,some animals will come。but,who are they?(做想状)hear!(做听状)



c:who is it?who is it?

t:it’s me。it’s me。

——老师说完从黑板后面飞出,边飞边说:“fly,fly,fly,i can fly”。在幼儿面前飞上几圈之后和幼儿打招呼。

t:hello,boys and girls。


t:nice to meet you!

c:nice to meet you too!

t:yes,i’m a bird。i can fiy!(边说边做飞状)

t:now,boys and girls,let’s like a bird,ok?


t:oh,stand up please!let’s line up and follow me。when you fly,you should say:“fly,fly,fly,i can fly”。louderly!——老师边飞边提醒幼儿飞时要大声地跟着老师念“fly,fly,fly,i can fly”。

t:please fly to your seat。

t:look!(做看状),who is coming?



t:oh,boys and girls,let’s have a look,here are there animals,they are。。。(等待幼儿说出:fish、rabbit and bird。

t:yes,you are very clever!(手指小鸟),it is a bird,just now,the bird says:i can?(等待幼儿说出fly。同时老师边说边做飞的动作以此来引导幼儿说出。)

t:yes,now,please fllow me read :“fly,fly,fly,i can fly”。(集体念三遍)

——以下同上学念“swim,swim,swim,i can swim。”“hop,hop,hop,i can hop。” t:who want to be bird?


t:listten carefully。if i say “bird,bird。”you may do like this。

(老师带领幼儿做飞的动作并要求幼儿要大声地念出来。)t:are you clear?


t:(其他幼儿)show your fingers and fllow me。



3、初步完整学习儿歌“i can”。

t:now,boys and girls,there are some pictures under your chairs,next,you can take it out and mey do like this。(老师把椅子底下的图片取出并示范贴在自己的身上)。

t:ok,please look at me and listen carefully。now,you should look carefully who are you?(老师向每位幼儿问一遍:you are ?等待幼儿自己说出自己身上小动物的名称)。

t:ok,if i show this picture(小鸟图片),the bird should mey do like this(小鸟要飞出来,然后飞回去,同时要大声念儿歌)。



t:oh,look,the day is dark。this animals will go home。they are going to sleep。(做睡觉状)look,this is bird’s home(依次介绍小动物的家,并把小动物图片贴在地上的房子里)。

the brids go home(带领幼儿飞回家,带要求幼儿一定要边飞边说:“fly,fly,fly,i can fly”。如幼儿不说,可停止游戏)

t:please stop!when you fly,you should says:“fly,fly,fly,i can fly”。(继续游戏)


t:(听起床音乐)morning bells are ringing,it’s time to get up。the brid get up。。。(幼儿听指令分别起床飞回座位)



t:today,all the boys and girls did a good job。i’m very glad!so i will each everyone a red flower。(给幼儿每人奖励一朵大红花)

t:oh,i’m very hungry!are you hungry?


t:let’s go to the supermarket,ok?


t:ok,stand up please!let’s say bye-bye to teachers。

c:bye-bye teachers!

t:follow me:“fly,fly,fly,i can fly”“swim,swim,swim,i can swim。”“hop,hop,hop,i can hop”。


幼儿园英语儿歌教案 幼儿园英语儿歌教学篇二



科目:unit eight :slavery gave me nothing to lose


目的:this paage looks into racial problems from a different lly the black like to attack the discrimination against them, but the author from her personal experience comes to a different conclusion in a positive way.教学重点:study the language points and the western racial culture.教学方法: communicative teaching, free discuion and interaction.教学过程:

1,warm-up activities(15 minutes)

tanding the text(30 minutes)

ed studies of the text(50 minutes)r and exercises(25 minutes)

on:how to bring facts to life? ation and after-cla reading..辅助手段:multimedia software


-up activities introductory remarks:

step 1: show some pictures and watch a video, discu in 2: group discuion:

1).what have you heard about the black in the states.2).have you ever experienced discrimination on a personal level?

3).what are some things people can do to eliminate discrimination and prejudice?

4).is there something we can do to protect human rights? tanding the text

e the structure of the the three main parts: childhood experience, consciousne of her skin color, reflection of being a e the social iues of the us;how to achieve succe out of unfavorable situation 3 detailed studies of the text


be again peer at

get pleasure out of give usly of suffer a huge change

one’s elbow

company with

be bent under the weight of


to/till/until(l.1)until 直到…

up to now, mr scott has sent a great many requests for spare parts and other urgent meages from one garage to the other.到目前为止,斯科特先生从一个汽车修理部向另一个汽车修理部发送了大量索取备件的信件和其他紧急函件。

everyone works, from the lift boy up to the president.从电梯工人到总经理人人都工作。

occupied with, especially devising or scheming 忙于 what are you up to?


ive (l.2)

excluding or tending to exclude排他的the hotel charges $20 a day, exclusive of meals.饭店每天收费二十美元,不包括用餐。

this is an exclusive white residential area.这是一个纯粹的白人居住区。

the reporter had an exclusive interview with the nobel prize winner.那位记者独家采访了那位诺贝尔奖得主。clud, clus: close conclusive exclusion

exclusionary exclusive inclusive recluse reclusive seclusion include exclude occlude preclude


by the way;casually;as a matter of second importance顺便提起

he mentioned in paing that he had been there once.他顺便提到他曾经到过那里一次。 off(l.17)

stop suddenly, as in speaking 说话时突然打住 discontinue(a relationship)断绝(关系)

we had to break off our discuion, because it was getting late.时间晚了,我们被迫中断讨论。

in my view, you should break off with jim.依我看,你因该终端和他的交往。


break down失败;故障 break in训练, 闯入, 打断 break into 破门而入, 侵占

break up 打碎, 破碎, 分裂, 结束 break out 突发, 爆发, 叫嚷 break through 突围, 突破 of(l.23)

give money, time, a way that seems generous;to devote or contribute:(慷慨)给予;奉献,贡献,we’re very grateful to all the people who have given of their time.我们对所有付出时间的人深表敬意。she really gave of her time to give of themselves to improve the quality of education.她确实抽出时间来帮忙。为了提高教育质量,他们奉献了自己。

give off: to send forth;emit 发出,释放出 the food gave off a bad smell.食物已经发臭了。cy(l.28)

a predisposition to think, act, behave, or proceed in a particular way 脾性:思想、行为、举止的一种倾向

his tendency to utter acrimonious remarks alienated his roommates.他老是说话尖刻,使同寝室的人和他疏远了。he has a tendency towards peimism.他有悲观的倾向。

tend v..倾向;易于[(+to/towards)][+to-v] he tends towards selfishne.他有自私自利的倾向。

she tends to get angry when others disagree with her.别人不同意她的看法时,她很容易生气。

one’s elbow(l.35)

nearby, close by在(某人)手边

she stayed up all night writing the paper with a pot of coffee at her elbow.她熬了一整夜写论文,身边放着一壶咖啡。up to the/ones elbows 非常忙;深深卷入

she was up to her elbows in preparing dinner when the doorbell rang.门铃响时她正在为准备晚饭忙得不可开交。 for(l.40)

偿还, 赔偿

hell have to pay for what he has done.他将为自己所做的一切付出代价。

i think it is right to pay good for you know how much he paid for the spectacles?

those urban planners who are blind to this point will pay a heavy price, which they cannot afford it.那些城市的规划者们如果忽视这一点,将会付出他们无法承受的代价。 the main(l.50)

in general;on the whole大体上;基本上

the letters, in the main, were from his father.这些信大部分是他父亲写来的。

in the main, the money raised goes to children’s charities.多数情况下,募集的资金送到了儿童慈善机构。 company with(l.51)together with 一起

in the army, he found comradeship, excitement and adventure in company with men of similar taste.在军队里,他和志趣相投的人一同感受了友情、刺激和冒险。she came in company with a group of girls.她同一群女孩子一起来。


for company 陪伴

in company 在(客)人面前

keep company with 与...在一起 part company(with)分离

twos company, threes none.两人结伴,三人不欢。(l.58)

become different;make ent变更,更改

the design of the electric circuits of the digit-controlled lathe must be altered to meet the new requirement.这台数控机床的电路设计必须改动,以适应新的要求。

the city has altered almost out of recognition since i left there five years ago.自从五年前我离开以后,那座城市已变得几乎认不出了。 or le(l.59)

to some extent or degree;somewhat或多或少,有点儿

we hope our explanation will prove more or le helpful.希望我们的说明或多或少有些帮助。

he more or le thought it was his duty to tell me.他或多或少认为告诉我是他的责任。3, sentence structure analysis:.1).not only did i enjoy the show, but i didn’t mind the actors knowing that i liked it.(l.10)我喜欢在那儿看人们来来往往,也不在乎让那些人知道我喜欢看。not only...but also...not merely/not only...but(also)...她不但朗诵了一首长诗,而且唱了一曲动听的歌。


environmental experts point out that increasing pollution not only causes serious problems such as global warming but also could threaten to end human life on our planet.通过做一份和专业相关的工作,学生不仅能够提高他们的专业能力,而且能获得从课本上得不到的经验。

by taking a major-related part-job, students can not only improve their academic studies, but gain much experience, experience they will never be able to get from the textbooks.2).it seemed that i had suffered a huge change.(l.32)


it seems/appears/ looks, chances, happens(to sb.)that...it seems that the world is getting smaller and smaller.似乎世界越变越小。

it appears to me that you are all mistaken.依我看,你们似乎都错了。

3).pour out the contents, and there is discovered a pile of small things both valuable and worthle.(l.52)





1 2 3


unit 5 text a

what are friends for? teaching objectives:

by the end of the unit, students will be better able to tand the varied parts friendship plays in ones life and be better friends themselves;

about 30 new words and 10 new phrases and expreions in brief conversations, translation and preliminary writing tasks;

the subjunctive mood with implied condition in real life communication;

material of a similar topic and degree of difficulty; how to write concisely by avoiding overstated, pompous words and redundant ng methods:

audio lingual method;presentation;discuion;ant/difficult points:

new words and expreions: chat, turtle, model

pick up, happen to, cd player, out of touch, put in perspective, betrayed confidence on the planet, get rid of, in good/bad shape

some sentences in the text are difficult to understand, such as i was thinking about how everybody can’t be every thing to each other, but some people can be something to each other, but some people can be something to each other;wherever, whenever, there’s that spark of recognition;they have beautiful homes filled with special handmade things presented to them by villagers in the remote areas they have visited in their extensive ng procedure:

step ing up(30 mints)

1)work in pairs or groups, and discu the following questions.? you have different kinds of friends? how do you claify them?

? is so great about friends?

? what circumstances can one lose a friend?

? it poible to love and hate a friend at the same time? give examples.2)ask students to skim the text for the 8 kinds of friends mentioned in the s/ relative friends/ work friends/ former friends/ friends you love to hate/ hero friends/ new friends 3)introducing the main idea of the article

it is said that friends are the best gift god has given that we have eight kinds of friends from the text, what kind of happine or benefit can each of them bring us? that’s exactly what the text is words and the notes(20 mints)learn new words and expreions of text a

explain some important and difficult words and n.水泥,粘合剂 v 巩固,粘牢

nostalgic a.—nostalgia n.—nostalgically ision n.—subspanide v.—spanide rtune a.—(opposite)opportune ble a.—(opposite)visible at the notes on page 116

wink: poet, eayist, and regular commentator on national public radio’ author made up the capitalized expreions in the text such as “faraway friend,” “relative friend,” which would make no sense at all out of context, with the latter in quit doing drugs, you’re not such good friends with your dealer anymore: this is not meant to be taken or sale of illegal drugs can result in long prison points(60 minutes)

? on sb.’ s shoulder: get sympathy from someone when you tell them

your problems 向某人诉苦以寻求安慰(或同情)

least she hadn’t cried on his shoulder you ever need a shoulder to cry on, just call me.? return(for sth.): as payment or reward for something作为报答或回报

is always helping people without expecting anything in offer an excellent all-round(全面的,多方面的)education to our return, we expect students to work hard.? hold out through innumerable crises before...: they are always

reliable(可靠的,可信信赖的)and nice when you are in difficult times even though they don’t like what you are doing...? so many family relationships are tinged with guilt and


while so many people may feel something of a sense of guilt or

responsibility in dealing with family relationships...? y goip, once an infallible(绝对可靠的)source of

entertainment, soon awkwardly accentuates the distance between you: office chat used to be an effective way of amusement for you;however, it makes you feel uneasy since you do not work together anymore and therefore increases the feeling of distance between you.? friends share certain memories which acquire a nostalgic glow

after about a decade:

memories of your work friends makes you happy after ten years, so you

somehow wish that you could return to those days.? end: a street with no way out at one end or a situation from which no

more progre in poible

realized that the job at which he had been aiming all these years

seemed to him to be a dead thinks they have reached an evolutionary(逐渐发展的,演变的)dead end.? you feel you’ve hit a dead end, come to a confusing fork in the

road, or gotten lost in some cracker-box subspanision of your life:

whenever you feel helple, confused or at a lo(困惑的,不知所措的)in the complicated journey of your life...notice that “cracker-box spanision” is not a general expreion, but is rather made up by the r: 薄脆饼干;咸饼干 ? poeion of sth.: formal owning or having obtained something from

somewhere 占有(或拥有)某物

was found in poeion of stolen did the painting come into your poeion(=how did you get it)? ? death: informal used to emphasize that a feeling or emotion is very strong

? be bored / scared / frightened death

she was scared to death of what might happen next.i’ m absolutely sick to death of it(=very angry, bored, or unhappy about something).? bore / scare / love dy to death

he drove at a speed which frightened leonora to used to worry me to death.? me/you sick: spoken a)make you feel very angry

like you make me sick!

b)indicate a feeling of jealousy—used humorously

make me sick with your “expenses paid” holidays!

? er, whenever, there’s that spark of recognition(认识):

when you meet a “new friend” for the first time you instantly feel a connection with each nt(5 minutes)

the article repeatedly and try to remember the new words and expreions in text a

the study and practice on page teaching plan of unit 5 what are friends for?(college english 2)

english department sun xiaofang

幼儿园英语儿歌教案 幼儿园英语儿歌教学篇三


【篇1:1 全英文英语教案模板】

leon plan teacher:

period:period 1 type:text learning duration: 45minutes i teaching goals de goal

● inspire to answer questions actively by reflecting what they have learned before.● enable to grasp the skills of fast-reading and summarize the test’s structure with the help of each paragraph’s general ge knowledge

● should master the key words and phrases of the text such as: nal goal

● enable to understand the personality difference between the british and chinese teaching keys and difficulties ng keys

● the skills of fast-reading and concluding the text’s structure ● new words and expreions explanation ng difficulties

training to grasp the skills of fast-reading and getting the text’s structure

iii teaching method

question-inquiry teaching

task-based learning and teaching computer-aisted teaching iv teaching aids

multimedia devices ppt documents

textbook teacher’s book v teaching procedures -in(8 min)

ngs and free-talking(2min)-reading(15 min)activityivity2.step3.listening to the tape(7min)

lary explanation(12min)

vi homework(1min)recite the words phrase read fluently the text



院 系: 年级班级: 2013级学科教学(英语)学生姓名: 刘 洁时 间: 2013年11月

module 10 unit2 merry christmas!

teaching material: foreign language teaching and research pre(grade four)teaching duration: ng content:

module 10 unit2 merry christmas!

ng aims:

language: the meanings of the words, students learn to use the sentence language skills: students to say and understand the sentence when the students hear to use the sentences of simple subject-predicate as learning strategy: use body language and pictures to help students learn the new words

and as the words the sentence affection: let students learn to give wishes to others and care about each e awarene: let students ng focus:

ng difficulties:

to greet in english at the following sentences of simple subject-predicate structure to describe the activities at christmas. to use the sentences in this unit and apply it into daily tand the different culture in different ng aids:

ng procedures:

pictures, mp3 player, some candies step 1 warming up(time: 5mins)(2mins) the santa claus on the blackboard and let students gue who he is.(3mins) the song we wish you a merry at the same time spanide the students

into two teams, then draw two christmas trees on the blackboard.t: christmas is coming.(give students some presents)

we have a christmas tree for each mas trees are also the presents for you.(let students feel the atmosphere of christmas.)

step 2 lead in and presentation(time: 10mins)(2mins) as the santa claus.t: happy new year!s: happy new year!

t: s:t: here’s your present.s: thank you!

(let students know how to greet at christmas compare it with the expreion happy new year!(8mins) the pictures to the picture 1.t: the people are singing (let students describe other pictures.)show picture 2.t: what can you see in the picture? it is a christmas tree!

t: so, we have a christmas tree!follow me!s:show picture 3.t: what can you see in the picture? s: many toys.t: are presents for give presents!follow me!s: show picture 4.t: there is some eat lots of food, follow me!s:

(learn the sentences in part 2.)step 3 practice(time: 10mins)

(7mins) a game: what’s miing? show the four pictures to the students a picture each time.t: all , tell me what’s miing? s: we sing songs? t: again!

s: we have a christmas tre!t: on!

s: we give presents!t: yes, you are right!

(practice the sentences in part 2.)(3mins)ng

put the pictures on the blackboard and write down the four sentences, then ask the students do a matching.(train their reading ability.)

step 4 consolidation:(time: 10mins)

(6mins) at the two pictures on page 61.t: what do you eat at the spring festival?

s: we eat dumplings and peanuts at the spring festival.t: do you eat peanuts at the spring festival? s: yes, we do.(talk about the spring festival with students to lead to the topic of the christmas.)s: no, he doesn’t.t: look again, does daming eat peanuts at christmas? s: no, he doesn’t.(4mins) and in pairs and practice.-does daming/amy/… eat peanuts/cakes/…at christmas?-yes, he/she does./ no, he/she doesn’ 5 summary:(time: 5mins)

(3mins) to sing the song we wish you a merry see which team gets more presents.(2mins) the useful as rk:

choose one of them to do:

out the dialogue with your the song we wish you a merry christmas to your the internet and find some other activities at la reflection:



幼儿园英语儿歌教案 幼儿园英语儿歌教学篇四



unit 1 welcome back to school 1 2 3 4 5





单元名称:_________ unit1__________教学时间:________周至________周课时教学设计

备课时间: 备课人:



? 教学内容分析(analysis of the teaching contents): ? 学生分析(analysis of the students): ? 教学目标(objectives)

1. 语言知识目标(language knowledge): 2. 语言技能目标(language skills): 3. 情感态度目标(sentiment):

4. 学习策略目标(learning strategy):

5.文化意识目标(cultural consciousne):(不一定每课写)? 教具(teaching aims):

? 教学过程(可按实际情况写,每步骤后写目的): 一、热身准备(warming –up):

二、呈现与操练(presentation and practice):





? 板书设计: ? 附上练习:

范例一:unit3 let’s talk 第一课时 小学三年级

教学重点:how are you? fine, thank you.等问候语的学习。教学难点: 1、how are you? 的得体运用。

2、fine, thank you.中 fine 一词字母 i 的发音不容易到位。教具准备:1、本课 let’s talk/a 部分的教学课件。2、教师为学生准备3—4个扩音器。

3、本课时教学配套的录音带,以及歌曲 “hello”

“head, shoulders, knees and toes”的录音带。4、, mi white, mi green 的头饰



(1)师生共同唱歌曲 sing an english together.“head, shoulders, knees and toes”,复习人体部位的单词,并集中学生注意力,调动学生学习兴趣。

(2)游戏 do a game.“simon says” 指令可以是一二单元let’s do(a/b)的内容。

(3)师生同唱歌曲 “hello”。教师可以边唱边用手势示意学生,将歌曲中的人名改为同班同学的名字。

(4)教师用头饰介绍人物。例如:的头饰说:this is 的头饰说: good morning, boys and girls.i’m to meet you.让学生回答:nice to meet you ,too.用同样的方法介绍mi white, mi green,并要求学生和这些人物打招呼。

(5)请三个学生扮演 , mi white, mi green,用唱歌的形式互相问候: “hello”。2、呈现新课(presentation)

(1)师生观看教学课件。课件内容为let’s talk/a 的内容。教师利用与教材内容相同的教学课件,使学生一目了然,既了解了句型的含义,又了解句型运用的情景。

(2)再次观看课件,教师提问: t: what are they doing? 他们在干什么? s: 在打招呼。

(3)教师演示 let’s talk/a 的内容,使学生进一步理解对话。方法为:教师左手举起mi white 的头饰,右手举起mi green 的头饰时,用不同声调引出对话内容。在此次演示活动中,教师强调 nice to meet to meet you, too.两句话。

(4)教师提问: 和mi green 是怎样用英语打招呼的。能力强的学生或学过英语的学生尝试性的说 how are you? fine, thank you.(5)听本课时 let’s talk/a 教学配套的录音带,学生跟读并模仿发音。教师注意带读不易掌握的读音,如:fine, thank you.一句中 fine 中的元音字 “i” 的读音是[ai],提示学生口型要略大些。而thank一词中的th 在发音时,要让舍尖处于上下齿之间,教师可以夸大口型,让学生了解发音方法。教师要适当纠正,切不可一味的纠正发音,打击孩子学习的积极性。

(6)第三次观看let’s talk/a 部分的教学课件。使学生进一步了解对话内容和含义。在此基础上告诉学生,how are you? 与以前所学 hello./hi.等问候语不同点在于: how are you? 是用于熟人之间有一段时间未见面,或是对

方身体欠佳,或是较正式的向别人打招呼等场合。因此,同学们不必每次见面都问how are you?,每天见面时,只要说hello.和 hi.就可以了。


教师分别在每组第一个学生的耳边轻轻的说:how are you? fine, thank you.学生依次传递。以传递准确,速度又快的为胜。


(1)游戏:开火车 六至七人一组,做开火车的游戏。教师在每组选出一名“质量监督员”,监督每个同学提问的完整性和正确率。从第一个学生开始

hi/hello/good morning, are you? 第二个学生回答i’m fine./fine, thank you.并提问 how are you? 以此类推。(a代表学生姓名)。

(2)演一演:, mi white, mi green 的头饰,分角色练习、表演对话。


做let’s play 部分的活动,教师让学生按教材的方法两人一小组的活动,两人相互击掌问好,如:

s1: hi/hello/good morning, are you?

peter: i’m fine./fine, thank you.。4、课堂评价(aement)


(2)做活动手册第三单元第1 部分的练习。5、扩展性活动(add-activities)

可将趣味操练中的游戏2 扩展为“找朋友”的游戏。


教学内容:牛津小学英语3a unit 5 a(1 2)b(three words)


1、能学会使用问候语“ how are you ?”及其回答:fine ,thank you ? i’m fine ,too.2、能会说以下三个学习用品单词:pencil ---pencils、book---books、rubber---rubbers初步了解单词的复数的读音。



目标 1、2




step 1 sing a song : hello!step 2revision 1、free talk.2、act out some way : a: t----;b: t---s;:s----s;step 3 presentation and drill

一、teach the dialogues : 1、ask and answer

(1).teach :how are you ?fine ,thank you.(出示布偶)t(布偶1): hi,mr to meet you.t(布偶2): hello, mi to meet you ,too.t1: how are you ?

t2: fine ,thank you.(重复几次,注意语气)

(板书呈现) after the the dialogue.(t---;---)

(2).teach : and you ? i’m fine ,too(布偶对话)in the same way.2、watch tv

3、read after the tape.(板书呈现)

4、read after the teacher.(打开书本)5、read in some ways.(t---;---;?

二、teach three words :(由ask and answer引入)

(1)teach “pencil---pencils”(头饰)

the way : a : ask and answer :(look and listen)

t: hello, what’s your name ?

t: i’m mr pencil.(出示图片,单词)b: read after the teacher.c: show me./ touch./ put it/them on/in?

(2)teach“book---books”、“ rubber---rubbers” in the same way.(3)play a game“ touch and gue” step 5 consolidation make dialogues :(1)make a model.(2)act the dialogues.(出示情景)

(3)sing a song : 《 hello , how are you 》when you are old and grey and full of sleep, and nodding by the fire, take down this book, and slowly read, and dream of the soft look your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;how many loved your moments of glad grace,and loved your beauty with love false or true, but one man loved the pilgrim soul in you, and loved the sorrows of your changing face;and bending down beside the glowing bars, murmur, a little sadly, how love fled and paced upon the mountains overhead and hid his face amid a crowd of furthest distance in the world is not between life and death but when i stand in front of you yet you dont know that i love furthest distance in the world is not when i stand in front of you yet you cant see my love but when undoubtedly knowing the love from both yet cannot be furthest distance in the world is not being apart while being in love

but when i plainly cannot resist the yearning yet pretending you have never been in my furthest distance in the world is not struggling against the tides but using ones indifferent heart to dig an uncroable river for the one who loves you.

幼儿园英语儿歌教案 幼儿园英语儿歌教学篇五





1. 培养幼儿对英语的兴趣,让幼儿乐意参与英语活动; 2.在教师的带领下,让幼儿了解几种水果的英文名称; 3.鼓励幼儿能模仿教师说英语。


让幼儿认识apple orange,因为幼儿在日常生活中经常见到和接触,所以幼儿比较了解且会较容易学会。只要是让幼儿认识苹果和橘子的英文单词,对它们有一个简单的印象。



四.活动过程: 1.热身运动

播放上次教学活动的《hello》 2.单词导出

师:good morning, your like eating fruits?(小朋友,你们喜欢吃水果吗?)师:do you know their english name?(你们知道他们的英文名字吗?)师:今天老师和小朋友认识两种水果的英文名字



师:look!what is this?(看看,这是什么?)

师:this is a apple.(这是一个苹果)


师:look!what is this?



师:现在我们来听听水果的英文儿歌 3.品尝水果

准备水果,给每个幼儿一个(橘子),让幼儿通过嗅觉品尝橘子的滋味。让幼儿更深入的了解、认识橘子和苹果。4.播放《i like apple》,引起幼儿兴趣。播放两到三遍的英语儿歌,吸引幼儿对英语的兴趣,让幼儿对苹果和橘子等的英文单词有印象。5. 幼儿辨认水果



t: i’m hungry now.i want to eat some fruits, who want to help me?(作举手状)接着当幼儿上来时,教师说:i like apple/orange。看幼儿是否拿到正确的水果。如果拿错,可说:no, i don’t like orange.i like apple(手指apple).无论何种情况,记得说thank you.第二种方法:




〈2〉在听一遍《i like apple》

〈3〉t: ok!we are so ’s have a ’s say good bye to the apple.c: bye-bye, apple!

t: say good bye to the orange.c: bye-bye, orange.五.活动反思:







广州市真光中学初中部校本课 课程名称 英文歌曲赏析 授课教师周丽君


