
格式:DOC 上传日期:2023-05-22 17:11:03
时间:2023-05-22 17:11:03     小编:zxfb



hero, a glorious term, a shocking thing, a respected and respected person... in my mind, there is also a hero, yang liwei, who boarded the "shenzhou" and flew in space for 21 hours.

yang liwei - the first flying man in china, because he has the spirit of hard struggle and hard work, great national self-confidence and pride in this nation. let the world see the dawn of china"s aerospace industry and the wisdom of the chinese people. similarly, behind the success, uncle yang liwei"s sweat and effort are unimaginable:

in 1996, after strict selection, uncle yang liwei became the first generation of astronauts in china. the first hurdle he faced was basic theory training, and he had to learn more than 30 subjects again. yang liwei, who has always been unwilling to fall behind, even more forgets to sleep and eat. in the first two years, his bedroom was never closed before 12 o"clock.

the next step is the training of adapting to the aerospace environment, which is more difficult, but uncle yang liwei worked hard and skillfully, slowly figured out the rules and methods, and successfully passed various strict training. finally, by secret ballot of the expert group, uncle yang liwei was determined as the candidate for the first flight with excellent results and comprehensive quality.

by uncle yang liwei these touching things, i couldn"t help thinking of one thing: one day, in physical education class, the teacher asked us to run 800 meters. the teacher"s words seemed like a bolt from the blue. i was stunned at once, because running was my weakness! sure enough, as i expected, i could bite my teeth and survive the first two laps, but i couldn"t survive the last lap, so i couldn"t resist the temptation of rest and walked up

it"s embarrassing to think of it now! now i set uncle yang liwei as my goal, because he is the hero in my mind, the only hero in my mind!


when people mention heroes, they will think of those who have done earth shaking events, such as dong cunrui and huang jiguang... but there is a person around me who makes me think he is a hero although he has not done anything important.

she is plain, with an oval face, two black pearl eyes on her black skin, and a "horsetail" on the back of her head.

this happened last thursday night. we were still doing mathematical olympiad. suddenly, my stomach hurt like someone stirred it with a knife. i whispered to my good friend xiaoyuanzi. after listening, she whispered, "tell old wang quickly!" under her repeated urging, i boldly raised my hand and told old wang. after listening, old wang asked me to drink some water first.

after class, xiaoyuanzi helped pack up and accompanied me to the infirmary. on the way, xiaoyuanzi helped me move forward and told jokes to make me happy. after arriving at the infirmary, the doctor gave me a bottle of huoxiang zhengqi water. seeing my painful expression, xiaoyuanzi asked with concern, "is it bitter? is it better?" although the abdominal pain did not reduce, her words spread like a warm current in my body.

after coming out of the infirmary, xiaoyuanzi sent me back to my bedroom.

walking into the bedroom, xiaoyuanzi suddenly said to me solemnly, "zhang shiying, old chen asked you to drink more water, and i"ll contact it for you." then she ran to my desk, picked up the water cup and walked towards the water dispenser. after receiving the water, she handed me the water cup. i thanked her and said, "thank you." she also smiled and said to me, "zhang shiying, i"ll go first. if my stomach hurts again, i"ll ask yue siyu to help you." then she hurried away.

looking at her leaving figure, i silently said to myself in my heart: thank you, the hero in my heart - xiaoyuanzi. no matter who is in trouble in the future, i will try my best to help others like you.


in everyone"s mind, there are heroes to worship! if you ask who is the hero in my heart? i will say without hesitation: he is my father and his profession is a doctor.

i admire him very much because he can always save people from pain. i remember once, an adult who was neither tall nor short came into my house and coughed and shouted, "dr. li! dr. li!" i hurried to call my father. dad asked him, "who? what"s the matter?" he frowned and said, "i"ve caught a cold." dad frowned and asked, "what"s wrong?" he smiled and said, "nothing, common cold." dad said, "does he have a sore throat?..." then he gave him an injection and took medicine. in this way, several patients had common colds. even my father was ill and coughed all the time. my mother asked my father and said anxiously, "is it all right? why do you always cough?" but my father always replied with a smile: "nothing, just take a few pills and take an injection." that night, i suddenly had a fever. fortunately, my mother is also a doctor, otherwise what can i do?

dad smiles on his face every day, and sometimes even jokes on the patients, making the patients laugh happily. once, an old woman touched her painful foot and came to my house. my father smiled and held her. my father looked at her dejected, but my father smiled and said, "what"s the matter? what"s wrong?" the grandmother said, "i was knocked by the corner of the box." at this time, i still laughed, i thought. dad quickly asked the grandmother to sew the needle. although dad was sewing the needle meticulously, he was still joking. i think this should be an angel"s smile!

my father is a doctor, which has a great impact on me. in fact, i also feel my father"s spirit of not afraid of hardship and fatigue. i also want to be a doctor like my father.

dad is my hero!


 what is a hero? maybe a thousand people have a thousand answers. he can be a fisherman struggling with the waves, a scientist discovering the mysteries of nature, or a national hero who died for his country. however, the heroes in my heart are those who have firm faith and struggle for it all their life.

heroes often don"t have too much superhuman power. all they have is a firm belief and unyielding will. the famous ancient greek orator demesne had a congenital stuttering and could not pronounce clearly. although he had full opinions, he could not express them. in order to overcome this physiological defect, the speaker put stones in his mouth every day, ran to the beach and practiced speaking in the face of the sea, but he actually got rid of his stuttering. in order to practice his speech wholeheartedly, he locked himself in the basement of his home. he didn"t come out for two or three months. he also crossed his heart and told him to cut off half of his hair, so as to completely eliminate the idea of going out to play. through tenacious efforts, demesne finally became a world-famous great speaker. demesne is a hero, a hero who overcomes his own shortcomings. he has always had only one belief, that is, to practice speaking hard. so, day after day, year after year, he steadfastly took perhaps some heavy and painful steps, like a little turtle who just returned to the sea. although there were many difficulties on the way, he never gave up.

tolstoy, a great russian writer, once said: as long as we unswervingly move towards the goal, we will achieve the goal. this truth seems to be very simple and everyone understands it, but how many can really move forward with firm faith? in the face of difficulties and setbacks, most people will choose to escape and take a detour. the reason why heroes are heroes is that they still have rock solid faith in the seemingly desperate situation, and they still burn the fire of struggle in their chest and don"t give up.

firm faith is the way of heroes. their lives are immortal and eternal because of persistence.

because of this, demesne became a hero in my heart.


