我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话(十三篇)

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我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话(十三篇)
时间:2023-05-27 15:05:14     小编:文友


我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇一

first i will finish my holiday i am going to have a good rest.

i am going to play computer games or listen to music when i am free because i like them very i am not good at them now.

then i will join a basketball club to play if i was a girl i like basketball very much.

it can not only make me become sunny cheerful but also can make me y i am going to visit some of my friends.

we are going to play we will go sightseeing.

i think i will have a great summer holiday.






我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇二

in order to make my summer vacation full and happy,i set myself a summer vacation plan.

every day,i will go to exercise for an hour,which can make me have a strong and healthy body.i will arrange two hours to do the teacher layout of the g an hour,reading can let me know a lot of extracurricular knowledge,to the overall g will be accumulated when some good words,improve my writing level.

in addition,i will let parents give me some interest groups,let me "charge".learn to swim,encounter floods and other disasters can save piano,can develop left and right brain,let your fingers to dance,make the body soft and practice high school your pen calligraphy,for my third grade pen with a pen to write a good foundation.

"this summer,my father and mother will take me to a different place,let me open eyes." we intend to go to britain,beijing,xinjiang,taiwan,inner mongolia,sichuan,hubei,e there are a lot of places to go,so i have to work hard to complete the homework as soon as possible.

i will develop a schedule,so i have a good habit,reasonable arrangements to master the time.

the next semester i rose third grade,and grew up one year old.i want to learn to thanksgiving parents,understanding parents,more parents to help share the housework,to be a sensible good boy.

i will do a score of the table,if the day when the performance of a good smile,when i took a smiling face of the table,parents and teachers will praise me.

guoxue,my summer vacation plan is not rich and colorful?

我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇三

my summer holiday,i will

looking forward,looking forward to,the annual summer vacation is finally here!

i cheerfully summer of a better life for their design: first of all,i will read many books,yang hongying,zheng yuanjie,i want to once see a enough; also,i want to exercise my body well,swimming,playing,ride a bike,i want to be in a happy movement minus my whole body fat...

but,mother is pushing a boring summer vacation plan to me: morning,learn aoshu; in the afternoon,learn,english writing; in the evening,summer vacation my god! where this is leisurely summer vacation,this is clearly a new summer class!

i protest! my summer holiday,i decide! my mother schedule discontentedly,write a few words - "i want to happy! i want to relax!"

yes,i want to learn,also want to play,my summer vacation must is up to me.







我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇四

during the summer vacation,i went back to my hometown in hunan with my parents to see grandpa.

in my hometown,i experienced a lot of new of the things that makes sense to me is the coal stove.

getting up in the morning,i saw grandpa busy in the kitchen.i asked grandpa what he was a said,"i'm in the coal stove." i say to grandpa: let me try! "

i used to be very simple to make a living coal stove,but actually coal stove is not a taught me to raw coal stove first: "raw coal stove,the first to put some charcoal in the furnace and waste paper and other combustible kindling,again on the charcoal,and then light the kindling,after the charcoal burning red,then pick up the briquette gently put charging,this will do." grandpa said he was busy with other things.

i put the charcoal and waste paper in the stove and used a lighter to go to the a result,my arm was short and i didn't burn my as i was frowning,i suddenly saw a bottle of wine on my grandfather's eyes lit up and a good idea came to my heart.i put a little wine on the waste a moment,a fire! i was so happy that i hurried to add waste paper and charcoal to the stove.

when the charcoal burned red,i put a coal ball into it and waited for it to burn.i stood and thought: "ah! it was so easy!" i couldn't help i put a second coal ball,the coal ball was rotten because of my carelessness,so i had to cry over my face and pick up the rotten coal pliers a good coal ball,tiptoe,carefully put in,which is like relief of relief.







我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇五

time,like water,is creeping away from your long summer vacation was gone,and in the days of the photocopier,there was one thing that i remember very well.

at the end of july,the sun parched the earth like a stove,even bother to call the cicadas in the tree,so the father is going to take me to swim,i listen to,excited to jump three feet high,readily consented immediately.

when i reached the pool,i looked at the pool of water,my heart tightened,and i stepped back a few paces,my teeth see i fear psychology,and on the side to encourage me,i waved the head,want to give up,but in my mind emerge out of the three words,"stick to".so i calmed myself and walked slowly down the ce holding the breath and ventilation first,this is easy,i will learn in a short while,practice basic motion,finally begin to learn swimming.

i followed the teacher in action,kicking,leaning,and then paddling back,"ah!" i scream,originally is my hand hit the wall,i want to all good action is out of joint,hand and foot pad stare blankly stare blankly touch,her eyes were closed,people hit the wall for a moment,then fell on the bottom,a careless,and makes several dad was in a bad situation,and i was brought up in a handful of minutes,and i was blue and purple with a sharp pain in my body.i immediately like a drain the gas ball,soft,give up the idea of flash in my mind,but it soon overruled by those three words in my mind,"insist on"!

after a while,i regrouped and started the "attack" on the pool again,"plop and plop".the swimming pavilion echoed with the sound of the water splashing around y,i learned to this moment,tears rolled down my face,gathered on my chin,and the "click" fell into the water ,this is the tears of happiness!

the experience of learning to swim like a stone fell into my water out of the memory,overflow up a circle and a circle of ripples,because it not only let me grow up a lot,more let me understand a truth: success,is to rely on persistence and effort.

我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇六

although the happy summer holiday has been around for a long time,i can't forget the days when i went to hangzhou.

i remember that it was a few days before the summer vacation,and the school gave notice that in the summer holiday,hangzhou held a model competition,and the students who were willing to go could sign up for it.i thought: i must go,maybe i can get a few awards! if not,then it is time to travel.,as i got home i couldn't wait to let the mother gave me to sign up,but my mother is not agree,in the end,i finally with my three inches golden tongue to persuade his excited me sleepless night,all say "above there is heaven and below there are suzhou and hangzhou" this time i finally can view,thought of here,i wish to plug in a pair of wings to fly in the past.

the next day,i arrived at the school early,reported the name and paid the money.i ah,etc.i'm looking forward to 's like a year,it's not easy to get to the summer vacation,but i have to train for a few half an hour to get to school at half past six every morning,noon time to go home to have a meal,after eating dinner,and into the intense training,siwudian to practice until afternoon.a few days ago,there were a lot of people who didn't come,and after four or five days,the number of people who were able to stick to it was a handful.

it was hard,but i kept on training.i waited and waited,the day of the game finally arrived.i was so happy that before i left,my mother said to me,"only you have the confidence,you are the best." before my mother's voice dropped,i rushed to school.

in hangzhou,as the game drew near,the training became more intense,often training until ne regrets that the original excitement had disappeared,and i was no exception.

time flies by,the race began,many players have got high marks,when i'm going to literally bibi,mother suddenly mind flash across from me,then i regain confidence again,and sure enough,i got good grades.i was so happy that i became more and more confident in the next few games,i played well,and finally,i was able to win the third prize in the province and honor the school.

through this competition,i have gained the happiness and the honor.i also made a good friend -- confidence.

since then,i have used "confidence not to win,but i have to lose myself" to encourage myself to be a confident person

我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇七

today,my mother took me to tianjin to play,on the way,the car was driving fast,looking out through the window,the rows of neat rows of trees like the mighty green leaves were shaking like a dancing girl's green i knew it,the car pulled into the city,the blossoming moon on the side of the road,and waved our arms to welcome us.

coming to the tower of the sky,sitting in the elevator on a revolving restaurant,the floor slowly moved and looked down through the car was moving like a streets are like buildings like little matchboxes; the green grass is like a fuzzy carpet; along the way was like a little ant; the distant fields were shrouded in mist...

we came to the river again,and the river was very is a large amount of water in the g with the were three or two fishermen on the shore,waiting seven or eighty meters on the shore,there will be a combination of different shapes,full of red,pink and white flowers.

in the west,it was the fountain amusement the river,the dragon boat and the yacht were mother and i rented a duck boat and rowed it leisurely across the river.i was so happy that i took a water weed and let it rest on our boat.

it is true that "tianjin is good,the scenery is old,the sunrise river is bright red,the spring water is green like blue,can you remember the city?"

ah! i love my tianjin city!

我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇八

the happy summer holiday came,and the teacher gave me a thesis composition: "summer fun".

when i bring up the summer vacation,i will be so excited that i have a lot of fun during the summer vacation,and when i think about it,they play back in my mind like a movie.

i looked at my picture of hainan and saw the scene in my head: that day,we're going to hainan! i'm excited and happy: i can fly again! we flew to yalong bay in sanya,hainan,and went to sleep in the hotel.

the next day,i stretched myself in the sun,the wind and the beautiful dad is still sleeping,and i can't wait to finish my meal and go to the beach.i called my father finished our meal and came to the comfortable i am,the sea breeze,the waves.

we started our "project",and i took a shovel and dug a small hole and then dug the center,because the water had collapsed and helped me dig it he took a shovel and built a wall for him,and the sand was too high for it.i am so tired,looking at my big project,i am so happy.

ah,what a wonderful memory.i have found that there are many things that are not good in my life,but i have to do it myself.

我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇九

i've had a lot of gains this summer,and one of the things i'm most proud of is that i learned to ride a battery car.

in fact,i wanted to learn to ride a battery car long ago,but i was a little scared,just in case i could not help it...the consequences are now seems to have everyone on storage battery,the in the mind not the taste,plus the mother always encourage me to say "the storage battery is easy to" so,i decide whether to learn!

i pushed my grandfather's electric truck and came to a clearing where it was open and easier to 's a lot heavier than a bike.i am full of confidence to oneself,to sit in the car seat,unscrew the switch,on the right foot pedals,left foot touchdown,take a deep breath,i am a switch,because too hard and storage battery as pulling-power is an arrow instantaneous acceleration,blunt go out that kind of feeling,and great and ately,i got on the brakes,or i could have burst out of the road.

although the first time i failed,the feeling of riding a battery caught me,and i decided to mother told me that riding a battery car was a bit faster,not too fast in the beginning,or haste makes ,with my mother,i was more ing to mother's words,i sit on the car,gently twist the switch,the car a little bit of moving forward,i put the other foot also on the pedals,i slowly accelerating,ha ha,i finally control the storage at this time,met a turn,i carefully,gently a little bit of the rotation of the car,lest in like just happens,so a little bit is about to turn around,"crash" a hit the street lamp pole,fortunately,it's not a matter,can continue to mother told me that i should be quick and decisive when turning,and don't hesitate to move.i followed my mother's instructions and turned the car firmly on the turn,and sure enough,i turned around.

and then,over and over again,i tried again and again,and finally,i had a rudimentary understanding of the battery car,and i could handle it i learned less than two hours

that's the way things are in the you're willing to do it,you're determined to do it,and nothing is impossible.

我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇十

summer vacation is finally,ah! it's nice! after a semester of hard study life,i began my summer vacation life again.

the first song - learning

in the summer vacation,i think they can relax,but my mother give me called the english cram school,so i can every day to the english cram school,to i tired.

to make up for english school,the teacher want to send us a book,we began to learn the first lesson of hi, i can't read english words,the teacher just call us a method - take english as chinese such as: change,this word,the teacher just call we called chang chang,e called moths,will read just the way they lly,i fell in love with english for this subject.

the second song - play song

in the summer vacation,also can't light study,also want to go out to play the ah,then,me,mom,dad,just returned to his hometown - and together.

arrived and,after it was already more than eleven o 'clock,we went in her aunt's house to eat rice,eat after the meal,dad'll go fishing fishing rod back up,i also went fishing in the lake,i just beside the lake pond to pick the lotus,lotus leaf,i take out of lotus leaf in the middle of stem,and then i went to,as a result,lotus leaf is my skirt.

the song of the trilogy - the preview

mother said: "the sixth grade in the days of the borrowed books and have a look,to prepare early to know earlier." to bigger than me friend then,i borrowed the book in the days of the sixth grade,at home i see god,finally understand a little,but some can't,i will go online to check the title.

after more than ten days later,i finally finished a book preview,this is my summer vacation life is almost over.

now of i,is eager to go to school.

我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇十一

my summer vacation life has a lot of fun,fun is a magical palette,can give my life to add a few minutes of bright beautiful,make my world colorful.

play piano light blue

in your spare time,i will sit in front of the elegant piano,the piano bench and comfortable,let the freedom of the fingers on the piano health run,jump,lovely notes out ceaselessly,neatly lined up,began their journey - from my left ear,rush to my right ear,entered my every pore,and make me feel mind,too,is traveling with g in the ocean at music,i took a quick to one of my favorite piano "artie rena of water" i seem to see the beautiful image of the clear blue water reflected the artie rena,wandering in the wonderful realm in the song,to play the piano,give me life added a bit pale blue: music light blue ocean,artie rena beside pure light blue.a cozy light blue.

a dance painting,a light blue

take a brush,dip it in ink,and let the sheep have a hand on the xuan paper,and begin it as the rhythmic dance of tai chi,and feel the fragrance of soul of the word,the feeling of inner focus and peace with the light cigarette of joy that is not easily the irritation of the heart slowly fade into the ink,draw a sketch,make a pencil outline some still,let these beautiful affairs be fixed in my 's not interesting either! the calligraphy and painting has added a touch of ink to my life: the unique pale ink color,the quiet light light ink of poetry.

these fun in the summer vacation life,become an indispensable part of my life,in addition to the piano bring me light ink,calligraphy and painting brought me shallow ink,and reading bring me the ancient incense brown,acting brings me joy,orange, pleasures make my world a little happier and colorful!

我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇十二

my summer vacation was over and i had a new g back on two months of summer vacation,i had a really good harvest.

first of all,the most remarkable thing is that my hulusi has passed nine levels,and i have been able to learn it for a year and a my mother and my teacher were pleased with my ly,i have an olympic,english and other extracurricular classes in the holiday,and i supplement and strengthen the knowledge of the textbook.i also learned to make wontons,instant noodles and some of the simplest seems that i made a lot of progress during the summer vacation.

the good news is that during the summer holiday,i also have a lot of bad habits: i'm always lazy and don't want to get up every day,and i don't sleep at is always messy,whenever you have a want to watch tv,writing homework is not serious enough,word also not neat,speed is slowing down the homework.

we all know that there is no fear of making mistakes,but we are afraid of making mistakes.i have clearly recognized my strengths and weaknesses,and i am a good student as long as i get rid of my faults and keep away from them.i believe i can!





我的暑假英语翻译 我的暑假英语句话篇十三

this summer,i had a great time.

the summer vacation,i at home carefree get boring,until one day,my dance teacher told me that we are still in perfect order,dance dance of the class is rhythm feeling worse,if good rhythm,can go to the match in a couple of months.

as soon as i heard it,i was about to race,and i looked everywhere for ! where is the dish that makes the rhythm feel good?

"oh," i ly i thought of the 't computers play mp3 players? ha ha! some of me are happy.i immediately turned the computer on and listened to the music.i listened for three weeks,and finally i heard the out to be "dong man dong man" "dong man dong man" every first "dong" is "a" first "man" is "2" the second "dong" is "three" the second "man" is the "four".the rhythm is "one,two,three,four,one,two,four," repeating,but in english.

i believe that as long as we work hard,there will be good results.

a happy summer vacation,a happy summer vacation,a summer vacation with no worries.


